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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Rich


    God, has it really been 6 years? Miss ya, daft old sod.
  2. My Shuker 5 doesn't see a whole lot of gig action any more since I got my Sire V7. The low-fi sound of the Sire seems to suit live work better. The Shuke is the better quality bass by a hundred country miles and is still my go-to recording bass.
  3. Extreme -- III Sides To Every Story. Haven't listened to this properly for ages and had forgotten how much I love it. That guitar/bass unison solo in 'Cupid's Dead' is still awesome.
  4. For some reason, some people choose to word "I don't like Tommy Atkins or his music" as "Tommy Atkins is sh*t". Whether it's just a phraseology thing or a conviction that their opinion is The Only Correct One, I don't know. I used to get all defensive when it was aimed at someone I particularly liked, but these days I just treat it all as so much white noise (unless an ensuing argument gets to the stage where the mod hat has to go on).
  5. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1470652088' post='3107294'] After my gig yesterday afternoon, mine fell over onto the floor, fingerboard side down and because of the reliced finish I don't know if it's mint anymore!! [/quote] If you dent a relic bass, does it improve the finish?
  6. Superb work. That fingerboard looks amazing. I'm tempted to try the same method on my defretted Yamaha.
  7. [quote name='SpondonBassed'] I started off enjoying this thread... [/quote] Yup. I'm starting to wish I hadn't bothered.
  8. "I probably have about 2 hours worth of playing on it and it has been living in a case" ...because I very quickly realised that it didn't bloody work. What a div.
  9. My bandmate back in the 80s had the JX-3P. Much more versatile and better sounding than the Junos IMO.
  10. Yowch that's ridiculously hungry. Are you sure it wasn't faulty?
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1470233619' post='3104341'] Those spikes are nothing to do with metal ... they're actually flux capacitors which generate a localised anti-gravity field, thus rendering the bass effectively weightless. [/quote] Presumably it only works when you have enough jiggawatts.
  12. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1469661123' post='3100218'] Why not just have a switch fitted you can flip and leave the jack in. That is what I would do. [/quote] 1. More potential points of failure. 2. Switch could get accidentally flipped mid gig. 3. Drill holes in my basses? I should co-co. Pulling a jack is no big deal as long as you amp-mute.
  13. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1470439225' post='3106086'] often you have to comprise one to make sure the other isn't suffering, but it takes practice to work out in which order you have to work. [/quote] This. [quote] it is hard work, but it is rewarding as hell once you get it working. [/quote] And this. I love singing BVs.
  14. It's like getting to Carnegie Hall... practice. And practice, and practice. It comes eventually but there ain't no shortcuts. The one thing I still can't do is [i]talk[/i] whilst playing. Sing, yes. Talk? no chance.
  15. Take them at face value. If you don't think they're him, fine. Stop listening and walk away.
  16. There is advice aplenty here and even how-to videos -- people are trying to help you, and you're arguing the toss with every bit of advice given to you, and then you're surprised when they become exasperated. To be honest, if I were you I'd take the bass to a luthier, pay him for his expertise and ask him very nicely if he'll be kind enough to talk you through how he does it. He might, he might not, but either way it'll be £30/whatever well spent. Don't argue with him though. Oh, and if you're going to press ahead and DIY, you'll never get anywhere with your 70p Wilko POS. Go onto ebay and search for "engineer's rule". You can pick them up for a couple of quid.
  17. I can't believe nobody has mentioned Tony Goggle yet.
  18. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1468778132' post='3093260'] It would appear the Flea sig is the new [s]Maruszcyk[/s] Sue Ryder! [/quote] Fixed (for those with long memories )
  19. Well strictly speaking they're not so much isolated as pushed right up in the mix, but hey, it's still the Gedmeister doing his majestic thing. Tom Sawyer [media]http://youtu.be/AU3oytIiBfU[/media] YYZ [media]http://youtu.be/hPAqEQ1_ctQ[/media] Red Barchetta [media]http://youtu.be/OKtG9PUr3cM[/media] Limelight [media]http://youtu.be/_-kQsVk8K4c[/media] Digital Man (bass and drums) [media]http://youtu.be/cIN6Yt6iV3U[/media]
  20. At one time my two bands were both doing 'I Wish'. One in E, the other in Eb. That made for some, errm, interesting times 😄😄 I did them both on my standard tuned fiver. I'm no virtuoso, so if I can do it, you can.
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