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Everything posted by Mcgiver69

  1. Here is my contribution to this thread: [b]- MT PowerDrumkit 2:[/b] This is a free drum kit and like EZ Drums it has free drum samples, it can be loaded into a bus too. It's free to use but you'll have to skip the nag page every time you load your daw but if you contribute with let's say £5 it'll remove the nag page. http://www.powerdrumkit.com/ [b]- Sennheiser [/b][b]Drumic'a[/b][b]:[/b] This is free drum kit that uses Kontakt, this won't stop after 15 mins like most free Kontakt libraries. It is a whopping 9gb but sounds great and you can select among 3 mics to tailor your sound. Can be bussed too. Website is in German so you'll need Google Translate, just register to receive your activation code. http://de-de.sennheiser.com/drummica [b]- Ample Guitar M Lite II:[/b] This is an Acoustic guitar plugin, this thing sounds like the real deal, just check the samples. It has picking option and strumming option. just download and use it for free no questions asked. http://www.amplesound.net/en/pro-pd.asp?id=7
  2. I'm too venturing into the world of recording, here's what I'm using so far: Audio Interfaces: - Digibox m2 mini - Behringer U-Phoria UMC22 (These are about £30 from Thomann and they sound very good. Don't let the brand name fool you ) Keyboard - Arturia Minilab (25 keys) DAW: - Reaper - Tracktion 5 (This is a fully featured DAW and totally free, not as fancy looking like the other but it's great) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXE9PJeQrSQ&list=PLGhDPxpNTpsrcpwBGYDYUNxtPy8-TaBtb Drums: - MT Power Drumkit 2 (The demo version comes with a free drum kit and lots of drum samples) http://www.powerdrumkit.com/ If you are interested in recording drums you can always use an electronic drum kit to trigger the drums. I hope this helps.
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1493978968' post='3292285'] Suppose the best guitarist also has a huge ego and is difficult to work with. These types can hold back band progress.. The adequate guitarist with a great positive attitude and understands how to work with people and be in a band is the better choice. IMO A person everyone likes to be around. Blue [/quote] Blue is correct, as usual, his wisdom is infallible
  4. I have the big brother BX500 head and using a 2x10 cab I haven't been able to go more than 9 o'clock without my guitar player complaining and that's in a gig. Those amps are extremely loud and their sound is nothing less than fantastic. I'm sure it'll be able to cope with any band.
  5. I would recommend reading through this Talkbass thread, there is great information in it. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/behringer-bass-v-amp-pro.687422/
  6. Sorry you forgot to mention where to collect from... GLWTS
  7. Or you could try Tracktion T5, it's totally free and fully featured. Unlimited tracks, buses, etc. https://www.tracktion.com/products/t5-daw
  8. As for Daw if you haven't found out one I would recommend Tracktion T5, is fully featured and it is totally FREE!! it's very easy to use and there's tons of youtube videos that show you how to do everything.
  9. Nice setup you have there Ped.
  10. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1489093594' post='3254403'] I'm not too concerned about the Toneprint feature. I don't use any effects at all - completely dry signal. The extra 300W of the TC 800 might be useful to have up your sleeve, though. That said, my GKMB500 has always been plenty loud enough. And no - I don't want to use the MB500 with a seperate compressor pedal, thank you! [/quote] Then the best choice for you would be the Warwick, it's 500w with plenty of tone shaping and a compressor in a 1.5kg package. all that for £299 it's a steal.
  11. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1489090334' post='3254365'] Cheapest online prices: Warwick LWA 500 for £299, or TC BH800 for £449 (BH550 is virtually the same price). Is the TC BH800 worth the extra? [/quote] Well the extra you'll pay for the TC BH800 is because: - 800w (300w more than the Warwick) - you'll be able to use 2 toneprints (Digital effects) at once, this means you can have the compressor and maybe an overdrive loaded and running at the same time. Having said that the price for the Warwick LWA 500 seem to be a pretty good deal.
  12. Dude that's not a difficult one (well for me that is), you have two choices: - You'll need another pot so you can keep the bass VVT, this means each pot could be used as series/parallel separately. - Second choice is to add a balance pot, this means you'll need to connect the pots to the balance pot and they connect to the volume pot. In both cases you'll need to solder the volume pot using the diagram called "Series/Parallel"
  13. From that episode I think this is my favourite tune [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igkyajvrm-8[/media]
  14. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1484852481' post='3219152'] The Elf and 2x8 cab looks like a fun home practice set up. Not sure I would use that kind of set up at a gig. Too many 'absence of heft' fears. I hope that it does well and is a starting point for a relaunch of the bigger amp and cab configurations to follow. [/quote] No I think that setup is angling more towards the Double bass community as it is portable and seems suspiciously similar to the Phil Jones Briefcase in portability and power.
  15. Mcgiver69

    Boss GT6B

    Here's a website with some custom made patches http://guitarpatches.com/patches.php?unit=gt6b
  16. You can always get the East MM version which is a direct copy of the original with more modern component and will only increase the resell value. http://www.east-uk.com/index.php/bass/mmsr.html
  17. I got one of the Status MM pups in my Aria GT5 and if you are looking for the traditional MM sound well look somewhere else, these are made with bars instead of pole pieces and this means less magnetic pull. This means the strings can move more freely thus providing a fuller sound. I like mine a lot.
  18. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1482564799' post='3201448'] Nobody plays the frets as well as our Mark. Heeheehee. I like Mark's playing but I agree. Sometimes the actual bass frequencies come across as lightweight where you might feel you want a nicely rounded bottom to get a hold of (oooer), so to speak. Old analogue Bowie releases tended to be like that for me too. It didn't spoil my appreciation however. Now that I am all growed up like, I know you can't get much oomph from lightweight strings but then the heavier ones are not so compliant. [/quote] Don't get me wrong I love Level 42 but it seems that the more time passed the lighter his sound gets and you can hear the massive hole in the sound of the band because he seems to have forgotten that a bass guitar should sound like a bass guitar. I would love for him to turn that bass knob a bit and give a bit more of weight to those wonderful bass lines he's playing.
  19. Goodness with double 3 band EQ and no one told him how to turn the bloody bass knob? All I hear is clickety clickety clack... Frequencies below 1K? more like all frequencies below 16K
  20. Do you have a photo of the back of the preamp? Need to see if it'll fit in my bass cavity.
  21. A good idea would be to start by learning Takadimi which is a form of Indian rhythmic method, one of the pros is that it teaches you how to read block of notes rhythmically and not note by note. This accelerates the learning curve. Here are some quick examples to try: [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW133P2ZgxQ[/media] [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdfwcx0vmGU[/media]
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