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Everything posted by Stag

  1. Having seen bclhaynes's UBER PEDAL I can safely say it is the saviour to all ills in the pedal department. Although it does cost as much as a bass
  2. Thats cool as. Do like me a nice Gibson every now and then! I remember the 5 string LP being launched some time around 1997, got a feature in the much-missed Bassist Magazine if I remember correctly.
  3. Old jam band bassist who i used to go and see had one of these, great amps with a really clear sound (he used a Warwick with it, FWIW). A little on the heavy side if memory serves me well but, pfffttt... Thats usually a sign that an amp is awesome.
  4. Hi - how much would you like for the RC4? Very interested but cant PM you from iPad for some reason, please take this as a PM... Lol... Happy to recieve your response by PM
  5. I love mine, both of them. People who saw my band back when i was busy identified me with the Ric, its sound, and therefore the band became associated with it. If that isnt a good thimg for any bassist then nothing is going to please you. I like them cos they look cool, they sound cool, and they suit my style of playing. Simples
  6. I had the TE AH300 SMC head and it was briliant, instant sound with my Ric. Used one of their silly cabs with it too, the 1510x. Loved it to pieces but I do have to say it wasnt the most reliable of amps.
  7. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' timestamp='1334960852' post='1624233'] Nail varnish remover is also a good one for getting rid of the goo. If you're trying to take off paper stickers and they're ripping, you can try holding a damp cloth against them for a bit and hopefully they'll disintegrate, then just rub off whatever remains with your solvent of choice. Much easier than scratching at your bass and destroying the finish trying to get them off. [/quote] +1 to this. Worked a treat for me
  8. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1335046185' post='1625268'] It was actually a normal pick, played by a jazz guitarist in a club, but everyone in the venue and surrounding areas died from boredom as he droned on for hours and fecking hours. Soon, the village was forgotten, ruined and decayed. Many years later Milton Keynes was built and somewhere in the UK an arrowhead was found. The end. [/quote] Lol
  9. I had one of these, cracking amp with tons of headroom, even had it n a 2u case like this. Only reason I got rid was to go up to the SVT5. Good luck with the sale bud
  10. Elites 45-105 has been my standard now for 15 years. Nothing seems to last as long...
  11. I had one of these, cool amps, lots of pretty coloured lights on the control panel. The "EG" fell off the logo on mine, so it just read "AMP", which my guitarist found very amusing.
  12. Im thinking about getting an RS112 to add to mine... would you recommend that then?
  13. Id love to have a tinkle on one of these... Colour me interested!
  14. Ive bought three Rics and all of them ive bought to play. Sadly one is now no longer with me due to poor finishing (paint starting coming away at the bridge, and it was brand new) but the other two are working basses that are absolute keepers. This bass is still a barg at this price IMO.
  15. This is rather topical at the moment, no?
  16. Damn, im busy, would have been more than happy to pop on a train with (most likely) some other Norwich based dudes and have some beers and cheers! Next time gadget, next time...
  17. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1334138567' post='1611329'] Am I the only person getting an add at the top of this thread for those Retrovibe Ric copies? [/quote] I was going to mention that, but it seems he hasnt got any Ric-Alikes left?
  18. This makes me a sad panda. I love Rics, and think the copyright should be protected aggressively on any NEW copies, but not old copies. Thats just ridiculous IMO. A lot of people read this forum who are not members, as a result of Google searches etc, and this kind of behaviour from Ric is the kind of thing that would get marketing people FIRED from my company... surefire way of alienating potential customers.
  19. Wow, great price. Always wanted one of these after the amazing review they got in the now sadly defunct Bassist mag here in the UK. Bet it sounds lovely!
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