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Everything posted by Lynottfan

  1. I love my Musicman Stingray, and I admit to being rather loyal to EBMM, but I also don't have blinkers on, its all to do with other peoples likes and dislikes, some do seem to take it more personally that others, and as long as it doesn't get insulting it makes for interesting forum reading
  2. Class act is Mr E, top notch pick driven metal playing with a bit of taste.
  3. Does not compute, they are all guitars, just so happens we prefer the [b]bass guitar,[/b] still don't get how so many forget we are playing a guitar, so proper answer, all guitars are sexy, to me lol.
  4. didn't Mark king play on some stuff for Nik to, iirc?
  5. lucky man, I personally would go Ray all the way, still have to get that scratch plate off though lol. Happy hunting mate, I am sure which ever will be a joy.
  6. I agree with you Uncle, but as the borrower of the gear you have to abide by the terms of the lender and if thats don't touch my settings, then thats what it is, there is a simple answer, which again comes back to not having their own gear, sorry man but the fault is always with the guy who was unprofessional and turned up for the gig with no gear or poor manners .
  7. Spot on Jack, case in point is right there, its the [b]turning up without[/b] gear that is at fault, end of.
  8. This is quite common on Rays, certain 9v do seems fit better than others, also well worth keeping a eye on the contacts in the compartment as they do get crudded up. As for battery life, I was gigging 3 times a week, good quality sony 9v instrument battery lasted me well over a year.
  9. I have no problem lending people gear at a gig as long as they ask, and hopefully they are not idiots (I will apply judgement as I see fit on this). I will try and help out as much as possible, as I have been helped out myself in the past. As for my bass, NO WAY, my Ray is sacred to me, and if that offends, tough sh*t. Have to agree with all here that say its not you that is the problem when another person turns up and has no gear, [b]its their problem.[/b] I'm a Bass guitarist, I have bass amps and bass guitars and relevant gear, to have none of this they are just filthy musical leeches (I feel rather strongly about this ) Dave Marks used to have a great vid on his site about this sort of thing iirc.
  10. Sad day indeed for the low end, Trevor was class act. RIP.
  11. Yes, but not surprised really, great catchy, disco, chic, inspired groovy tune.
  12. Bose gear and a Dual record deck. Music through a computer always sounds lacking imho, find a lot of MP3 stuff to compressed.
  13. Tony Wall from King, pick, finger style or a bit of slap he employed it all, to good effect imho. Big Musicman user to iirc.
  14. Lovely basses, with great finishes, so it would have to be scratch plates off, don't hide such beautiful work, its crazy imho.
  15. It is and the other thing about surf music, a lot of it is fast, and I mean FAST, you put your head down and you prey you survive! Look at Dick Dale, when he goes out as a trio, the drums, the bass guitar and the guitar are seriously motoring, alot of bands out there doing the "surf" thing are all a little bit twee and a little bit twang, that is the wrong thang! Surf music is good time music that motors, having seen Mr D a fair few time's he remains an inspiration, a point of attitude!
  16. YEP, had a band called Pulp Friction, formed after the film that inspired the name, did very good business for a year or so, got horns, trumpet, sax, did the sound track, interspersed with dialogue quotes, played guitar in that one, Dick Dale influenced playing is a forte of mine, great fun music to play, the secret to playing good surf music is to go with the flow and the buzz of the audience, don't try to be to regimented or to tight let it flow.
  17. Pedro Aznar Mientes, a recent discovery, but whoa! Paul S Denman Smooth operator (Sade) a sweet melodic work. Marcel Jacob, all of them!
  18. Great publicity, milk it for all its worth, rock on!
  19. I had a black sparkle anniversary model, lovely sounding bass, very well made, but a bit like the Fender Steve Harris, the necks are well chunky, for me to much so, but £775 is very good price, hope the OP has done the deal.
  20. Well set-up Hipshot, E to D spot on, thanks to the setup work of Mr Perkins at the guitar studio.
  21. Nice Marcus, now the wait begins
  22. Marcus, if its a Kingbass you want, its a Kingbass you shall have, I have no problem with you chopping and changing, bit surprised about the Stingray and to be honest your price as mentioned is very optimistic, but hey, good luck, I certainly wouldn't insult you for your changing bass habits lol, whilst its not for me, I hope all works out, and the Status is a go.
  23. The whole area of copyright law is vey grey, a member of my family is a lawyer in this area to say things like "Nothing has to be "registered" to be copyright" isn't strictly true for example, it is a total minefield of litigation and rules so I have been told, the classic send it to yourself and don't open it is one of the classic myths, it may help you, but I cant be relied upon like some think, there really is not a definitive answer to this, other than there really is nothing that can be done, masses of money are not involved (always going to get an interested party here no surprise) no or little evidence, so really play the songs, play them better and really make them yours and that will be more than reward.
  24. Love it, His pick tone is mighty imho, great finger style to, love the fact that he mixed up the styles, something I totally agree with and he shows that the bass is great as a melody instrument, one in the eye for all the bass should only support BS, that does the rounds far to often on to many bass forums, lovely Ray that to! Check him out. [media]http://youtu.be/pRknQ8GWSL8[/media]
  25. The answer to this could be rather simple, I will make the assumption that there is no MCPS registration of these songs, therefore there is no mechanical copyright, that which would be required in a court of law for example. If this is the case then bottom line, you and your mate can do what you want, and your old band mates can do what they want, there are no rights to claim that would stand up under scrutiny, you may have to settle this old school and its down the play area after school bell at 4:00pm for fistycuffs!
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