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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1467412146' post='3083598'] What's a Limelight btw Guys? I've been out of the loop for a bit [/quote] http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/limelight-custom-gallery/
  2. After years of tweaking, I've got it down to a fine art My Line 6 XT Live gets carted around in a dedicated Thomann gigbag -- the associated cable snake and other sundries live in the front pocket of this. The amp mains cable, speaker cables etc live in an old charity-shop-refugee PE kit bag** in the back of the amp rack case. I carry the wireless lead and a spare guitar cable in the front pocket of the bass gigbag. ** if I forget to bring this, I have to do it in my vest and pants.
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1467508789' post='3084219'] Depends on the band and other circumstances. I contend that if you can't pay someone, how reliable do you expect them to be? Blue [/quote] It'd be nice to think that if everyone in the band is a hobbyist rather than doing it for a living, they would all show a similar level of interest and enthusiasm. With that comes a simple ability to turn up on time and actually be able to play. Otherwise, what's the point? Mind you, I was forgetting that money is the only thing that matters. Silly me.
  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1467484159' post='3084071'] My only complaint is about Regi, his brother, on guitar. He displayed an amazing tapping technique, and on his solo spot he sang some good classic soul songs. However, once we'd seen his diddling for a couple of minutes, he should have stopped. Instead he carried on, and on...I think he was close to spoiling the gig. [/quote]Glad I'm not the only one who thought this!
  5. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1467304950' post='3082723'] Another successful person being shot down for [s]literally no reason...[/s] being successful [/quote] Fixed.
  6. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1467201614' post='3081850'] Are green basses good for metal ? [/quote]
  7. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1467034711' post='3080626'] I think this sums-up why we are such a great nation. No matter how bad it is, we'll stick a flag in it. [/quote]At a jaunty angle.
  8. Well, I enjoyed the Coldplay set. If I was uncharitable, I'd say it looks like a lot of people who already dislike Coldplay intensely watched a bit of the set purely so they could say how crap it was. TBH I enjoyed it as much for the lighting as anything else. The effect of all those xylobands was simply stunning.
  9. Pretty crap relic job IMO. I wouldn't say no to a pristine one tho.
  10. Switched it on to catch a few minutes of Adele and ended up watching the whole set. Thought she was very good. I'm quite prepared to be in the minority with this opinion.
  11. For my money, Muse are one the very best live acts out there right now. Chris is a superb bassist, his creativity and tonal palette are an inspiration (how much do I want that doubleneck???). For me, they're a 21st century Rush. Feel free to tell me how wrong I am, I don't care
  12. Morrissey always has and always will get right on my tits, can't stand the bloke. I used to let this colour my opinion of the whole band and their songs, but thankfully I've outgrown that and can really appreciate their stuff now. Although I still listen to it despite Moz rather than because of him
  13. Outrageous bassist, superb stick player, and an absolutely thoroughly bloody nice bloke. Oh, and an expert at hiding in really small spaces.
  14. What it says. Anyone fancy sharing details of patches they're particularly pleased with?
  15. I sing too, but I will always be a singing bassist rather than a bass-playing singer. If you see what I mean.
  16. 2016 strikes again. And again, and again, and again...
  17. I'm going to The Fleece in Bristol on 28th June. Anyone else going?
  18. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1465918093' post='3072093'] I had to google it, but sure enough it's an actual saying. My shame is eggscruciating. [/quote] Yes, and that's no yolking matter.
  19. For me it's both pups at 100% -- I like my J to sound like one -- and tone at 100% if it's passive. On an active, it's a whole different ballgame re: tone, but the pups stay the same. Although for rock tunes I dial back a bit on the bridge to get a ballsier more P-like sound. Most of my tonal variation between songs comes from different patches on my Pod XT Live.
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1465520128' post='3069018'] The tape only motivated me to practice more. Blue [/quote] Good for you. It motivated me to thank my lucky stars that I've never had to work with a tyrant.
  21. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1465338612' post='3067428'] I hear no HATE,only passion and respect for the art. [/quote] And zero respect for the artISTS.
  22. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1464034736' post='3056028'] See, i think that looks cool, but i like rat rods... [/quote] Oh good call Here's a nice pic of a relic P bass and a Fodera
  23. What a hateful individual. No payday is worth being treated like that.
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