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Everything posted by Lynottfan

  1. The Tube, mighty viewing, I Remember this, Cameo, crazy band, but damn clever, Michael Burnett (RIP)was a pretty funky dude for sure, nice Ray sound. Cheers for sharing.
  2. Have you seen the new flip flop finish Sledge Ray and Sabre, whoa.... But they need them pickguards off to much beauty to be hidden by plastic! Sorry Marcus.
  3. Milty your are about spot on, For me it became all about trying to sound like me, not wanting to play like or sound like anybody else, when I had my last originals band together, an approach I still take, there are of course certain lines or melodies as such in various artists songs that have to be there, smooth operator without that solo played by Mr Denman not played properly is wrong, imho, but a lot of other stuff I play my own lines to, I am a musician not a photocopier after all. Nice point raised.
  4. I like the song but I would much rather have had Ronnie James singing it, Ozzy bless him still has something left, but i'm not sure what it is lol.
  5. Always take my own, I got EBS gear nuff said.
  6. I have had to do this once, stop the song, it was about 30 seconds, singer covered it with some blag about a technical issue, bottom line we were all over the place and it was a disgrace, we got away with it, but I did feel like I wanted the ground to open up and take us all, I vowed there and then never again, whatever it takes, be it vocals on there own, a guitar or bass guitar playing the melody line, or just a simple backing and build the song up, the show must go on.
  7. Nice cab indeed, your precision with block Jazz neck looks pretty tidy to, rock on man!
  8. I have been a Fender USA snob, but have had some cracking Japanese Fenders and I now have a mexican Roadworn Precision that is a stunning bass, go try them all mate, don't let it put you off there are some great MIM's out there, good luck.
  9. I used to go and watch a great punky/rock n roll trio back in the late eighties early nineties and they used to have a fair following, Mark the bass player was also the singer, and I was putting one of my bands together at the time and I asked him about getting gigs etc and he gave me a bit of advice that I have never forgotten, get them dancing, get them sweaty, get them drinking, landlords laughing, we are getting paid! I think all of us that will post to you on this will all reach the same thing, the venue wants people to have a good time, it wants people, no trouble and a healthy till at the nights end.
  10. The Stingray hunt starting to hurt a bit Marcus? I feel your pain mate, bare with it I, am sure you will get a Ray and all will be happy, but it is typical.
  11. The number of winds used, the material for the magnets, for the purity of the wire, these not only increase the cost but the ability if you will, of the pickup to produce a clean sound.
  12. This is one of the all time hotrod mods to a Precision, Norman Watt-roy had it, Phil Lynott later on had it, Trevor Bolder the list goes on, you says its on a 78 P? Bottom line you will get a normal P bass sound, as Musky said the "standard" was to just add another volume pot, when used together you do get a nice mellow sound, worth ago.
  13. I always thought, not 100%, meant mountain goat or something like that, I stand corrected and yours is much better!
  14. A couple of weeks, had been playing guitar for a while though, started to dabble, a mates band was in a battle of the bands thing, bass player walked out, left them in the brown stuff big time, rehearsed with them about half a dozen times, played along to their demo, then turned up for the gig, large venue and packed, played the short set, 20 minutes loved it, got off stage then the nerves hit me like shock, was a mess all night, but the bass was here to stay.
  15. Shakin with the devil, the best of the Pirates, great rock n roll.
  16. I think the cabronita would look better without the pickguard, imho.
  17. I have a roadworn P and I love it, but for the Ray, I don't know why, but for me you have to roadware your own way.
  18. My fave Lizzy solos, being a bit of fan, I will take one from each of their guitarists. Eric Bell, The Rocker. Scott Gorham Dancing in the moonlight. Brian Robertson Dont believe a word. Gary Moore Toughest Street in town. Snowy White Killer on the loose. John Sykes Sun goes down.
  19. Cass Lewis certainly has an impressive range of effects.
  20. 4 string 2 band is the way, I know you have a bit more tonal control with the 3, but you lose a bit of the stingray punch on a 3band, well I found I did with mine, now if you get your mitts on a fair wad of cash check out a 78 that Andy baxter has up for sale, natural finish, it sounds stonking, its looks great, but its £2k.
  21. I forgot to add one of the very best I saw live, The incredible Marcel Jacob and Jamie Borger .
  22. Lynott/Downey no surprise from me. Harris/Burr for me. Norman Watt-Roy and Charlie Charles monsters! Prescott Niles and Bruce Gary awesome my little pretty ones Jet Harris and Tony Meehan rock n roll drum and bass gods
  23. I happen to be one of those that thinks that the OP is NOT wrong, but just like the recent passing of Mrs T this always going to a plolarising issue. There are an incredible amount of players out there that imho can't rock to save their lives and I can see the point that the OP makes.
  24. Cheers for all the info so far, had a further dabble with a DJ, not 100% its for me, but going to keep looking, appreciate the inputs.
  25. I think that players can excel at both, but they tend to be in short supply imho. I have seen many great players, with mighty chops who can not rock, there is a certain put you head down and pray you survive attitude that is not a natural approach, especially when I have watched schooled players, yes they are great and yes they got all the techniques and the knowledge and the skill, but they can't rock for sh*te, when they try its contrived, I have seen this plenty of times so I tend to agree with the OP, but there exceptions to the rule, N W-R for me is the man at this, he is funky, he grooves like a mutha, but the man can Rock!
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