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Everything posted by acidbass

  1. Goodness me, there are so many other players more deserving of a signature instrument IMO. And I bet you the pickup pole piece alignment is awful
  2. Wasn't 'You Make Loving Fun' actually about an affair Christine had with the lighting guy or something?
  3. Cort do some really nice 5 strings with great pickups and preamps!
  4. Wow, really interesting. I think a 200hz bass frequency (while a bit on the high side) would be infinitely more useful and musical than one set at 40hz. Also a fan of the mid and treble ranges. Will be looking into this pre for def!
  5. Yeah I could never get my head around the EQ section on Aguilar heads, where the bass control is centred at 40hz. IMO this is much too low to be usable, and anything past around 10 o'clock on the Bass dial causes some seriously weird sounds out of 10" drivers.
  6. A wonderful track, heard it on the radio last week. Love those mixolydian vibes
  7. Very lucky that you lived at the same address!
  8. Working fine for me too, first time visitor.
  9. Not if it involves a sustained note on the 4th or 6th frets
  10. Nice to see they have corrected the offset G string, thereby eliminating the ubiquitous weak G!
  11. Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. I know I've done a few pit gigs where you see huge extended notes spanning many bars. Probably the only circumstance I can imagine it being useful tho.
  12. Sadly I feel too many of these nights cost Squire his health
  13. +1. I think this is the biggest improvement from an engineering/physics perspective that has been made since the initial design. Beyond that, I'm not sure whether adding mass to the bridge makes much difference at all.
  14. Used to rinse the 'Fragile' album as a teenage aspiring bass player, Squire was very impressive. Tried listening to them again last year, didn't like them at all! And I thought prog was something you appreciate more as you get older. Still enjoy the ARW videos however, nice to see such intricate music played live so expertly.
  15. Agreed. I have watched a lot of interviews with rock dinosaurs where they often say 'I hate chart music but there's this singer called Lady Gaga who is actually quite good' as if no one else has heard of her.
  16. Hi all Got this recently through the Spotify promo and have no need for it! RRP £49 Great for connecting your phone to via Bluetooth and blasting Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music etc. Unopened, brand new in box. Asking £25 inc. P&P Danny
  17. Micky!!!! Should have known by the username! Hope you're well buddy
  18. I'd go for a good basis to build a modded bass - quality neck and body woods would be a start. Sometimes those Squier bodies are a step up from plywood and not very resonant! I'd be looking for Alder or Ash personally.
  19. Did a drive in concert a couple of weeks ago - all very socially distant. The gig was shite though both for band and punters, a big crowd but I'm not sure people enjoyed sitting in cars watching.
  20. There's an Ashdown ABM500 for sale at the moment for £125 in the Ads section. Incredible! I paid £500 brand new for one around 8 or 9 years ago and loved it. Would buy another in a heartbeat!
  21. Two small strips of paper/plastic/cardboard inside the pickup cover (between the cover and the pickup itself) help to lower the pole pieces so they are flush with the cover, or actually slightly lower than the cover. Works a treat!
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