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Everything posted by Dad3353

  1. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1456690537' post='2991504'] This is it. Getting the part right in the first place. This should be done way before you get into the rehearsal space with your band. [/quote] ...and usually is, at least i the band that I've played in. After which, we do things as best fits the band..! Our version of 'Space Oddity' is a far cry from the original..!
  2. Snarks, here. Very good; no problems on a 6-string fretless.
  3. Yes, this ^^ is what the NY Glue does, to a great extent. It's not so violent as to be really noticeable, but 'glues' all into a coherent sonic space, when applied to the whole mix, rather than individual elements.
  4. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1456675667' post='2991268'] Haven't you already submitted one? (see earlier post). [/quote] Is this what's meant by a 'senior moment'..?
  5. Oh dear..! This could become embarrassing..! I was quite content (and not a little surprised and proud...) to be well forward in the votes, but it looks as if a recent spurt has propelled me into the lead..! Come on, folks, be reasonable; there's still time to get one of the other brilliant compositions on top. Give them all a close listen; you'll be amazed at the sheer quality in there. Twice in a row..? No, it'll create a disruption of the space - time equilibrium, the consequences of which do not bear thinking about. Worse (is that possible..?) than the Return of Cthulhu, more ground-shaking than Krakatoa, higher risk than the Hadron Collider, and affecting the children of your children's children for innumerable generations to come. What; you don't have children..? OK, but it will still be a tumultuous event. Don't risk it, folks. Vote for... Well, any of 'em, really; they're that good. Don't make me choose another picture, please. Pretty please..?
  6. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1456670437' post='2991202']...if Dad is colouring me into a hippy at the same time [/quote] Nah..! Been there; done that..! My next ambition is to convert you to hedonism, or black voodoo; I've not decided yet. Or Viking..? Yes, maybe Viking. I can just see you, proudly astride the prow of your drakkar, ochre and yellow square-rigged sail billowing behind your horn-adorned helm, fine golden locks blown back, arm aloft...
  7. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1456670068' post='2991196']... [color=#800000][size=5][b]PS: The deadline for noodles is tonight at midnight![/b][/size][/color] Get busy. [/quote] Darn it..! I'm not going to be able to meet that deadline this time around..! Next time..? (Not that much is missed, of course..! )
  8. [quote name='Froggy' timestamp='1456670676' post='2991208'] We'll said that man! Never let it be said that we would get a cheap laugh from another's misfortune. [/quote] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:167486]
  9. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1456670636' post='2991207'] We do 'beds are burning' currently most gigs , I didnt realise we were missing a trombone [/quote] Our eldest used to play with a ska/punk/rock outfit; we once had the three-piece brass section doing the intro and solo correctly for us at an open-air concert. What a difference..! Our singist has a fair crack at it, though; it's fun. The bass line, incidentally, is a bit odd, technically, but it fits well once used to it.
  10. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1456668622' post='2991177'] And another thing that happens due to this amateur approach is that the tune gets gigged and the band say "hmm not sure that really works". Leaves you thinking, actually the tune does work its just you lazy fecker(s) have screwed it up cos you didn't do the work. When you have 2 or 3 in the band with that attitude then it becomes a problem. Of course, mine is a minority view, most others are happy with an "interpretation" and i just have to deal with it. The irony is that it has never been easier to be able to learn songs with DAWs and YouTube etc. Back in the old days of listening to tapes or records it was a lot harder. Today you can go on YouTube, convert to MP3, import into some software, LISTEN TO THE ORIGINAL PART WITHOUT NOODLING. Just use your ears and a bit of patience. Then EQ the original bass part out and play along to get the nuances. Sorry guys, you've touched a nerve... [/quote] It's also quite possible that, having listened to, appreciated and learned the 'right' parts, some retouching is required to get it to fit with the 'real' band setting in which it is to be played, rather than the more ideal 'studio' setting that the original was created in. The trombone solo in 'Beds Are Burning' is done by our singer, for instance, with no trombone, just vocalising. We don't have a string section or keys, either, so we adapt. No-one gets hurt, normally, and folks enjoy the result, so... There is even scope sometimes (often..?) for doing [i]better [/i]than the original, in the context of one's own band. One could always play the CD as a backing track and mime, if it's a faithful original coupled with a live act that's preferred. Some 'original' artists do this, I'm told.
