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Everything posted by LiamPodmore

  1. Thanks for the suggestions Andy, though i'm looking more in the way of a Musicman or Sandberg style HS Configuration. Too bad i don't have a dead Bongo HS to rip stuff out of. Liam
  2. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1320673844' post='1429716'] PS. To the OP - what the hell is that bass in your avatar???? [/quote] I'm not the OP, but its a Bootsy signature i think. Liam
  3. Avenged Sevenfold: Live In The LBC is a personal favourite of mine, although i have had the one Green Day did on my MP3 for the past week or so and its quite good actually. Liam
  4. Are there any companies that makes 6 string MM and jazz pickups? The only one i've found so far is Delano and they haven't got any details on the MM pickup. Roughly 16/17mm spacing and hopefully not to expensive. Anyone know of anyone else who makes them? Liam
  5. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1320670555' post='1429649'] Yeah, I can imagine how embarassing that must've been... [/quote] Hahaha, its actually one of my bands most popular songs... (We're young, 16 and 18) Liam
  6. Played something like 15 gigs with 1 band, we've just released our first single on friday and everyone seems to be loving it so far (Although no sale as its not on iTunes and crap like that yet). Planned out many other bands with friends, only one of which has actually done anything and we're just getting another vocalist (Who some of you who saw my post on the soundcloud thread may recognise) who is incredible, just need another guitarist so we can start rehearsing properly and gigging. Not bad for a 16 year old kid eh? Liam
  7. In addition to my previous ones, i had a strap come off my bass mid song before now, at one of the biggest gigs my band had ever played (At the time). Running round the stage at Manchester Academy 3 holding up my bass by the b string with my ring finger, and plucking with my other 2 and trying to play along to Stacy's Mom. I just about managed it and got some laughs in the process. Liam
  8. Thats a Ray34 Classic isn't it? I do agree, that definately does need a maple fretboard. Liam
  9. Don't suppose anyone has a White n Maple Stingray with a Black pickguard, white pickup cover, black hardware and some nice bright fretboard LED's? No? Okay, then Horizontalste's SR4 in Blue n Maple is rather nice. Liam
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1320576416' post='1428397'] A few years ago a customer came into our shop and said he'd had his PA amp modified by an electronics guy. He had a switch fitted, and he said before that nobody ever applauded his performance. However, when he flicked the switch, the audience clapped every time. True story. [/quote] Was it by any chance labelled "Power"? Liam
  11. [quote name='soopercrip' timestamp='1320582857' post='1428496'] Excellent, apart from the bum crease bit. Totally put me off my ham sandwich Andy [/quote] Sorry about that one Andy, atleast we didn't show the scenes of that. Seeing your bandmates drawing on a fellow bandmates arse is a little bit dodgy, to say the least. Liam
  12. Bumperoo. For all of you who may be interested in the gear side of things: The bass tracks were recorded with a Squier Jazz Deluxe V (Ernie Ball Regular Slinkies, fingerstyle) direct into the interface and through the IK Multimedia Ampeg Sim. Guitar was done with a Dean Vendetta 1.0 and Epiphone Les Paul Custom through a Peavey 6505 and Drums with a Pearl Export kit with Sabian B8's and Zildjian ZBT's, and a Sonor Force 3003 Kick drum. Shure, Sennheiser and SE Electronics mics i think Liam
  13. If i remember correctly, the 30th of May 2010, on stage at a local pubs charity festival. Thankfully i only needed that bass for 4 songs so just grabbed my 5 string.
  14. Hi guys (and girls of course), My band A Little Bit Outlaw have finally finished the recording, filming and editing of our first single and accompanying music video, so if you're a fan of some pop/punk madness check it out. I'll warn beforehand the video is a bit strange. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpCJuBC7DLk&feature=feedu[/media] Audio recorded at White Bear Studios in Adlington, mixed and mastered by David Page. Video filmed in various locations and edited by our lead guitarist Matt. Also, if anyone in the Manchester area is interested, we have a gig at Club Academy supporting the mighty Wigan legends Boomin, next saturday (12th) which is on the calendar and the gigs forum on here for more info. Hope you like it, Liam
  15. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1320321091' post='1425225'] Great information video - but I wish he'd taken more care regarding the finish on the body around the bridge. Pulling the old strings off like that can do some terrible damage with the sharp ends. I always use a couple of business cards, 1 above & 1 below the bridge to prevent scratches. [/quote] Same here, trying to pull a .130 or .135 B string through my Squier bridge is a b*tch and the ball end ALWAYS hits the body when i do, it just doesnt have the space to get through properly without doing it, quite annoying really. Liam
  16. One thing that massively helped me with timing issues i used to have, which might sound stupid to some people, but i started tapping my foot with the beat, which most people seem to do anyway, and somehow that managed to keep me in time. I still do it now when i'm playing on my own, without a track. Edit for spelling failures. Liam
  17. FX send/return is to add an effect into the loop of your amp, many have an adjustable blend between the effected signal and the clean preamp signal too. I mostly see the effects return used to plug something directly into the power section of the amp, without using the preamp, and i do this myself on one of my amps as the pre thats in it is horrible. Liam
  18. Because other companies can offer more than Fender can, and people prefer that. These so called Super J's/P's are called super for a reason. They see that people want more than Fender can offer in terms of features, so they jump on this and cater to that quite high-end market. Liam
  19. Shouldn't your username now be VibratingGStrings, as you now appear to have 3 of them? Liam
  20. If i had a cheap enough way to get to London and back i would. I'll have to see what i can do. Same as TorVic, it will be my first one. Liam
  21. Not watched the vid yet, youtube doesn't work at work, but to edit the thread title you use the full editor. Just a nice little piece of info there for you, took me ages to figure out myself. Liam
  22. I'm not in a band with gear nuts, but they notice if i bring something different to rehearsals and gigs, especially if it has more than 4 strings.... (Or less than 5 nowadays) Liam
  23. Hi Steve, welcome to the forums. You've picked the right place to come if you're looking for help with anything, be it playing, equipment, or even life, someone on here knows something that'll be useful. Liam
  24. Try it before you buy anything extra. That would be loud enough in my band and we have 2 guitarists, and are playing pop/punk stuff, so still at hefty enough volumes. Liam
  25. Ever considered the Protec Contego? Not tried one personally but they seem to get a lot of rave reviews on here and Talkbass. Liam
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