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Everything posted by Graham

  1. I listen to AFI all year round, but their "spooky" era is particularly appropriate for this time of year
  2. Greg Puciato - Child Soldier: Creator Of God First solo record from the singer of The Dillinger Escape Plan and The Black Queen
  3. I remember Nails at the Damnation Festival in something like 2016 only played for about 30 mins, which I think was about 2/3 of their alloted set. That was however longer than the 20 minute "headlining" set they'd done in Glasgow the night before though - people were pretty whizzed off about that and true to form the singer walked off at about the 20 minute mark at Damnation. However I think one of the organisers, having heard about the Glasgow debacle, had positioned himself by the stage to remind the singer of his contractual obligations when he inevitably wandered off. Good band, but a pain in the derrière to deal with, and I think have now split.
  4. EBS HD350 - no valves needed Punch, depth, warmth, sparkly clarity, Just a wonderful amplifier.
  5. The new Touche Amore record Only recently started listening to these guys, but really enjoying them <iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/album/6fA79mAHNeBhaUnuWBADwc" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
  6. I'm generally of the opinion that the right length of an album is 40 mins, and quality tends to go down as length extends. But, I think Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor works as a double album
  7. We would typically end with Under The Bridge or Champagne Supernova - anthemic, sing-along numbers which importantly, are slower. They calm the punters down and let's them know the night's over in a way a Sweet Caroline or a Sex On Fire doesn't. Still doesn't stop some folk from demanding more as you dismantle the drum kit and strip down the PA of course, but most people get the idea.
  8. Here's mine, given some of the examples in this thread, I think I got very lucky with the matching
  9. I've just gone to look at my natural finish DJ5 as I'd not ever seen a join line, turns put it's a three piece body, but the grain lines have been very well matched and I could only tell from looking very closely at the end of the bass. So, suffice to say, Lakland Skyline can do it, it's just unfortunate that this time they did not. I love mine, so it's a shame the OP's didn't work out, glad he's happy now though.
  10. I've not seen these before, but looks like exactly what I need, might look into getting one in the new year.
  11. Some great new albums out yesterday - Deftones, Svalrbard and The Ocean all have new ones out
  12. Mastodon - Remission I was giving their latest - Emperor Of Sand - another go, but I got bored half way through and put this on instead. Such a brilliant record, got to be one of the best debut albums out there. I totally get them maturing, not really liking heavy music anymore and needing to pay the mortgage and pension, but I do miss the band who wrote this and Leviathan.
  13. I'm rather smitten with the Euro Classic 5s at the moment, particularly in the white, wish it was a 35" scale - surprised it's not TBH - but otherwise ticks a lot of boxes for me.
  14. Is the front pickup of a jazz in the same position as the single coil pickup on a 51P? I always thought it was further back
  15. Shiner - Lula Divinia I'd not heard of these guys before, but they came up as a reccomendation on the Cave In Facebook fan group and I'm really enjoying it; I imagine @NancyJohnson is a fan
  16. There's plenty of new music coming out, I have three pre-orders on for releases in October and there's more I want to get. Most of the music I buy now is on Bandcamp, personally I like CDs, but they seem to be in their death throes. Vinyl is very popular though, so physical media is still available. I think a lot of artists held back their new records in the hope of being able to resume the usual album release/touring cycle, but have decided it's been too long and there's nothing to be gained by just waiting.
  17. I asked my friend if I could borrow his cable so I could charge my book, he said no as he was charging his cigarette
  18. I really like the look of of those B-Axis pickups, the clips I've heard sound great
  19. It must've been heartbreaking for Newsted hearing the mix for Justice the first time, opened with a song he wrote, only for his playing to be completely absent on the recording.
  20. Power Trip - Live In Seattle I'm not a massive Power Trip fan, but I can see why folk like them and after their singer's untimely passing this week, thought I'd buy an album for his family.
  21. Jupiter (Roman) and Zeus (Greek) are the same god, but that is stunning looking bass, love the green
  22. I went down the in-ear route for a while, but have reverted to amp and cab. Basically, my band wasn't set up for it, the mixer isn't great for setting monitors and we aren't geared up for always putting everything through the PA, if only for monitoring. Also, I was the only one with in ears, so the rest of the band struggled to hear me, particularly the drummer who doesn't have dedicated monitoring - normally overkill in the venues we play. I also much preferred the tone of my amp vs IEM, I appreciate that will have a lot to do with their relative qualities (ZS10s vs EBS head + cab) but definetly a factor I swapped back to an amp last year, and everyone, including me was much happier.
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