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Everything posted by Graham

  1. And arrived this morning, very quick for Music Magpie, also rather than "used good" it's brand new, wrapped in cellophane, so consider me happy
  2. I'd forgotten that, his playing on Pulse really is superb
  3. I tend to prefer the sound of a fretted E, but an open on has it's place too, and with a five I can choose
  4. There are certain musicians who make full use of extended range instruments and where it's completely incorporated into the music they produce, so a four string wouldn't work at all - Steve Lawson and Dylan Desmond of Bell Witch are two that jump to mind. Six and seven string bassists respectively, their music would be impossible on a four string. Then there are guys like me, who're exclusively five string players, who's heroes are almost all four string players, but do so as a way to make "normal" bass playing easier. The point is, I am a five string bassist, I play better on a five, am more inspired by a five and find it easier to transpose keys on a five - leading to more work. So from my purely subjective viewpoint, yes, extended range basses have lead to better music.
  5. Faith No More? Land Of Sunshine jumps to mind Youc could try some of the more melodic Dillinger Escape Plan material, like One Of Us Is The Killer, Milk Lizard or Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants - but may be too heavy still.
  6. Blood Incantation - Hidden History Of The Human Race http://darkdescentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hidden-history-of-the-human-race Wanted something suitable sci-fi to go with the Ian M Banks I'm reading
  7. I wish that was on Spotify Edit: Just bought the CD on Amazon
  8. Never heard of them, but will give it a listen - I had Saturday Night Wrist on yesterday and was thinking how good the bass sounded. I'll also suggest these with Nick Beggs and Martin Mendez on bass respectively https://open.spotify.com/album/6pOqXZvUYdDkobapwQVEDE?si=VLXWUBqKQ4mLns8toVudyw https://open.spotify.com/album/3U9TW9thOm1cyLBD0NEy3s?si=t1_W7BLrQKSiWKfhJ1RbFw I was there for the Opeth show, was a brilliant gig
  9. My Bandcamp purchases from today - Emma Ruth Rundell, The Callous Daoboys and Two Minutes To Late Night's covers EP
  10. Raging Speedhorn - We Will Be Dead Tomorrow They're live streaming a gig on Sunday that I'm hoping to watch (assuming we get home in time, 19:30 feels far too early)
  11. I saw today that Opeth bassist Martin Mendez now has a signature Sandberg, a little different to the Fender Marcus Millet played for a long time (though hasn't for a while now)
  12. Giant cookie from my lot.....there's less of it now
  13. I am dying to get back to gigs, but, I did enjoy some quieter weekends to start with; having three neurodiverse children can make it difficult and stressful to leave the house on a Saturday evening with just my wife to mange them all, so it's been nice to not have to worry about that. Also, I started a new job at the beginning of May, which has been, and continues to be incredibly hard work and stressful, fitting in gigs as well might have been hard; the job should (hopefully) reach peak stress levels in July/August, so I'm hoping gigs come back soon after then.
  14. If I need a boost on the way into work I stick this on
  15. Just watched the Juan Alderete video on that, looks amazing, love the shimmer mode and being able to store presets
  16. Customs duties out of the country? That's pretty unusual? Countries rarely put barriers against exports of uncontrolled products
  17. I was a little underwhelmed by it, preferred A Humdrum Star
  18. That Margo Price record is great, I listened to it on a whim because I liked the title I'd forgotten that was out, will cue it up next
  19. Try the guitars by Leo forum, they'll tell you straight away
  20. I've got a TRB1005J, so similar, but I don't know how close the electrics are. I too am underwhelmed with the pre-amp, pickups are pretty good I think, but the pre isn't great. For my money the centre frequency of the mid-range control is set too low, so there's too much bottom end. I tend to cut the bass by about 50%, boost the mids to max, boost the treble by about 30% and then favour the bridge pickup by about 50% That gives me a much clearer and articulate sound, though my strings are a bit old, so would back those ratios off a bit with new strings.
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