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Everything posted by Mcgiver69

  1. Ok some very late addition to the lot here but I'm coming with Bass_Juice and could possibly bring with my BFM Omni 10 and my Schecter Diamond Extreme.
  2. The pups in the Streamer standard are fine, the issue is that for some reason they're using 25k pots and that makes them sound so weak. Try first changing the pots to 500k, I have a friend who did that and the bass changed into a monster.
  3. Is it me but that "Pleasure Board" sounds wrong, so I'm in!!!
  4. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1438779700' post='2837175'] We seem to have a difference of opinion between the bum bum bums and the widdley widdleys. [/quote] Fair enough but you're still grinding
  5. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1438273745' post='2833161'] Proving every bass player really wants to be the guitarist. [/quote] So you think that bass is just for playing the same bum bum bum notes and nothing more? Do you realise that Doug Wimbish is one of the most sought after session players after Pino Palladino and Victor Wooten is one of the most respected bassist around? So this means a bass player should not push the boundaries of the instrument and just stay in the background? I know this is your opinion and I respect it even though that kind of thinking really grinds me no end. Rant over.....
  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1435522987' post='2809703'] PM sent [/quote] Uh Oh someone is missing his old and lovely sound!
  7. Did anyone realised that both the drummer and the guitar player look like Viggo Mortesen the actor??
  8. Thanks for that! I was looking for this vid Caught up with the last song yesterday while trying to wash out what Kanye did to my soul.
  9. Used by Guy Nsangue in all Jean Luc Ponty albums he featured on. Just listened to Tkochola and you'll get the idea of how it sounds. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDtsrq9C9YE"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-2hVxHF86Y[/url]
  10. Well that sounds like fun!! NOT!!!! Goodness does even know in which key he's playing? And DLR sounds like a moribund goat when trying to hit those high notes..
  11. There are no detailed reviews but here are some videos and make your own conclusions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e9n0TX_W7g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTpioN2g7Bg
  12. [quote name='Bassbadger' timestamp='1430384734' post='2760810'] I am just about to order some shorty Stingray-type bridges. They should be here in a couple of weeks. [email protected] [/quote] Sorry to hijack the thread but Dave I have a quick question, Why you never had 5ers in your builts? I was lusting for one of those Stringray thingies you make but none were 5 strings which was a bummer.
  13. Don't know why but when I look at that bass Grace Jones come to my mind. Maybe because like her this bass is: - Black & Beautiful - and I bet it makes crazy and lovely noises.
  14. Just remember, no sound clips? Never happened
  15. What are you looking for? I might be interested
  16. Don't know you guys but the more rehearsal rooms I visit the more appealing Jamhub looks. Have a friend in the US that got one for his band and haven't looked back since. I'm planing to get one soon, can't stand all the rehearsal rooms in my area. If the sound is not appalling then it's the equipment that is crap or a combination of both and resist to pay for a "full equipped room" only for me to need to bring my gear and get billed in the process. No way Ramon! or it was Jose???
  17. Yeah EMG BQC is the way to go, EMG Pickups with any other preamp tend to sound too sterile.
  18. All really depends on how big is your band, when we put it together I found that I needed to change the line a bit to cover more ground as we are only 3 musicians in my band and well the killers have 2 keyboards so this means you have to play less. So take that as a guide and modify from there if needed. If you need it I can send msg a youtube click of how we do it. I used this to learn it http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/killers-somebody-told-me-bass-tab-s10088t2
  19. My count still he's more talented than me
  20. if you like sturdy built and great sound Gear4music has a Peavey Max 300 watts for £150. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Peavey-MAX115-MKII-Bass-Combo-Amplifier--Nearly-New/133C#full-des"]http://www.gear4musi...w/133C#full-des[/url] Here's a quick rundown of the features https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBV44Ff5fN8
  21. Well if you wanted to hear how they sound, Doug Wimbish was playing one at NAMM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn57mzmLGzQ#t=135 And Here's him with Victor Wooten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTpioN2g7Bg And yes I hate that bloody kid in the first video, too much young to have more talent than me.
  22. "As many bassplayers I'm affected by GAS" it doesn't matter how many times we explain it to those non-players still doesn't sound very good.
  23. Oh dear that's gorgeous!!!!! Interested in trades?
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