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Everything posted by LiamPodmore

  1. Aye, same here. I have no Strat, Tele, Dreadnaught Acoustics, Mudbuckers OR P90's. I better get shopping. Liam
  2. Okay, that is the first White/White (Its white-ish, alright!) precision i have ever liked. I do agree the antigua burst looks ghostly, you have yourself a fine precision there my friend. Liam
  3. Oh my, if only...... *Plans out if i can actually afford to buy a compact* ..... Damnit, i can't, not even with a £100 discount. Liam Edit: Thinking about it, depending on when i get paid in December, i might just be able to squeeze one in actually
  4. I normally have 2 basses, my main which is a Jazz V tuned standard, and the backup is normally something P/J like (Tanglewood Rebel 4K, Ibanez GSR200), tuned to standard, although last night i did use the Tanglewood, strung with Picato Flats (Thanks to Dave C), with the Jazz V (Ernie Ball Slinkies) as a backup. I could easily get away with a two 4 strings, but i have my 5 so why not use it, and its my only working bass at the mo. Edit: Depending on the gig i actually use both, when i feel like it, for a bit of variation. The second is there as a backup, but it gets used anyway. Liam
  5. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1317040973' post='1385784'] It's amazing how popular telecasters are with bassists. I've never known a guitarist who was really that arsed about them! [/quote] +1 to that, i only actually know 1 guitarist who owns a Telecaster, I love them, be getting one as soon as i can afford it. White n Maple, black hardware and pickguard. That's until i can afford my Warmoth Telecaster creation anyway..... Liam
  6. Absolutely F*cking AWESOME! We played at Club Academy in Manchester, supporting [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbX0t0Ydhic&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL"]Boomin[/url] along with [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7PTfC2IR9Y&feature=related"]FindingEmo[/url] and [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_gbUvFxMRs"]New Avenue[/url]. Perfect sound offstage, although i did have difficulty hearing myself, it went swimmingly well. Crowd were phenomenal, including a group who had travelled from Bristol to watch us. Boomin put on an amazing set, as they always do, involving "Supersoakers, Condoms and Masks" as they put it. As a nice bonus, we were also loading out with the roadies for Lacuna Coil, as they were playing in Academy 2 and we had parked behind their tour bus. Liam
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1321095981' post='1435305'] Fairly sure that will be Eva Gardner - Fender Precision, Roto Rounds, and Ampeg. Link to Eva below: [url="http://www.ampeg.com/artists/artist.php?artistID=141"]http://www.ampeg.com...hp?artistID=141[/url] [/quote] Thanks, looks like i had a good guess then. Liam
  8. An because it wouldn't let me post 3, for something a bit cleaner, i can't help but be drawn to this. P!nk - Funhouse. No idea what gear was used on this, sounds like a P bass and something warm and tubey possibly? I love the tone, and a nice groove too. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdjtqu3XK4U[/media] Liam
  9. I have a few favourites, the first of which is: You Me At Six - Loverboy. Awesome grindy tone, Jazz through a cranked SVT if i remember correctly. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFL9wRLpgng&ob=av2e[/media] TMBasser - Any of his covers. Again, awesome grindy tone. Modded P Deluxe - Boss ODB-3 - Ashdown ABM500 - Ampeg ST410HLF and a Fender BXR60. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHmTtU028BM[/media] Liam
  10. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1321023042' post='1434505'] Who's sig is that snicks? [/quote] Garry Willis' Ibanez, it is a rather nice bass. Theres some gorgeous things in this thread, if only i could afford them all. Liam
  11. Palm muting with fingers is a ballache at the best of times, but it is possible. I tend to use my ring finger to just rest on the string and pluck with my index and middle but it wasn't easy to learn at first, felt properly wierd. Nowadays i'm that used to having my ring finger there that if i can feel my strap coming off, or it does come off, that my finger just jumps at the B string to hold up my bass whilst i carry on playing, useful skill to have. Liam
  12. At the moment, i have 2, although there is 3 in my house. One is the main player, one is a backup/different sound. I shall be accquiring a minimum of 2 more (Stingray/Stingray5 and a P Bass) and maybe a fretless too, making that 5. Do i need a a fretless? No, i want one to use for more acousticty stuff. Do i need a Stingray, Precision and Jazz? No, but its fun to have all 3 anyway. Hmmmmmm... 4 String Precision 5 String Stingray 6 String Jazz That sounds good to me.... Liam
  13. [quote name='nomis' timestamp='1320669972' post='1429635'] this is my beast! [attachment=92766:Newcastle Upon Tyne-20111106-00416.jpg] best amp i have ever owned! I also have a MM stingray [/quote] Is that a pink precision?!?!?!?!?! Liam
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1320754377' post='1430816'] Not a fan of Mike Dirnt, but like this Fender MD P-Bass, Vintage White. Loving the 50s vibe - but with split pickup. Having something similar built for me, but with mint pickguard and maple neck. [/quote] Ooooh, sounds very nice, although i would have gone seafoam green, white pickguard and maple fretboard myself. I played a dirnt a few months ago and it was actually surprisingly nice to play, didn't sound half bad either, Liam
  15. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1320746907' post='1430701'] I'll be honest, these always make me think of ruined SG's [/quote] +1, love the woods and finishes but hate the shape. Bartelby that Fender SH Precision is close contender in my books, its gorgeous. Liam
  16. This may have been done before, but if not, lets do it now then. Who, in your opinion, has the nicest signature bass? With pics of course. My personal favourite is the Dean Hillsboro Eric Bass Signature model, its cheap as hell too, Amazon were selling them at something like $380 a while ago, and they normally go for about £500ish here. Liam Eric Bass:
  17. Although not a live album as such(Well, it is if you rip the audio like i did), i'm also a fan of the The Poison: Live At Brixton by Bullet For My Valentine, as well as the others i've already mentioned. Liam
  18. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1320708587' post='1430495'] What bass is it for? [/quote] I'm planning on having a bit of fun with my Squier Jazz Deluxe V and turning it into a 6 string HS bass. Not wanting to spend stupid amounts obviously, but i'm willing to put a bit into it (I need to get a new bridge and hipshot ultralites anyway) so its atleast of decent quality. The jazz pickups in it right now are blade style, so people have turned it into a 6 string and left the original pickups in, but i don't want to do that. Liam
  19. Normally something like Beat It or Sweet Child, ocasionally even throw out Dani California too. Liam
  20. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1320406399' post='1426355'] [font=Arial][size=3][color=#2f2f2f][font=Arial][size=3][color=#2f2f2f][font=Arial][size=3][color=#2f2f2f]...I am teaching myself (I recommend 'Bass Guitar for Dummies' if you're a beginner like me!)...[/color][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font] [/quote] I recommend that book even if you arent a beginner, it's helped me loads and i've been playing for over 4 years. Liam
  21. Yeah, thats the biggest problem with 6 string pickups, the price. Hopefully Delano have more info about the one they make by the time i need to buy one. Liam
  22. That doesn't look too bad actually, thanks mate. Just gotta wait for me to get a new bass before i can ship my Jazz off to Robbie at RIM basses for some chopping and drilling now. Liam
  23. Be better posting this in the "Bassists Wanted and Available" forums mate. Liam
  24. I find cheapo earplugs help me, as they cut out the high end content much more than the lows, so i can hear myself a little better than normal. I've managed to learn to play without being able to hear myself, its not advisable, nor is it fun, but if theres nothing else you can do, its always a little bit of a helping hand. Liam
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