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Everything posted by Mcgiver69

  1. I have to admit after slagging them off for quite a long time that Ashdown got it right this time with the RM head series and the cabs, those blueline cabs were absolutely awful. They were very difficult to get a good sound in different rooms and all you got was a bit amount of mush and don't even try them with an active bass. I tried them at GAK and I was floored; they are lighter, clear sounding and you could almost throw anything at them and will still sound great. I felt in love with the RM-500 head, so much I'm planning to buy one and use it with my BFM cab as my Carvin BX500 seems to love my Warwick WC210. Hats off to Ashdown for getting it right this time.
  2. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1476346980' post='3153438'] Have to say these cabs intrigue me massively too! I've been told the 1x10 version put out as much bass as the 1x12, but just doesn't go quite as loud, I guess worth trade off for some to have smaller and slightly lighter cab. Looking forward to hearing your review, but I'm going to have to get a shot of one of these soon... Eude [/quote] I'm not going to bore you with my rumblings and let the maestro do what he's known for: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-YUbQyK5Ls[/media] Here's a video of a more "real life" situation, the cab used in this show was build in the UK by Tricky Audio. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZTcw9f_wLM&feature=youtu.be[/media]
  3. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1476319611' post='3153360'] Thanks! They're the best cabs I have ever played through in 30 years of plonking. At 20kg each they're not exactly super light but they're very compact, superbly designed, versatile on big or small stages and seemed to more than hold their own at the cab shoot out which was held at the 2015 bash. With the Shuttles, you could even turn up to a gig in a sporty two seat coupe with one cab, a bass and head. [/quote] I think they didn't do better at the shootout because they are not coloured like the Bergantinos, Barefaced, etc.. These cabs much like the BFM show their worth when equalized. When you play them through an amp with all controls in neutral position they are totally flat and therefore not great sounding but when EQ comes into the equation well they're something else. I noticed that when playing through yours, they weren't that impressive flat just natural sounding but when I used the EQ that's when the magic came.
  4. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1476242828' post='3152621'] Which one? If it was South East, you will have played through mine... [/quote] Yes the one at the school in Kent. Tell you something that combination hit the sweetspot for me. Congrats that's an amazing setup.
  5. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1475590607' post='3147164'] I have owned two F112's for a couple of years. I used a couple of GB Shuttles and want for NOTHING. Midrange is perfectly preserved and the cabs sound like PA speakers but with a little bit of extra bottom end definition regardless of volume. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. A couple of GK RB700 heads could be a nice compliment, with their boost control. [/quote] I played one of those cabs and amp at the bass bash of 2015 and can say that combination was killer, enough power and bottom end to kill a buffalo while keeping clarity. Lovely combination if you ask me.
  6. Too many talented people in too many talented bands, great vids guys. Here's one from a couple of years ago. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o4-A7cH1KI[/media]
  7. In the south live music is coming back even there are lots of pubs that had to be closed, we played close to 45 gigs last year and something like 35 this year. We need to support live music in all it's forms, I sometimes go out to watch bands whether their skill level. It's about supporting an art form, I know some people don't consider playing covers an art form but at the end of the day it is good promotion for songs that sometimes you would never had payed attention to, I know because i has happened to me before with a lot of songs.
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1474994297' post='3142151'] Is this rated at 1000w? [/quote] It's rated at 2000w in Behringer watts, it's really more like a 500w @ 4ohm amp. It's supposed to be quite loud though.
  9. Carmine Rojas was the bass player in Bowie's "China Girl"
  10. [quote name='AlpherMako5' timestamp='1455908090' post='2983600'] Have they not lost the UK distribution? Peavey gear is bombproof. I wish I'd not sold my tour 450. [/quote] I can sell you mine, I'm not using it at the moment and it's in perfect condition.
  11. Sound advice, I have seen it working and even tested it on my wife's laptop and it will struggle if your pc or laptop don't have enough juice. My mate recorded using addictive drums and it sounded great!
  12. Her bass player used to be Kenny Higgins and the bass player for The New Mastersounds used to do some work for her too.
  13. I got a Boss TU-88 and I couldn't live without it. It's cheap and wonderful and will serve you well. It is a tuner, metronome and you can connect an ipod to it, so what not to like for a mere £29? http://www.gak.co.uk/en/boss-tu88-black/18230?gclid=CjwKEAiA9JW2BRDxtaq2ruDg22oSJACgtTxc6c7dedm5yTK-EJErteCHe4atb-bAYLyAsh2fFXimtxoCo-Tw_wcB
  14. You can order from Amazon, a colleague of mine ordered his from Amazon. Regarding a novice to learn, they don't recommend this as they don't produce bounce and this can create problems when you go from Aerodrums to real drums. For what I can see they're better used in these situations: - You are constantly on the road and need to practice or learn new material in a hotel room or small space. - You have a recording studio but don't have space for a full drum kit (acoustic or electronic), you can connect this to your daw and trigger any drum package with it. - You use Jamhub for rehearsals and don't have an electronic drum kit, you can connect this to the jamhub and rehearse with no problems.
  15. Performed by none other than our own Dan Veal (Dood)
  16. Not only that, they sound amazing when connected to a DAW for recording. For anyone in doubt check this video recorded live. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CavlglPYVvQ
  17. Ok guys, I'm one of those pesky testers (even though I'm not in the list at the beginning of the thread). Received my set (45-130) and installed them in my main bass (Aria STP 5), I used them so far in 2 gigs and my impressions are as follows: - They feel like my beloved EXL but extra smooth I played too gigs and my fingers didn't even notice it. - The B string feels tight like the EXL but with more body and clarity. It doesn't get buried by my drummer's bass drum. - The sound seems very open and by this I mean, fuller lows and more presence in the higher frequencies without being glassy or extra silky. The whole sound is just pleasant and for a MM type of bass like this one the G and D strings seem to come out clear and seem to match the other strings which is something I've always been annoyed by. - The core seems firmer than the EXL which seems to work very well in this case, this doesn't seem to affect the overall feel of the strings. - I had to change my EQ settings but I got a great sound very quickly (something close to a Nathan East esque sound which is the one I love ) So far I love them and reminds me why I keep coming back to my D'addarios no matter how many times I try other strings, simply because they are great to my fingers, they sound just the way I like, the price is right too and they last longer than the other I've tried. I'm looking forward to my next gigs as I still have to test their durability but so far top marks. Oh BTW in case you're wondering I do not work for them.... Just saying.
  18. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1450012955' post='2928751'] Possibly one of my favourite drummers ever. His stuff with Incognito and Level 42 are fabulous. he's not just a great drummer. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDdVd433IkI[/media] [/quote] You sir speak to my heart! Pete Biggins is one of my favourite drummers too.
  19. Jon Gomm's - "Live in the acoustic asylum" and "Secrets nobody keeps" Truly beautiful and inspiring.
  20. I played in a band some moons ago but we were more like a fusion band, that was very in fashion. It was in my natal Dominican Republic before I came to live here.
  21. A must listen list would be: - Gran Combo de Puerto Rico - Willie Colon - Ruben Blades - Raffy Levitt - Tito Puente - Hector Lavoe - Gilberto Santa Rosa - Ismael Rivera - Ismael Miranda - Tito Rojas - Celia Cruz - Oscar De Leon - Dimension Latina That will keep you busy for a while, you can find all that music in youtube.
  22. As a Latino all I can say is to forget about locking with one instrument and figure yourself in the middle of everything. That's how the bass players can get in an out. As you said all instrument interlock with each other and that makes it difficult for you as a bass player to lock with just one instrument. Another great book is "Funkifying the clave" by Lincoln Goines. I hope this helps.
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