  11. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1456668791' post='2991178']... Can you/ anyone explain the basic difference between french and german bows ?... [/quote] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrj2Xhznv20
  12. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1456666345' post='2991151'] Brilliant, good to see everyone has moved on. [/quote] Yes, indeed. We're not a vindictive crowd here, and are always willing to let bygones be bygones. Rubbing salt into old wounds is far from the BC ethic; for are we not gentlemen, all..?
  13. [quote name='skampino' timestamp='1456662403' post='2991112'] I want to post and have some photos in my media but for the life of me cant remember how I put them there. How do i add some more? cheers [/quote] When posting using the Full Editor (Invoked by using the 'More Reply Options' button...), one may Attach Files, using the 'Choose Files' button below the Edited Text box. Each file chosen there is added to your My Media collection. To delete attachments no longer required, and liberate quota space... Go to your 'My Profile' (your pseudo, top right...). Select 'Edit my Profile' (black button a bit below...). Select 'Manage Attachments' (in the list on the left...). They are listed in date order. Navigate to oldest, select those to be deleted (tick boxes on the right...). Select 'Delete Selected' (grey button at bottom right of list...). Repeat, page by page, until all unwanted attachments are deleted. Using the BBCode link supplied by an external photo account such as PhotoBucket, Imgur or ImageShack is a good idea; the photos are better presented and it uses no BC server space. I use Imgur (it's free...); here's what it looks like (the correct link for Basschat is in green...) ... Others hosting sites are similar (assuming use of a PC; I know nothing of other devices...). Hope this helps...
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1456666160' post='2991143'] I stayed in Hilbert's Hotel and I am certain it was situated somewhere on Hilbert's Curve. They said they had no vacancies but we stayed anyway. [/quote] ... but you can never leave..!
  15. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1456665194' post='2991137'] Are we still doing this...? [/quote] No, the original [i]faux pas[/i] has now been forgotten.
  16. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1456496619' post='2989656']...any tips for how we could improve the mix... [/quote] Good afternoon, Ming... There's not that much to improve; you've (all...) got it down very well indeed. Not as finely polished as a Phil Spector track, maybe, but certainly well played, sung, recorded and mixed. How to give it a touch of 'gloss'..? You don't mention what tools you're using (I use Reaper...), but you may like to have a look at New York Bus compression, and New York Glue, both useful pre-mastering techniques for giving an 'edge' to stuff. I'd reduce the reverb a little on the vocals, as it sounds a bit too 'Italian disco' presently, and maybe go, instead, with a very slight delay, or even a light chorus effect, just to thicken it slightly without sounding like a hallway, along with a spot of compression. It only requires very little treatment at all; just enough to not be completely 'dry'. A dollop of New York Glue over the whole mix would then blend all together somewhat. Congratulations on the choice of numbers; I especially liked the BeeGee's song (nostalgia, once it grips you, eh..?). The Somerville is impressive, too. Good luck with the project.
  17. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1456654808' post='2991001']...and I wouldn't want to be have any of my thoughts coloured... [/quote] Heaven forbid that I should colour [i]anyone's[/i] thoughts..! I was thinking that t'would be best [i]after [/i]the voting, so as not to 'skew' people's listening choices, but I'm not overly fussed, either..? In the Voting thread would be fine for the write-ups; I'll see about doing one shortly...
  18. I'd go through my 'process', such that it is, if it'll interest anyone. Would a dedicated 'Making of: February' be preferable, or should such posts be tagged onto the 'Challenge' topic..? Any thoughts..?
  19. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1456607372' post='2990788'] He was a nowhere man, man. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5EcrraNTQo"]https://www.youtube....h?v=w5EcrraNTQo[/url] [/quote] I don't 'get' it. He didn't come from Liverpool at all..!
  20. Aw, shucks... Stop it; it's embarrassing..! (... but thanks, all the same..! It's good to know that they are, at least, read... ) For those with time for it (I know there are many that are too busy...), could I suggest that a 'making of', including any 'trade secrets' or anecdotes, may be an informative, entertaining and useful follow-up to the voting..? Just an idea...
