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About WalMan

  • Birthday 16/07/1959

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  1. Dream Theater last night at the O2. Went with #2 son who got me tickets for my birthday before I had booked the operation on my ankle. We were due to be in the nosebleeds seats right at the very top and up 33 steps that were virtually vertical and which I would never have made with the walking crutch I am using to get around at the moment. Spoke to staff at the venue who were really good and managed to move us down to seats on a balcony at level one. Because walking was going to be a pain I booked valet parking, which I can heartily recommend as although slightly more expensive it is straight to the door of the venue, leave the keys without the faff of finding a parking space and straight back out again to a car waiting at the door so between a few people in a car well worth it. 😁 Other than gigs at the Brighton Centre, it’s the first one that I have been to in such a large venue. The sound was generally good and it was a great show. John Myung’s bass sound was epic 🥰 I was going to sell ‘the appliance’ but maybe I’ll start hiring it out with a false plaster cast to others heading to arena gigs 😉🤣
  2. Been trying to get in there for yonks 🙁
  3. I had been trying to think of a way to get a stereo mix in the IEM's and spread things out, but the new stagebox/desk last night considerably reduced my search for a solution as everything was very much clearer..
  4. A couple of things after the most recent gig 1) I need to replace the xVive system with something better! It was cutting in and out in the second set and siting the transmitter so that it doesn’t swamp either the desk router or my iPad so one or other doesn’t work. 2) our sound guy has a new (last years model) Allen & Heath CQ stagebox/mixer, and the difference between that and the old Behringer XR is just night and day. The mix I was getting from the A&H was so much more open that the XR which I was never entirely happy with the mix I was achieving.
  5. A bit of a quiet night - except for the bloke that bellowed FREEEEEEEEEEEEBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRD at regular intervals. Not a busy pub but those that were there seemed to enjoy it. Had some issues with the Xvive IEM’s cutting in and out in the second set, and finding somewhere to put the transmitter that doesn’t wipe out either the router in the desk of my iPad for my mix is becoming a right royal PITA. I rather think I need to search for a better solution. Our sound guy had a new Allen & Heath CQ desk and WOW 😮 the difference between it and the old Behringer xAir was night and day. Everything in my IEM’s was clear and separated and but for the my system cutting in and out I was very happy on that front. Still need to get levels properly set for my mix but it bodes well.
  6. A pretty good night last night. Drummer back from hols but one guitarist down however the other guitarist and I have worked for years as me him, drummer and a vocalist so really not a problem. Using a different sound guy, who works with our usual guy, and the usual PA but despite him having checked all the connections during the week nothing he did would connect his iPad to the mixer, I had forgotten my iPad, but the connection from my phone was intermittent so in the end he brought his XAir in and re plugged everything from the usual one and we managed a quick last minute soundcheck but without my IEM connected, so I had to tweak that on the fly in the set. Still non weight bearing on my ankle and using the iWalk to stand - let’s gloss over the fact that earlier in the day walking through the village I got overconfident, stubbed the ‘toe’ and with nothing to grab onto and unable to do the ‘skip, yes I meant to do that’ thing when you catch your foot, and went down in a heap (I’ve not admitted that to wifey as I’d never hear the end of it). It’s fine for gigging, though does mean I can’t really move about and the opposite foot has gone to sleep by the end of each set. First set went pretty well. A few flubs from everyone, particularly the drummer who dropped a couple of beats but we caught it and I doubt anyone in the audience noticed. Crowd were ok and singing along so that was good. Second set everything gelled much better, the sound felt better and the punters got into it and were singing and dancing so it ended as a stormer. Landlady well pleased and stuck a load in the diary for next year.
  7. If you don’t need all the Kemper bells and whistles the TwoNotes Bass Revolt is worth a look. I’ve used mine for a few silent stage deps and it sounded great. 🙂
  8. Interesting one last night. Tiny pub, a dep drummer, and I was strapped into ‘the appliance’ I have depped with the drummer before in other bands and knew he would be fine. The others were a little unsure beforehand going in with no rehearsal but all was fine. He lays into his kit a lot more than our normal drummer but knows what he’s doing and has feel so he and I had a talk through funnies for stops, tops & tails in the set and with that and me talking through cues during the set (while playing bass, singing bv’s and trying to stay upright much to the huge amusement of the WAGs) we made it through ok. It is a tiny pub and originally we were going to be one guitarist down, but he made it in the end. It would have been very difficult with our usual drummer’s rack system but the dep has a more compact kit so we squeezed in just about. I am three weeks into six weeks non weight bearing on my left ankle after an operation. It has been a bit of a trial, not painful just a PITA. Been living at my late mother’s house as there’s a Stannah and a wet room there which makes life easier. Been getting around the house on a Strideon kneeler scooter hired for the six weeks suggested by the physio at hospital before I was discharged. About a week to ten days ago I found an advert for an iWalk 3.0 and ordered one which is great. Took very little time to get walking on it once it was put together and adjusted for height and I can heartily recommend it for anyone that may be in the same boat - in November it’ll be largely surplus to requirements and up for sale 😁 So with the new appliance strapped on I was able to do most of the gig standing. Only issue was towards the end of each set when my right leg started to go to sleep 😴 aeb46226-2d87-4db8-b804-6b24d34e0d16.mp4
  9. After seeing Moon Safari last Friday at Trading Boundaries (great band and venue) I came home to an expensive ordering session for: Raul Midón - 15 Nov Tiger Moth Tales - 16 Nov; and Lifesigns - 24 Nov …all at Trading Boundaries. I was also reminded by #2 son that he got tickets for me and him for Dream Theater on 20 Oct at the O2. This one will be interesting to get to and move about as it’s the day before my leg cast is removed and I am still non weight bearing so shall be in ‘the appliance’
  10. Moon Safari @ Trading Boundaries on Friday night. There are a couple more there in November I may go for as well
  11. Interesting to see all the comments re thin rather than thick picks. I always find thin picks on bass to be too thin sounding. I am finding I am using a pick less and less nowadays but there are songs that just need it. I have gone heavier over the years and when using them my gotos are all Dunlop 3mm, either Big Stubby (475-300), Primetone (510-300), Flow Jumbo (547-300), or Primetone Classic Sharp (should be 477-300 but I can only see 500 which is too much even for me!! 🤣
  12. Oh lordy!!! That looks like it might be what I've been searching for for a while. Slight problem...I'm recovering from an ankle op a week & half ago and am non-weightbearing on it for another 5 weeks, so meet/collection would be difficult for a while 😢 Watching & hoping
  13. Good news for me as attendance would be difficult if not impossible for me over the next 2 to 3 months.
  14. Gutted. I’ve had to accept the inevitable that it’s too soon after the op last Tuesday and I’m really not mobile enough (also wifey didn’t want to drive the first leg to a mate who was going to do the main drive) so I have passed them on to my partner in crime in The Volunteer Club project.
  15. Hopefully Big Big Train at Thorndell Hall on Monday, but that rather depends on how recuperation from the operation last Tuesday comes along
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