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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Can definitely hear the fretless in the first Blood Incantation track you posted from the EP, the playing is less obviously fretless on Hidden History.... looking back at the live video, you could well be right and I just hadn't clocked it was a fretless
  2. We're doing something similar - our neighbour across the road has just kindly given us a keyboard so the eldest is having a go at it. She's been using Simply Piano which was good, but exhausted the free content in an evening. Will have to take a look at Skoove
  3. That new Blood Incantation album is spectacular, love so much about it - the space vibe, the production, the artwork. Didn't realise he was a fretless player though, when I was watching their recent Saint Vitus set on YouTube it looked fretted?
  4. Today has been: Opeth - Sourceress White Stones - Kuarahy Botch - 061502 Botch - American Nervoso
  5. Some seven string fretless action from the now former Obscura bassist
  6. In a surprising move, everyone in Obscura apart from the vocalist/guitarist have been fired "parted company" with the band, due to that old chestnut "musical differences" https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FRealmOfObscura%2Fposts%2F10158214828353545%3A0&width=500 These three have started a new band called Obsidius, and look like they'll have new music out soon
  7. I never realised Emma Bunton convered this, I'd always assumed it was an original, hence the awful lyrics
  8. Been a proggy day so far - Steve Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase Opeth - In Cauda Venenum now playing Anathema - Distant Satellites
  9. Down - NOLA The best riffs this side of Sabbath
  10. I really like Nathan East's tone on that Eric Clapton recording - basically what I aspire to with my covers band
  11. Propaghandi, particularly when he swapped from a Musicman to a cheaper Ibanez Tool, particularly on the 10,000 Days record. Fugazi on the Repeater album Best live bass tone I've heard was Yob at the Camden Underworld, Ric into a SVT and mixed perfectly by the engineer.
  12. I've finally got round to learning Africa by Toto, not especially challenging, just been on my list for a while but never had a reason to do so. What is a lot more challenging is Prancer by The Dillinger Escape Plan, I'm determined to have it right by the end of the Easter weekend
  13. Graham


    Not the MLP Princess I first think of But gorgeous nonetheless
  14. Thanks, will give that a listen once this Jawbreaker record finishes
  15. Bit far from the south coast for my government mandated exercise
  16. Funeral At The Movies/Ten Spot I'm not massively familiar with them, but like this album and The Pony Express Record
  17. So far today, The Gits, Shudder To Think, Conan and John Coltrane. Not sure where to go this afternoon
  18. As has already been remarked, the Precisions sounded the most appropriate for the song, personally I liked the sound of the Molloons the best, the Strandberg was good too
  19. The new Slow Crush EP, they're rapidly becoming one of my favourite bands http://slowcrush.bandcamp.com/album/reel
  20. Sunny Day Real Estate and Rival Schools today, it's been an emo/post-hardcore type morning
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