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Everything posted by Lynottfan

  1. They may not be random notes, but to a large amount of the populace that sounds like a bloody mess. Nice
  2. Was a great program, stuff about Bernard always make me sad to, he is the reason I play a Stingray, my perfect combination would be cool groove of Nard, swagger of Lynott and the attitude of JJ, in fact thats my style lol. Nile is one funky mofo and I am glad he survived, its funny but I never think of Chic as disco, to me they were a Cooking funky soul jazzy rock band thang, infact they used to play The boys are back in town by Lizzy chic style!
  3. Is it that much different from the SPB-1 thats in his Sig bass? I had a Steve P, heavy, well made, loved it, but couldn't get on with the neck, I like fairly chunky but that bad boy was a tree trunk!
  4. My copy is in the ether from Amazon as we speak, easter may get in the way a little though. Be great to see Still life again, Dave Murray was on fire on that song.
  5. There is also the simple fact that you may be over doing it, 5 hours a day is a lot of playing, your strap height will help, the tablets will help, check technique, a teacher may be able to help, but ultimately if you are over playing just take a break, if it persists, doctor pronto, this is one of those ailments that is better dealt with early.
  6. Damn, im a fine bass player, but can't sing to good are the vocals that important?
  7. The mighty sputnik, not forgetting that other great classic f-111 love missile, they don't make them like that anymore thats for sure Dingus lol.
  8. I was there! Been a fan since the start, will be a fan at the end! Steve is a Hero of mine to.
  9. I' a long term subscriber to BGM, to my mind it is going down hill a bit, it need more transcriptions, the lesson are not bad, the style studies are interesting, some of the reviews are OK, I liked Stuart Claytons (I like his books to, The Chic and Entwistle ones are superb) stuff, but overall I find it a little lacking, not that Bass player (usa) is vastly better either as it seems all consumed with jazz jaco'lytes or double thumbing slap mania, which is alright until you have it month after month after month, at the moment there is no a decent all round bass mag on the market, I keep my figures crossed for BGM
  10. I saw something on the EBS site about a Y cable that is due to come out for this pedal anyone know any more about this and what it's for exactly? I do want to have a dabble with this like as I like EBS gear big time.
  11. I have often found that if you need a degree in music just to try and appreciate what someone is playing then that really has missed the point of what playing music is all about, but not every one looks at it like that for sure. I don't agree that the bass guitar is not a solo instrument, infact far from it, but as with any aspect of playing, be it solo or in a group what is required is a decent melody and taste. I will add however that as a solo instrument that is something that I find lacking in a lot of bass guitar pieces, as a fair amount tend to just decend into mindless slap or cacophonic jazz doodling, imho.
  12. Nice one, going to be loud and clanky
  13. I solved this problem years ago, I use a plectrum Steve Harris is a two finger man all the way, Ides of March def triplets from what I remember to. OP, Good luck in your quest though mate.
  14. Lance Perkins at the Guitar Studio near Evesham, top man 100% 01386 861873
  15. Cheers for that, Gene never was the same after surviving the car crash he was in that killed Eddie Cochran, but still sweet Gene vincent he will always be!
  16. That is screaming mirror scratch plate at me, Hector Riva help!
  17. Sadly the man is on his way by the sounds of it, total respect to Wilko bless him.
  18. I to bought a Roadworn precision in fiesta red off the forum here via badlydrawnbanjo, like everybody else it seems, the fake relicing is a put off, but I hate to admit it it does work, the neck feels well played in and very comfortable, whilst a little chunky, as a P is, it does have a nice rounded feel to it, and the important thing the bass sounds superb, nice and mellow with the tone rolled back or classic fender clank when tone wound up, so I was sceptical, but it is fast becoming my go to bass, the build quality is pretty good to, infact its as good as any of the recent USA standards I have tried, no issues at all with MIM.
  19. aye three bolt cack, as a regular at the EBMM forum, as I know a few others here are for sure , I must say that I have always found EBMM to be a straight as a die bunch, and its not every forum on the net where the CEO does come and chew the fat with you, I do and will always wave my EBMM flag proudly.
  20. You go back to the second person and say £1700 cash in my mitts, saturday afternoon at 2pm, and if he shows you take the loot off him imho.
  21. You can guess how your points here might appeal to me
  22. Sweet, glad it all worked out for you, my advice, don't serve two masters, especially as you are starting out, get the gig with the old band out of the way, as I appreciate that it has probably become somewhat of mission for you to do that and thats a good place to then draw the line under it, the amount of time it has taken for them to gig, you may as well walk straight away after the gig and let them find another bass player, maybe be painful, but a clean break heals quicker. You seem to have a very fair and positive attitude and that is great thing, so channel that to your new band as soon as possible I say, and you will be up and running, gigging regularly,your chops will improve exponentially and then its stardom!
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