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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. Dan Dare

    Strange Bass

    Why not sell it and buy what you like the sound of? P/u upgrades always cost money (assuming you buy something decent). The whole thing tends to work as a piece, I find.
  2. Touch of neck relief and strings just high enough not to buzz. Hate fret buzz.
  3. I find as I get older I'm less inclined to put up with things I'm not happy with. I'm conscious that the clock is ticking (brought home to me a couple of years ago when the missus died). If I don't like a situation, I move on. Can't be arsed arguing over things any longer.
  4. Don't forget AER. Their 1x10 combo is pretty wonderful. The baby EBS is nice on a budget.
  5. Camden Rob and Graham are spot on. You need clarity - a clean solid platform for the HM guitar histrionics out front.
  6. I agree with Dave. I reckon the Ampeg 410 HLF is about the best compromise between welly and transportability (these things are relative, of course - it's still a bit of a beast, but is no 8x10 to carry). I've used one a few times and have always been impressed - my own rig is Ampeg 1x15 plus 2x10.
  7. I'm pretty sure one of the Ampeg 4x10s is sealed. Think it's the larger one, the HLF.
  8. I sold a rubbish power amp to Cash Converters on the Holloway Road for about £30 (its true value, imho). They tried for ages to flog it for around £200...
  9. I went from an Ampeg to an EBS head, but kept my Ampeg cabs (2x10HE and 1x15). Sounds nice.
  10. Dan Dare


    Well, well. Seems I may have had a point. It was the reference to "maths exams" and the smiley/triumphant face symbol at the end of TBP's posts (must try harder) when he rejected advice that gave him away.
  11. CC operates on the basis that many don't know the right price of things. They target naïve buyers and often offer used musical kit (usually El Cheapo brands) at more than new retail cost. Caveat emptor and all that.
  12. Dan Dare


    This is a very odd thread. The original questioner looks to me to have been playing the "Lets see you answer this one" game, moving the goalposts and generally stringing everyone along. Instead of leading us all a merry dance he might be better visiting some shops and trying some kit out.
  13. Happy Birthday Bruce. Great player.
  14. I tend to use more boost in the midrange than I like at home when playing live, to make it cut through better.
  15. [size=6][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][sub]I think you've answered your own question. If they're cheap and have no personal value, strip off the usable bits - tuners, pu's, etc - and chuck them. No point in spending what it would cost to buy a decent instrument (several necks won't be cheap) on them[/sub][/font][/size]
  16. Some interesting stuff, but much of it not my cuppa tea. One thing I did notice is that the socket on the instrument was often out of shot (as is the case on a lot of YouTube clips), so you couldn't tell whether it was connected or whether the player was miming to a track.
  17. Having made the change to flats, have 2 unused sets of D'Addario nickel round wounds in 40-95 gauge, long scale going begging. PM me your name and address and you can have them. All the best.
  18. Get a dictionary, open it random and choose the first word you see. Then do the same again a couple of times and perm them. Might get something good, or perhaps not...
  19. I don't think the vibrations will harm the head. However, they can cause it to "walk" off the cab, in my experience. I use a piece of 1" thick dense foam between them to prevent that.
  20. Agree with Bill F. 50k useless unless you are a bat. Looks a bit like a hi-fi firm trying to make instrument cabs and selling them with the same pitch they use in the hifi world, where most everyone is mad/deluded - that should start something
  21. Lots of good advice above. Agree with the suggestion to look at used - your budget is a bit tight for a complete new system. Used mixers will be fine - you won't need dozens of channels with your band and makes like Soundcraft, Mackie, etc will be fine . Speakers can have a hard life, so caution needed (would advise against eBay unless you can test them first). Ditto s/h vocal mics (and you don't know who's been dribbling all over them...). AKG D5 an excellent, good value choice - miles better than the SM58.
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