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Everything posted by songofthewind

  1. I find the Zoom B3n fine for my needs. I have one basic patch, with a mild comp, a filter, an octave and a wee bit chorus. I keep the comp off screen, and the other three in view as stomps to turn on or off. Works for me, as a reformed guitar player. I had a huge pedal board when I played guitar in a function/covers band, and I hated all the tap dancing. Having said that, I do enjoy making distant-galaxy style ambient patches to use when I play with my big-donkey Boss looper (RC-300, accept no substitute).
  2. Shame you’re reluctant to part it out, I would gladly have the neck.
  3. Holy crap, that's gorgeous!
  4. Nice. To clarify, do you get the finished parts from GSP, or the materials to make the parts? Asking for a friend.
  5. It’s on my bass practice playlist. If I don’t play it once a week I completely forget the twiddly bits.
  6. I used to have one of these years ago. Really good, and easy to use! GLWTS.
  7. Just bought a Boss TU-3 from Pete. Reasonably priced, it arrived swiftly in a parcel that could have withstood a medium sized explosion. Thanks, Pete!
  8. There are several versions of the bass part for Ruby Baby on YouTube.
  9. If I remember rightly, it did sound very plunka-plunka-plunka. Rubber band like. I forgot he was a lefty. Glad to hear he's still playing.
  10. I have heard the backing track from Snowbound, with Walter playing a very nice bass line. I think it's on YouTube.
  11. That looks lovely. And a tort guard is the obvious choice.
  12. PM'ed. I want to try this new fangled "tuning" lark.
  13. BTW, I just HAD to change the shape of the headstock slightly, so it didn't quite have that Sam Eagle from The Muppet Show look.
  14. You're very welcome, glad to be of service. That's my good deed for the day! (Looks down modestly)
  15. I had one of those. It was really good, in my opinion, if a bit heavy. Played great, well finished. Good value for money. GAS made me sell it.
  16. The combo also has a little hatch on the top, as well as the slot at the rear. The hatch is for access to the back of the amp for FX loop etc. There is plenty of ventilation.
  17. Inaudible! The amp is not really working at low volume. I can't stand extraneous noises, especially high pitched ones, since my hearing aids make EVERYTHING really loud. If the fan was making a noise I would throw the amp out of the window, probably. Hope this helps!
  18. I have one of these. The Indonesian model, which is identical to the Italian version, as far as I know. It has been very reliable, and I can't say I've noticed any troubling fan noise. It's not as compact as the 121P mentioned above, and it is extremely punchy. i sometimes crave the Traveller 102 extension cab in order to feel more of a man, but I don't think it needs it for most applications. Great DI out and very effective EQ. I find the two filters useful on occasion, especially the vintage one. It is surprisingly light for its size.
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