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Everything posted by Lynottfan

  1. That was cheap for a Ray, but from what I did find out about it though, it was rather battered, the guy was honest in his description and fair play, but probably a fair price for a well used bass, it is amazing how some instrument prices are dropping through the floor at the moment, second hand G&L stuff, even USA has become ear watering for sellers.
  2. Damn that is bad, all the advice you have had so far Spacechick has been spot on, I was also going to offer forth make sure you have a bit of flexability in your set list, as if you have your crowd dancing for instance, don't play the ballad as its the next song on the list! But from what you have just written I feel your pain, 16 months and NO gig??? I keep my fingers crossed for you, but that other band seems mighty tempting, if they have a sniff of a gig I would leave the others on the spot, get the break up out of the way as soon as and get yourself up and running with new guys. imho.
  3. Tal is something special, that is for sure. I must admit I preferred Rhonda Smith with Jeff Beck, she got more of a filthy funk thing than the Jazz thing for me, I notice that a lot of really good women players all seem to gravitate towards the J style bass to.
  4. If you are playing a lot and intend to carry on that way, taking a break for a bit and adjustments to instrument setup/gig diet will all help but I would also go and see your Doctor asap, with CTS or Tendonitis it is best to have it looked at quickly, as simple treatments now, if required, can prevent a lot of issues further down the road.
  5. when I was learning to read properly my teacher used to test me, and I would be calling out the notes as I played them, as the years have gone by I have become a bit lazy, and whilst I can still read I am a lot slower than I was, the skill is still there, but now I just tend to play and not really think about it.
  6. I love to gig, have been fortunate to have played some very big gigs, flip side, played to only two people once, the love of playing in any form for me has never stopped, the worst feeling about gigging for me is when it has cost you a lot of money to play, sadly with the way the pubs etc are going the amount of venues that will offer you a set fee are dwindling, its pretty rough out there for halfway decent paying gigs at moment imho.
  7. AS my fave player of all time was rather partial to a Black Fender P I gotta go with cool.
  8. Fender Roadworn Precisions are top notch basses, just got one recently via this very forum (Cheers to Badlydrawnbanjo) they sound and play superbly and in terms of "bang for buck" are one of the best basses that Fender is putting out at the moment, and they are made in Mexico. Well worth a go.
  9. 4K for an Arai SB, no chance, good bass, tried one back in the day as they say, but 4k I 'aint gonna pay!
  10. Marcel Jacob, I will all ways champion this man, a great loss, a great bloke and great bass player, the man could groove and he had all the tricks down, PLUS he could do it in the context of a song.
  11. Great service and good prices, my dealings with Lance at Guitar studio near Evesham for example have all ways been excellent, he sells you the gear, he is a great luthier, great bloke and great player as well, plus whiulst he may not all ways be the cheapest he is competative and I would rather buy from this type of shop, online is great and I use it a lot, but nothing beats being sold something you want in a professional manner, imho.
  12. I have been very fortunate that I have been in several bands, even made a little bit of money from playing, however due to ill health and redundancy for a couple of years my life then changed, its getting back on track now which is good, as to the Bass Guitar I never subscribed to the school of thought that is particularly prevalent at the mo that the bass should be only used to lock in with the drummer and be grooving and only be for the song, if that was the case all the guys that indulge in the mindless slap w***fests that drove people mad at the London bass guitar show would never be out there! IMHO. As for me at the moment I play along to fave songs, work on new techniques, try to improve my reading and my other project is taking old 50's /60's surf/twang/rockabilly instrumentals and rearranging them for the Bass Guitar as the solo instrument, it does sound a little bit like Duane Eddy on steriods, but there is no reason at all that by showing good taste and adopting a reasonable ear to your music that the Bass can't be used as the lead instrument, thank god for John Entwistle. For me Melody is the key and I find that the Bass GUITAR, as it is a guitar after all is capable of some beautiful melody lines and lead playing. I am now in the process of getting a drummer and a hammond player and we are looking to go out as a three piece, I see us as a good opening act with a large curiosity factor and we will get some gigs from it, also going to record a simple 5 track CD. Bottom line, got bass, play it, however and where ever you can and want (law willing!)
  13. Well gutted, Maiden are a big thing for me, they have been part of my life for so long, God bless ya Clive, RIP.
  14. Been a long time since the VH were here, I hope they make it , Wolfie VH is pretty good, but it would be great to have old Mickey back in the fold.
  15. Never seen that other geezer before in my life! Larry is a crazy man and well worth seeing I agree and enough slap to last you a life time
  16. I always liked Tony Wall from the 80's band King, very underated band and Tony was a vey good bass player, pick , fingers, slap, riffs, the guy had it all and a nice array of Musicman basses to.
  17. That is a crazy looking machine, Alien Ant farm did the Smooth criminal cover iirc? they were pretty good. Fender boring? No for me they are just the standard we are all so used to it I guess now.
  18. Agreed, his best tone was the first RATM album, that to me was RAY101 when I first started and his playing was a big inspiration to, his Ray did look real cool, I know it was just a simple natural finish no guard etc.., but Maybe Andybaxter has that to
  19. Nice one, JJ is great player, an old band of mine played on the same bill as The Stranglers, managed to spend a little bit of time with Mr Burnel and he was an absolute gent. Will def. go see them, there new album is not half bad either imho.
  20. Jimi Hendrix big time, just love his stuff, a lot of 50's rock n roll, surf, The Pirates, a lot of punk bands and then the list goes on.
  21. It is bizarre that even when I had a lot of bass guitars, 99% of the time it was always my red Ray, and still the case, stunning bass.
  22. Pete you bad man always liked the look of Timmy C Ray though
  23. Man thats screaming mirror scratchplate to me! Fine bass, me a bit skint now badlydrawnbanjo had all me money, but good luck, I will keep an eye out, you never know!
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