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Everything posted by Mcgiver69

  1. I have the Behringer UCM22 which is the metal cased one with better preamps and it sounds very good. I got the Focusrite Saffire 6 which will tick all your boxes for £40 second hand on Ebay. I know it is an older interface but as everything Focusrite it will work forever with no issues.
  2. XpressPads provides a complete course on finger drumming and I think their technique is even more impressive. I met a guy who took the course and now he's recording his own drums (he's not at the level of the guy in the demo but he's doing quite well I must say). BTW the guy is a guitar player who has never seat on a drum kit. Here's a bit more explanation of the technique
  3. In my humble opinion, if you want to learn to read music for bass purposes and haven't been making much progress then I would recommend looking into Takadimi which is an Indian rhythm method which teaches notes grouped by their rhythmic value.
  4. In case you need any help recording your band in Reaper, Kenny Gioia has your back.
  5. That's not the words, it happened to me in Venezuela where a friend invited me to dinner with his family and at the table I asked his youngest sister if I could have a spoon and suddenly a deafening silence and after receiving what seem like an eternity of stares I asked if I said something wrong...
  6. Yes but when they turn spoon into vagina there's no winning.
  7. Actually Peruvians & Colombian have the closest to what is considered classic spanish, the same can't be said about my natal dominican republic. SMH
  8. Tell me bloody about it, I got some funny stories of my travels to Venezuela, Mexico and Puerto Rico with some normally innocent words that mean something sexual in those countries
  9. Dude I don't know you but I was actually born and bred in a spanish speaking country so don't take it from me. In latin america which is her closest spanish speaking area lana is slang for money. So for Mcnach being spanish lana would just mean wool.
  10. Actually is meant to be a "money from the king", yours is a literal translation which really doesn't make any sense.
  11. Dude, get Reaper and give it a test Here are some quick tutorials that will get you going pretty fast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrObLJdQqZFZKKW5SCU7ebw
  12. Exactly, all that matters is if the DAW provides all the tools needed for the musician to make music.
  13. Dude I noticed that in a couple of tunes but it was plain to see in that song with the slap and pop where he was just doing finger style while dancing. So yes there were some backing tracks for some songs, I believe he was playing in those songs where there were no dance routines involved. Great stuff though.
  14. Or a Commodore Amiga, that was midi at it's best
  15. Reaper is my DAW of choice and it has a lot of documentation and Youtube is your best friend. Another one to look at is Tracktion, version 6 is totally free and is very easy to setup and use. It's screen could look a bit different but once you get used to it it's a breeze. If you decide to go with Reaper, check these channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrObLJdQqZFZKKW5SCU7ebw And for more detail tricks and tips https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq297H7Ca98HlB5mVFHGSsQ For an introduction on Tracktion please check these ones:
  16. Hi guys, A friend of mine is in need of a good and reliable drummer for his covers trio. They gig regularly (during the week and weekends) and they play the usual mix of rock, blues and pop songs. Please msg me if you know someone interested and I'll provide the phone number and email address of my friend. Best regards,
  17. You should stay away of the EZ Mix too, going very cheap right now.
  18. [quote name='Stance' timestamp='1508595306' post='3393188'] I maybe wrong, but old issues of BP magazine may have pics of David Hungate playing it! Neil Stubenhaus also had one (in white) Great basses! [/quote] That white one is responsible for some serious hits! It sounded amazing...
  19. Have you pondered the fact that your student doesn't perceive time the same way you and me do? I've found that issue in some people. Maybe if you have a talk and ask him/her how he/she perceives time could give you an idea? I know a person who was struggling with this and found great help by using Takadimi which is an Indian method of rhythm, this vocalises the notes and it's incredibly easy to learn and adapt. Even better to learn how to read notation. [url="http://www.takadimi.net/documents/Takadimi%20short%20guide%20for%20Web.pdf"]http://www.takadimi....20for%20Web.pdf[/url] [url="http://www.takadimi.net/basics.html"]http://www.takadimi.net/basics.html[/url]
  20. As the owner of a BX500 I can say I'm truly sad, great amps with lots of power and tonal options. I think I'll get another as backup.
  21. What about this one? very cheap and according to people in TB works very well https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_custom_line_bass_di_ex_b_stock.htm
  22. Mcgiver69

    Warren Huart

    I follow him and think his channel is very unfocused but great for tips on mixing and general information. I prefer Recording Revolution and Musician on a mission, those channels are great for learning the process of mixing.
  23. Yes they will, I downloaded T7 as I have a Behringer interface and it opens my projects like nothing, I even tried T7 on Linux (64 bits only) and it opened the project just without the 3rd party plugins I used. I found out that it makes less daunting the task of recording music especially if you're not an experienced home recorder. BTW I would recommend downloading the Reaper plugin suite, those plugins will work in T6 and I still can't believe they are given them for free, they are way better than the ones coming in T6.
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