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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. If you can stretch to a little over the ton, the baby EBS is nice.
  2. Great basses. Sold my L2000 Trib - couldn't get on with the wide P style neck (long time - 40years - J bass user with small hands), but versatile, great range of tones and nicely made.
  3. Check out Orchid DI boxes. Made in Devon, delivered to your door for incredibly reasonable money (£35ish) and highly rated by Sound on Sound.
  4. I just paid a luthier £150, but that was for fine inlays to replace the frets - didn't want filler. Decent instrument, so worth paying a bit extra.
  5. Following on from Bill's point, why not use fewer drivers, say 2 proper bass 12s, place diagonally with the unused holes blocked off? That'll give you the volume you need. Port it (you can buy ready made port tubes I a variety of sizes) and could work well.
  6. Coming to this a little late, but +1 from me. Have 3 of their covers. Fit perfectly, swift delivery and very good value.
  7. If you like the Gibson sound, maybe find a Ripper/Grabber? Great sounding instruments.
  8. Was going to suggest Gerry. He's a fine steel player, nice chap, very knowledgeable and not far from you.
  9. Single Malt's right. Paradoxically, a shiny surface will stick more to your hands when they're damp/wet. That's why sharks have slightly rough skin - to aid hydrodynamic efficiency (and why shark skin used to be used as sandpaper). Rub down the neck with fine - around 0000 - wire wool, but cover your pickups thoroughly with masking tape so they don't get covered in tiny steel fragments.
  10. I've got a CNB. Very happy with it it's cheap - £30ish. Fender Metro decent, too.
  11. I had this with a 201. The holes in the bridge were too tight a fit to the screws and tightening them lifted it as the threads engaged with the base plate. Slightly (note SLIGHTLY) enlarge the holes in the bridge with a file and it'll be fine.
  12. I went through the bridge menopause some years back. Found the Badass was too massy/deadening. Schaller nice on my Jazz - cleaner but still warm sounding. Just put a Gotoh on the P bass and like it so far.
  13. Think it depends on the instrument. I find a high mass bridge gives clearer noting especially at low frequencies but can rob an instrument of warmth and 'bloom'.
  14. Nicest lightweight combo I've used was a 2x10 Markbass that a friend lent me. Remarkably full and loud for such a small beast.
  15. Ahh, the old "Save £15 squillion" routine. Inflate the price, reduce to normal selling price and advertise a massive discount...
  16. Notice you have the neck flat. In my experience, a small amount of relief, i.e. forward bend (and I do mean small) helps if you like a low action.
  17. AER? Versatility is their middle name. Pricey, though.
  18. Used to love my Jazz through my old Trace AH350. Had to sell it as getting too old to carry it. Shame.
  19. Watford Valves are selling Celestion 15" neos for much reduced prices at the moment. Got the 400w version and it works fine.
  20. Armstrong pu's are excellent. Nice company, too. Many years ago, I sent my J bass pickups to Kent Armstrong and he fettled them for very little money and returned them within a week.
  21. Absolutely Sam. Gotoh a no brainer. Nicely finished, solidly made, good quality materials. Can't beat Japanese engineering for the money.
  22. I have a Peavey SX200 I don't use. Any good?
  23. Well, the bass arrived this week with no issues (always a bit worrying when you buy mail order). Well packed/protected. Plus points - very playable neck, correct amount of relief, clean fret ends, nicely finished. A few rough edges - tuners a bit gritty (much better for a drop of lube and adjustment). Poor pickup balance - bridge/J pu overpowered by the P. Replaced the nasty cheap foam under the P with thinner closed cell foam so could adjust the height properly. Cheap flimsy bridge - fitted a Gotoh 201. It's turned out well - wide tonal range and have to admit the neck is nice. More to follow after it's done a few jobs.
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