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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. no 10", 16 lbs, I literally can carry it with my weak pinky and yeah, cab in one hand gig bag with amp in the other, bus it in to the city or easily in and out of cabs.
  2. I never owned any TE gear, til I bought these So tiny, so light
  3. I dunno, I have the EHX C9 organ pedal, sounds fine run by itself on it's own power supply. Add it to my board with brand new Pedaltrain Volto 3 and there is a loud hum. I was only gonna use it on an intro or two so out it goes, shame.
  4. what you should've done, is stand in the bass section with a bass in hand, and yell out "excuse me, can you come and give me a price on this?" when the salesguy returns to his counter after giving you a price, grab another bass and rinse and repeat. They'll soon put price tags on hehe
  5. I guarantee you 80% of the players feel exactly as you do. The other 20% think they are stars already. These are mostly singers and lead guitarists
  6. the year, 1978, I tune my new Cimar Jazz bass with TUNING PIPES, YES, TUNING PIPES! lol Plug in to my 30 watt Coronet amp, yes 30 watts ! and played along to the first song that came on the radio, lucky for me it was Bob Seger's Night Moves, yep, all three notes of it hehehehe
  7. binge drinking, binge watching, thought I'd add binge buying to the equation hehe
  8. a battery powered toothbrush with just warm water cleans the grungiest fretboard. The round headed toothbrushes work best.
  9. bad news fellas, it doesn't get any better the other side of 50 either
  10. if that pub gig is as loud as you need to get , sell the amp and buy one more in your range.
  11. well I'm out ! went to a yum cha the other week, parked near a Cash Converters....... had an EHX C9 organ pedal, bought that. Next day went back and bought the Hofner Beatle bass they had , in mint condition. A week later went to a music shop and bought the Elf amp with the 10" cab, reading that the Oz distributor was out of stock and there will be a new distributor, I went back and grabbed the last 10" cab they had so I have the full output of the Elf. great light little package I must say
  12. awesome gig, all the best before I die I want to play to a large festival crowd and maybe do a small tour. Hope you get to do both
  13. yes it is, I was gonna add that song too, great melodic bassline too
  14. good suggestion. I have a set of LaBella Hofner Flats to replace the stock rounds that it came with which will get me pretty close I am trying to remember the correct way to wind strings onto a spindle with the hole halfway up it, wrap once over the string to lock it ?
  15. an electric toothbrush and warm water will clean the dankiest fretboard
  16. I bought one of these, only one bassist of any renown ever played it, 60 years ago. Nobody else of note has ever played one. They still make them today solely because this one person played one.
  17. Simon and Garfunkel's The Only Living Boy in New York is a great bassline to try to learn. Joe Osborne I believe
  18. I thought my new Hofner Beatle bass would only suit Beatles songs, but it sounds good on anything I play, Led Zep, Tull's Living in the Past, and much easier on the hand stretching. Sounds closer to an acoustic bass than my $550 Takamine acoustic bass lol rotfl, really
  19. Herbie Flowers' bassline on Bowie's Space Oddity mindblowing how he travels up and down the whole friggin fretboard. Full of so many unuaual melodic ideas
  20. stay well hydrated before the gig strengthen your hand muscles by playing FIFA19 on a console.Don't laugh, this worked for me. I suffer from arthritis, when I started playing FIFA my hands would cramp well before halftime. I persevered and don't ever cramp anymore. Dedication to console gaming IS actually useful, who would've thought? Play with a softer touch, turn your amp up a bit more so that you have to play softly or else you'd be too loud.
  21. bazzbass


    I have a vague recollection of a Fernandes guitar a bandmate once had. Not high quality. But, if you can inspect them, check the neck isn't warped, if it feels good in your hands and the truss rod works then that is the main thing I look for. All else can be replaced/upgraded, like the tuners, bridge, pickups and pots. If the neck is good that is.
  22. so you only want fake glowing comments, not the truth? You should put THAT in the title.
  23. usually because the coverband thinks they did such a good job but it's never ever as good as the original.
  24. there is a reason why punk had to happen....... and that reason is the live version of Dazed and Confused PS and Moby D i c k
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