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E sharp

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Everything posted by E sharp

  1. Typical ain't it . Just put down a deposit on the one coming in to Bass Direct - he he GLWTS mate
  2. I'm doing something similar , but it's my 50th this year . Taking a punt on a Bogart build . Never played one but done loads of research , and part of me is still a bit hesitant , but what the hell - you only live once . Good luck mate . With that sort of money , you're never going to get a dodgy instrument - it's just down to whatever floats your boat
  3. New head tonight/last night . Different than the Eden that I've used for the last 18yrs . Just got to get used to it . Pumped it out though .
  4. I took my daughter to her first proper gig last year - her choice was Download . I would say around 80% of the bands had a shockingly bad sound - I've no idea what these guys do
  5. There should be a great drummers thread - may be already , for all I know . Jeff Porcaro , was awesome , as is James Oldaker . Not forgetting Steve Ferrone - one of our own home grown
  6. Oh my ..... I just bought a DB751 and this would be excellent with that . Alas , I've cleared myself out , buying the amp - ho hum . GLWTS - doubt it'll be required though
  7. Series 2 , state it on the grill . See below , my old cabs . Series 1 , just has the badge , whilst Series 2 have the writing under the name
  8. Yep - once seen on Jack Bruce's wall . Ebay ain't half full of chancers
  9. I agree . Hands on the best Bass outlet I've ever been in . I only went twice - 1st time to try out gear , and 2nd time a decade later (2001 I reckon) , to buy a rig . Can still picture it in my mind
  10. Bugger - was looking for one of these , and just ordered a new one from Thomann yesterday
  11. How are you getting on with that Stingray Classic? Also what's the bridge spacing on them - 18mm?
  12. I heard this years ago on the radio . Jeremy Vine was on , and it just came on (probably around 10 yrs ago now - maybe more) ; and it just mesmerised me - that bass line . Went out and bought the album (this was pre download) , and I've only ever played that song off it . In a way it reminds me of The Waterfalls bassline - track by TLC , I think - another laid back masterpiece .
  13. My kids bought me this T shirt years ago - I've even worn it at gigs
  14. Top work Dood . Also saved him the indignity of having to join the competition - he he
  15. Not great pictures , but it's sort of blue/green - difficult colour to pin down really . Status Jazz
  16. I can't give you a schematic , but I will say this though . I'm a real Eden fan , but this sort of thing is why Eden has such a bad name . What sort of company doesn't have a schematic , for what was one of their best selling amps? Beggars belief really . On a lighter note - join up on Talkbass , and I'm certain that there'll be someone over there who can help you out - they have a massive user base
  17. The trouble is , is that all of the double Stingray pickup'd basses , all have the rear pickup way too far back - so not getting that 'Stingray sweetspot' . The only mainstream maker that I've seen 'dong it right' (subjective, I know) , is Warwick, with the Doublebuck
  18. As has been said before - that's just lazy sound men (or more kindly , sound men up against it with time / turnarounds etc) . Never the same argument with a Guitarist ; and most Bassists look after their gear far better than Guitarists do - IMO . So why not the same logic with them . 9/10 , you're left with a lifeless plod noise
  19. https://www.thwaites.com/
  20. You're really not doing my gas any good at all with a post like this . I keep thinking that maybe the cost of a build is too much , and could buy two other good basses 2nd hand ; but the lure of these basses is becoming too great . My main bass has always been a hybrid Stingray , with a Modulus Quantum neck ; so know exactly what you mean by even tempered response . I've been waiting for your update on this mate - gonna have to get my finger out and sell some unused gear
  21. Going on holiday tomorrow - doubt this'll be still here when I get back . Ho hum
  22. Really nice trio of Bogarts there . I actually quite like those splattered paint finishes
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