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  2. Christian Olsson of Unicorn bass with Mark King! (pinterest.com) artist – Unicornbass
  3. Just for Fun adhoc Recording https://soundcloud.com/foxtrott-2/ibanez-anb-1006-funk
  4. Passing through Norway on Sunday for a week if anyone that side of the world is interested. (Same is true for the Serek I guess but I think I know which is the keeper)
  5. I have the Dimarzio system on my electric guitar and it certainly is low profile. However, I would be concerned about the plastic clips damaging the OP's instrument finished in that location. Rubber washers here too. I had a moment of enlightenment after many years of using Schaller and Dunlop systems and getting frustrated with the strap button screws working loose... "If I have a strap for each bass, why am I removing and reattaching them every time I take it out of its gig bag?" I replaced the buttons on my basses with their original buttons and screws and permanently attached the straps with rubber washers. Rock solid
  6. Do you work for Bass Direct?
  7. Whenever I've bought anything from music retailers (Andy Baxter, Bass Direct, The Gallery, PMT, etc., etc.) I've always phoned them to confirm the deal, availability and offer a deposit to secure the item(s). I'd never leave it to email.
  8. EADG are sold so @WishICouldWalk if you want the low B it's all yours!
  9. I'd certainly agree with this - I too have used both Schaller and Dunlop, though have moved more recently to just using the Dunlop Dual Design strap pins with Fender's version of the Grolsch bottle washers. It seems to provide a stable and secure fix for the strap and remains reasonably low-profile
  10. I have found muso "savvyness" to be an empty aura for the most part which me inexperience probably created subconsciously. The more I have learned, the more I question what other players say and do and think to myself "I wouldn't have played it like that" or "I like my tone better" and been OK with being different. Learning that "different" does not automatically equal "wrong" is a big step forward in one's development as a bass player, IMO. The trick is not to be a cockwomble about it and start telling other people that they're wrong because they're different to you. Break that cycle!
  11. Would you say the Monaco would outperform 2 x Ampeg SVT112AV cabs ? Im hoping it gets me there as a single cab in a 5 piece rock band playing large to small pubs without going through the PA
  12. Guess difficult to compare to the BB2 as it's very much a different price point and class, useful info though, cheers. Ended up going with a TC208 because I found one cheap and pretty happy with that but might look at the Warwick Gnome 10/4 to add to it when funds allow
  13. Also, I can arrange for transport to London without customs duties.
  14. The GP12SMX Trace preamp has two pre-shape settings, IIRC one of them actually sounds ok. But I never used either of them live.
  15. Yes, the Signal Shape 'Mid Scoop' button on my Genz always remains disengaged. I wish I could go back in time and tell my 22 year old self to stop trying to get a good sound with that stupid smiley EQ curve everybody used.
  16. This guy has some good tutorials, here's a 'getting started' one.
  17. Glad to hear that you're still so happy with the Stingray! With that, the Starstream and the Jake, you've got one helluva bass collection. Just add a Sandy Cali ll TM Short and you've got my top 4 (although my Vox is the JJ version).
  18. Last night's gig (and the "open rehearsal" the night before) weren't too bad. We got a reasonable number of dancers in, and the rhythm section (bass, drums, tres, percussion) kept good time despite some soloists' attempts to shake the foundations on occasion. First time I've gigged with a fretted bass, which was strange. The venue was here. I've not been since before they revamped it to add a bar; it's a rather nice performance space now.
  19. Hofner violin bass? Gretsch G2220 Junior Jet bass? 30" and 30.3" scales respectively.
  20. For a casual OM turn on a bass, HB Shorty P all the way. I've had mine for over a decade and I've done nothing to it. At all. It's still got the strings on it came with. Didn't even need to touch the trussrod or intonation. Still going strong and sounds Brill. This coming from a serial bass fettler/buyer/seller is high praise indeed! Cheapest new bass I've ever bought too (apart from a HB deko) which really does make me question my otherwise very expensive habit 😂 It's short but sounds like a grown up P 👍
  21. I was agreeing with you, not criticizing you. I quoted to endorse your post, because I thought it echoed my own thoughts. My apologies, I should have made that clear. The self-styled savvy muso types are very much people I have known in real life., not anyone on Basschat. .
  22. I bought this recently and have to say it has a great tone and plenty of power for practice and coffee shop gigs. The compression on it is very good and useful for a bit more beef. This is where the but comes in for me, the gigs I play at are usually churches which can be quite big or quite small so I'll need a bit more output than this has so it's up for sale for what I paid for it. It's in mint condition and comes with all leads and a pedal for turning the compression on or off. Postage is £7, or free collection from TS148PB. Thanks for reading. would part ex for similar size amp with more power.
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