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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. yeah and there are probably backups for the backups under the stage, a la that EW&F vid with Verdine combing his hair while the bass kept going,then you spot players under the stage lol
  2. in the Peter Green days? But the lineup with the girls there was only Lindsay iirc?
  3. ooh yeah I get that hehe In my high school years in the 70s, you either loved Yes, or Emerson Lake and Palmer. Two warring factions,we argued endlessly about how great our band was and how much their band sucked. I secretly liked both hehe but Yes were my favourites
  4. hang on, what are the other two guitarists doing there? when did FM have THREE guitars? what,are they a Lynyrd Skynyrd coverband now too?
  5. got to your room, go directly to your room,do NOT pass go, do NOT collect $200
  6. I went to a jazz recital and was amused at the structured soloing. each musician stepped forward,played their solo,then the audience politely golf clapped,they stepped back,played together a bit then the next soloist stepped up. SO POLITE
  7. you DO know you can like Led Zep AND motown don't you? In FACT, listen to JPJ and you can tell James Jamerson was a big influence. No coincidence their initials start and end the same hehe
  8. nup, snare too dull, no SNAP keep searchin' nice chill music though
  9. Down Under in Oz, the best thing couriers have done is make Australia Post lift their game. Twice I've had parcels delivered from North Queensland ,up near the top of Oz, to me in South Australia, within 24 hours !
  10. Ron Wood is STILL the new guy, only been with them for 44? years lol
  11. George, my 65 year old drummer, he's a machine just plug his Roland kit into your interface and you're done in one take
  12. put it this way, you don't need a computer to tell you how to walk up five frets,. If one note sounds "off" play the one next to it. It IS that simple, you know the key and remember your chord tones, and you know what? sometimes the 'wrong' note sounds better. At least that's what I tell myself hehe I want you to find them yourself, teach a man to fish and all that. Play along to Moondance for instance, so what if you hit some duds, just play along and you will get it
  13. Am Stnd is better than MIM for sure, rolled fretboard, better finish, bridge, pups, wiring etc, whether it's worth double the cost of an MIM is very debateable
  14. get a Neo Tech pouch, the elsticised sides hold the battery door in place without needing tape the small one fits the G30 perfectly https://neotechstraps.com/wireless-pouch.html
  15. Comfort Strapps are awesome. Also they have the smartest solution to locking the strap I've seen, so clever, so simple.
  16. Neo Tech pouch. The small one fits the G30 perfectly. Twin velcro and elastic straps to hold it onto your strap or belt,whatever it's size. Elasticised sides for a snug fit. https://neotechstraps.com/wireless-pouch.html
  17. just re-read what i wrote and I didn't mean for it to be so snidey or rude, sorry mate
  18. really? no point arguing with someone that doesn't understand let alone appreciate art,of all sorts. Listen to machine created "music" all you want mate
  19. NO creating music is ART not something to use an app for it is not hard to walk between two chords, seriously doing it well? that's the art
  20. once recorded a jam session where mushrooms were consumed by all. Thought it was the best music we'd ever played. Til we heard the recording lol
  21. learn to play properly? I have never seen anyone play bass that badly that they hit the jack. Not even Sid Vicious. Video of you playing or I call shenanigans Time to invent the jackguard?
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