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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. Or maybe that he doesn't dribble whilst he's playing?
  2. Could be due to legal wrangles between members of the bands concerned (I know there has been a row between member of The Doors).
  3. Fantastic sounding amps. Very tempted. Pricey when it comes to re-valving, though.
  4. Thanks all. Would love an 8x10, but am old and live in a first floor flat - would never get it up the stairs. Think you're right re. power and headroom. Plan to get a large PA power amp - cheap these days (that's what Trace did - combined a decent pre with PA power stage), use with the BBE and experiment with cab combinations. Phil Lesh 70s tone would do nicely.
  5. Thanks chaps. Someone asked what I've tried. When the Bassman went (too large/heavy), a Trace AH350+4x12 (and 1x15 when more volume needed). Nice and quite close to the Fender sound, but was not exactly light/easy to get around. Next I got the BBE pre with a couple of power amps (Peavey and RSE), biamped. As stated above, BBE + Peavey into the 2x10 makes the right noise, but not at any volume. Tried a Markbass LM3. Didn't like it - too quacky/midrangey. Then got the EBS, which I find much the same as the LM3 - a little smoother, but not much. Am looking at going back to the BBE/power amps, but wondered if you all had any ideas worth pursuing. Being ancient - 60+ - I find most modern bass set ups too hi-fi and possessed of what I hear as a clangy midrange. I like that fat old school sound (but not dub/reggae - like some string tone, too). Have just put a replacement driver (Oberton) in the SVT15, which fattens things somewhat. Thanks for all suggestions.
  6. Have been through a number of heads trying to recreate the sound I used to get from my Jazz through a valve Bassman 135 and 2x15. Currently have an EBS HD350 with 1x15 and 2x10 SVT cabs. Still too modern/mid prominent (find that to be the case with most stuff I try). An old BBE pre with a low powered Peavey power amp into my 2x10 gets the sound I want, but I lose it when I try to scale it up. Any suggestions? Cheers.
  7. In my experience, one should only use Neutrik speakons. Some of the copies around are a poor fit - could be greater risk of jamming.
  8. Re. 15s and liking the sound of them, perhaps I'm viewing the past through rose tinted specs, but the best sound I've ever ad was 135 watt Bassman valve head through a 2x15 (with replaced drivers - Black Widows). Heavvvvyyy and bulky, but sounded fat, warm and generally brill.
  9. I'm ancient enough to remember Peavey claiming their amps would run into 2 ohms. Not sure how long for, though. EBS claim theirs will (I use a HD350, but run it into 4).
  10. You're unlikely to have TRS for speaker outlets. They're for balanced use. Almost certain to be straight 1/4" jacks.
  11. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1435319995' post='2807632'] I would like an amp that can run down to 2 ohms.......why are there so few available? [/quote] Because it's difficult/expensive to build a suitable power supply that will deliver into 2 ohms all night. Few people would pay the cost of such an amp and manufacturers couldn't cut corners/make them cheaply because they'd likely be bankrupted by the failure rate... Anyway, decent power amps are compact/light, powerful and inexpensive these days, so better to use an add on power amp to drive additional cabs.
  12. Not a behemoth, but a 1x15. I love the tone of 15s for bass. Appreciate all the technical arguments about 12s being as good, but they just don't sound the same for me.
  13. Did someone say HD350s are all right? They're not wrong. Buy it. You'll have no problem selling it if you don't like it.
  14. Valve pre and solid state power amp? Cheaper/lighter. Pre is mostly responsible for the tone.
  15. "Not very punk", eh? Perhaps that's the problem. You're trying to sound like The Dammed at the local Darby & Joan club. Try playing venues that suit your style.
  16. Don't worry about wattage, etc. Speakers can handle much higher than stated ratings in short bursts. You're more likely to cause damage by under-driving a cab. Most amps don't give rated power anyway.
  17. Agree with Lozz. Take a head and plug into house speakers if possible.
  18. One thing that's worth a go is to try some of the better instruments in the shop, find one you really like and then look for the one in your price range that's closest to it.
  19. Too many neck screws as well...
  20. I've never been able to play. After 43 years, I've got used to it
  21. Ah, social clubs. Do they still have the bingo number generator dalek thingy?
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