  21. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1456524315' post='2990114'] I mean the little box thing that we put the price in. It's displayed when you open the thread, but would it be possible to see to without ? [/quote] This information is locked into the System at topic creation, and can never be edited; any evolution in price would not be visible in the title if this was used. Nice try, but it wouldn't be very popular if we did that. We, as Mods, have to search for keywords and more when doing regular housekeeping in there ('regular' means daily, weekly and other tasks...). We, too, are limited and,sometimes, frustrated by the relatively primitive search functions available. An example..? How many folks like to mark their 'sold' items with friendly, jocular phrases such as 'Gone..!' or 'Off to Ebay' and such..? We (Mods...) have to be able to recognise reliably when an item has sold; the only way we can do this is if the words 'Sold' or 'Withdrawn' are added to the title (without changing anything else in the ad or title, please...). I spend a few hours every week combing through the ads to weed out the recalcitrant folks not obeying this simple consigne, and I'm not the only Mod here going through these routine tasks. I dread to think how things could unravel if further sections, each with their own 'rules' were established, at least while the current 'toolset' remains so primitive. This is not a criticism of the forum software, just a reflection on its limitations compared to the db's I've been used to manipulating in the past. Simple is better in this case, although we welcome any and all opportunities to improve things, if we can. The ideas are all good, but simply not workable on a forum such as this. Maybe in a couple of generations time..?
  22. Thanks, folks. It's therapeutic, to listen through, several times, all of these jewels. Gives me something to aspire to, and helps keep my English in practise..! Anyone could do it, really, it only takes time, patience, time, spare time and a comfortable armchair. Oh, and a bit of spare time. Given all that, it's a doddle (and a pleasure...).
  23. [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4][/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]This 'Play of the Day' here …[/size][/font][/color] [color=#0000ff][font=Arial][size=4][u][url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/dive"][color=#000080]'Dive', from Mornats ...[/color][/url][/u][/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]A rather rasping sample sets off a delayed melodic marimba(..?) riff, supported by a modest bass arpeggio. An uneasy peace is disturbed by more sample interjections. A sequenced synth provides anticipation of a total thunder of drums, with a suspended high-pitched note adding anguish. The percussion fleshes out, with continued ejaculations [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]punctuating the whole. The scene is rather full. The pressure is eased as the insistent riff ceases, along with the tumultuous drums, leaving space for a plaintive voice to ring out like an enchanting siren (no, you dolt, the mermaid, not the alarm..!). The tranquillity is shattered; urgent strings and pressing percussion push for space as impelling ghostly vocals inject drama and pace, the siren returns (OK, now it's more like an alarm; I take back the 'dolt'...). The chase is on, there's no remission, no relenting, no let-up. Things come to a head; we are left in suspension as the piece ends with a final detonation from the drums and a falling siren.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]A complex piece, best listened to with the picture firmly in view; it comes alive as the music plays through (I caught several glimpses of actual movement, I'm certain..!). A dramatic, rich soundscape, using a wide array of effects, samples and interwoven themes to bring to life, in our imagination, a powerful narrative. I found the lo-fi voices to be excessively harsh-sounding, although that's, in part, inherent in the source of these; it doesn't detract from the overall show being played out. Exciting, original, appropriate; another fine twist on the subject, for which there is evidence of much care and attention to detail. Very good indeed; well done.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Here endeth my ramblings for this month; more next time, I hope. Until then...[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Have a nice day[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Douglas[/size][/font][/color]
  24. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Don't forget to hop along to admire the photos proposed for the February Photo Challenge, to be found here ...[/font][/color] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/278154-february-2016-photo-comp-voting-time"]February Photo Challenge ...[/url] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]... and vote for your favourite. This month's theme..?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=7][color=#00FFFF]C[/color][color=#40E0D0]O[/color][/size][/font][/color][color=#ADD8E6][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=7]L[/size][/font][/color][color=#0000FF][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=7]D[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Get on over to see what's on offer..! [/font][/color]
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