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Everything posted by LiamPodmore

  1. I've been debating getting a VT Deluxe Modded to fit in a rack and work with an 8 button MIDI Footswitch (Presets 1-6, Tuner Mute and Bypass) but i know it would be a costly job, if its even possible. Liam
  2. Boschma, Gator, SKB, or Spider/Flightcase Warehouse would be my choices. Liam
  3. The guy on lead (If you can call it that) has some brilliant facial expressions. I quite like this actually, its different, and quite interesting. Liam
  4. My mum, dad, and grandparents on both sides are not musical at all. I do have musicians in my family, but none of them closely related. I think my desire to pull things apart and see how they work may have come from my great grandad though, he was always doing it up until the day when he phsyically couldn't any more. Liam
  5. I'm planning on eventually buying probably an Epi Pro IV, sending it off to SIMS Custom Shop for a nice refinish in Metalflake Green or Metalflake Pink, with matching fretboard LED's and new hardware and pickups, when i can afford it...... Liam
  6. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1322335919' post='1449642'] I've useda PS3 singstar mic adapter [/quote] Never thought of that, some of my bands acoustic redordings were done with a Rock Band USB mic. I think i might go for the Alpha actually, it seems pretty good for the price and does what i want. Liam
  7. I'm after a cheap (Under £50 prefferably) USB Audio Interface for recording some youtube covers, all i need is 1 in 1 out in terms of channels, and obvisously a line input. Been looking at the Lexicon Alpha which seems like it will do the job, but is there anything better for that price? Liam
  8. £250 altogether. £150 for the Warwick and £100 for the cab (A Peavey 1x12 borrowed from my bands PA rig) Liam
  9. The amp + cab are affecting the tone in a way which pleases you when using the Jazz, but not when using the Aerodyne, and the Aerodyne has a more pleasing natural tone to you. Liam Natural probably wasn't the right word, but its the only one i could think of what fits.
  10. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1321902869' post='1444296'] Most places hand me a Samson DI that's pale blue (circuit diagram on the top) and I know for a fact they're pretty cheap. I've never had any problems with them but then again we don't really hear our own FOH sound so I'm finding it hard to properly recommend them! [/quote] Same around here, but if Samson mics are anything to go off in terms of sound quality, they can't be too bad. I got lumped with a crap behringer DI a few weeks ago, it did the job, but there was no onstage amp either so i was all monitors and could hear the DI a little more than i normally would. Liam
  11. Both of my speaker cables are 1.5m. Speaker cables tend to be a bit more expensive and a lot more heavy duty than instrument cables, as they're designed to take a much higher load than an instrument cable is. Liam
  12. +1, if the amp is good enough for you, then a seperate DI is the best way to go, it will also more than likely end up being cheaper than replacing the amp too, unless you go for something mental like a REDDI which i don't expect you will. Liam
  13. Line 6 POD X3 Pro or maybe one of the new HD Pro models. All the amp/cab/mic sims are defeatable and both have good effects (Except the synth) that aren't too hard to use and program. Liam
  14. Nothing wrong with a bit of Pop/Punk mate, welcome to the forums.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdjtqu3XK4U I would say that has a really nice groove to it, but this is me, who comes from a straight 8ths/16ths rock background, so i'm sure i'll have a different idea of groove to others on here. Liam
  16. [quote name='Mark_Bass' timestamp='1321550649' post='1440584'] I admit i find it odd that in this day and age mesa dont seem to put speakcons on all their heads, and yeah they are stupidly, stuuupidly expensive. I guess they must use unicorn poo as a secret component or something.... [/quote] Isn't there some EU law that everything over 500w has to have SpeakOns nowadays? I 'm sure i spotted something like that somewhere. Liam
  17. My Ibanez was like this, so i ripped out the J pickup and 2 band EQ and am soon to be fitting a Wizard Thumper and wiring in typical Precision fashion of Vol/Tone. Not something i'd reccomend for yourself, but thats what i did. Liam
  18. LiamPodmore


    [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1321537394' post='1440304'] Ah, that's what I thought. Strangely, I never onxce thought of doing this! I bought a Focusrite, but I also had my drums going into it. [/quote] Its quite surprising how many people who have one overlook this feature actually, same with the Boss equivalents. The POD X3 Pro claims to be able to send something like 16 seperate channels of audio via USB, quite a handy little feature in my opinion. Liam
  19. From that post above, this seems easily worth the (Quite small i would say) sum of £1.69 a month. I'll definately be subscribing come payday, as right now i don't even have £1.69 to my name. Liam
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1321532806' post='1440210'] They've taken the images down but here are a couple .. I think the blonde one is gorgeous [/quote] Oh my, a singlecut that i would actually play. That Blonde one does look pretty tasty to me, and the 6 string further up is just f*cking hideous. Liam
  21. 2 Preamps? In One Bass?!?!?!?!? My god that sounds like a lot of fun to me. GORGEOUS finish on that too, makes the grain stand out juustt perfectly. Liam
  22. Most amp manufaturers (Except a few, Bugera Nuke anyone?) quote RMS, Hartke included. Liam
  23. LiamPodmore


    [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1321488681' post='1439924'] Aye, same as. If you do make sure to get as long a CAT5 cable as possible. And try and get one that will show up on a dark stage so you dont get caught up in it. [/quote] Yeah, i was thinking a 10m red or green one, run it round the side of the stage so i have no cables under my feet at all. Liam
  24. LiamPodmore


    [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1321459074' post='1439423'] Pete, Would you kindly expand on how you use yours as a soundcard please? Cheers! [/quote] Included USB Cable, set the DAW to recognise the POD as the input source. I'm pondering on whether instead of getting a new amp, putting together a 6U rack with Line 6 Relay G90, POD X3 Pro and a Peavey IPR. Liam
  25. I used to use a .110 when i was in mostly Drop D. Had a lot of punch and was deep enough for my tastes. Liam
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