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Everything posted by Stag

  1. Bobo is a top man, sold him my Ampeg head - buy with confidence chaps! Good luck with the sale
  2. Headstock isnt right and the skunk stripe doesnt match up. Also no binding (or any markings from a refin over it) so its a fakey job. Sure its probably a nice player but id get ya money back fella.
  3. You could do with some pics mate.... how much you would sell for... and location Welcome to the forum by the way!
  4. My Staccato '51 is silent. Really cant hear any fan noise! Maybe its knackered.
  5. I had the 1510x for quite some time until I sold it on here when I upgraded to Ampeg. Super clear sound from these bad boys - not the easiest to move about, but really quality gear and built like a tank! You're the first person ive seen own one other than me, so free bump!
  6. That 4005 is, well, mmmm... lovely. This is the best thread ever.
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  10. Absolute stunner. Shame it has to go, but my, what a beauty.
  11. That cab has seen some action. Is the market for "roadworn" amps and cabs as good as it is for basses? It oughta be, cos I think it looks really cool and im sure it puts out some serious bass! Free bump from me, used to use Marshall many moons ago and it never let me down.
  12. Full weekender mate, dont get back till Sunday night, and I will be hanging bigtime, thats fer sure!
  13. 24th? Dammit, im gonna have to back out..... On a stag do then. Sorry!
  14. These are great amps, loved mine. Only sold it due to upgrade to SVT... Very loud!
  15. I saw them at Ozzfest (yes really) just after The Colour And The Shaps was released. Very good back then, those first three albums are ace. I really like the first one cos the production on it is so raw and punky, Good Grief being a particular fave.
  16. Hmmm... Interesting, looking at lightweight next... Anyone tried them yet?
  17. Nooooooo Steve, dont do it!!! (he said helpfully)
  18. Hi BassMachine Sadly I dont have this bass anymore, it developed a paint issue near the bridge (was shearing away from the body, shockingly) so had to go back to the shop. The distributors couldnt give me a date (or even a month) when they could get me a replacement bass so I had to get my money back. I was absolutely gutted to lose this bass as it was just amazing to play in every way, in fact id forgotten about this review... looking at the pics has made me sob a little! However the money I got back from it DID go towards buying my burgundy one (http://basschat.co.uk/topic/163616-burgundyglo-rickenbacker-4003/) and ive very happy with that indeed
  19. Sold my Washburn B20 and regretted it... Bought it back 4 years later for less than I sold it for
  20. Love Floyd and always have done Worth noting Mr Waters didnt end up playing a lot of bass on their records... DG did lots of it
  21. I played an Epi EB3 and really disliked it. Incredibly heavy with a nondescript sound, shame really.
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