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Everything posted by acidbass

  1. I still struggle with understanding how a Chinese built Dingwall NG series sells for around £2k. Surely they only cost a couple of hundred to make on a CNC machine, plus maybe another hundred for the DG preamp. They are effectively telling us a setup in Canada adds £1700 to the value? Strewth!
  2. These prices are absolutely insane. The guts of £3k for a Stingray! Granted, the Specials are probably the best Stingrays ever made, but my goodness. How much more would get you a Fender CS, Sadowsky US etc? Insane.
  3. I have one of these basses, great out of the box and very moddable. GLWTS
  4. It's remarkably similar to the current Firemist Silver colour, no?
  5. I also really like the Audere preamp frequencies!
  6. I don't find the 40hz bass frequency centre on the Aguilar pres to be very musical. A boost at this frequency is largely just mush, so really it can only be used musically as a cut. Darkglass have theirs at around 70hz which is much more versatile IMO.
  7. Hi all! Neil Murray just shared his own transcription of his bassline 😍 I have attached the JPEGs for your delectation
  8. Yeah they bought approximately 50% of some 1,180 Neil Young songs. I can only guess that Neil wants to invest this money in some other interest - why else would he sell it? It's cool that you can potentially own a part of his catalogue tho! Music is surely something that will become more valuable over time (for the first 60 years after writing anyway)
  9. I'm wondering if the VAT rules differ again for us folk in Northern Ireland. We are still part of the EU single market when it comes to goods imports and exports. Might make a bit of difference on a £2k bass for sure. I'll look into it further!
  10. I ordered a new mic and a few bits and pieces last week from Musicstore in Cologne (it was cheaper than Thomann) and they arrived via DHL just today without an issue. I guess that perhaps Thomann's suggestion is just worse case scenario.
  11. You are surely compromising only slightly less playing it on a 10 string rather than a 4. I'm not sure accurate is the right term here?
  12. I read a bunch of reviews recently about gaming chairs (was in the market at the time) and the general consensus was that most are very uncomfortable for long sessions, with cushioned areas in the wrong places and a lack of adjustment. The highest rated surprisingly were from Ikea, and they were among the low/mid price ones.
  13. Superb basses these, although the headstock snapped off mine :( She now wears a Squier CV Jazz neck :)
  14. The string alignment on the Specials is much better on the G string. You'll notice that the string is perfectly centred through the pole pieces of the pickup on the Specials due to a redesigned pickup. This effectively gets rid of the weak low G syndrome experienced with most Rays since EB took over.
  15. Nothing beats Ashdown IMO - great amps, well made and fantastic customer service. Lovely rig!
  16. I remember Dave Hollingworth (Darkglass Endorser) recommending seperate amp and pedals, because the EQ for the drive and clean channels are not independent, and so to have two seperates gives you more control over the characteristics of the drive.
  17. Is there an unnecessary knob on the SR4? Volume, Tone, and what else? Personally I think the Joe Dart is the perfect MM Bass.
  18. I'd say get it done. Original frets don't add much value to a bass IMO, not in the same way an original finish or pickups etc does. I think of them as a necessary replacement at some point in the life of a bass, similar to strings.
  19. I guess you could say Joe Dart. Prior to his signature model EB he used all sorts of budget/intermediate level basses to record with, including a Mexican Fender Jazz, Squier P and PJ basses, Carlo Robelli Stingray clone, Fender P Bass Junior and a few others.
  20. Really awesome, modern music is so bass heavy, some really cool grooves on the radio nowadays
  21. I'm in the market for something similar and some of the options I have been looking at (in addition to the ones you mentioned) include: - Fender Rumble 40 - Peavey Max 100 - Ashdown Studio 10 To my mind, a 10" speaker is the perfect size for home playing - you could maybe even get away with 8". I'll buy something that I can just fit nicely in the corner without it taking up too much space
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