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Everything posted by Sibob

  1. Has anyone used a BB234 in lower tunings? Probably strung BEAD or up from there to C# standard? How does the neck hold up? Nice and stable for a cheap bass? Si
  2. Just another mention about how amazing Lakland necks are! Si
  3. Saw this and immediately thought this bass would look mint with an ebony top! On the rest of the build, looking awesome so far, Mike is so quick haha! Whereabouts are you now @Cosmicrain? Last time I popped to see you was in Witham….long time ago! Si
  4. Decent enough body (as it's been for the last 40 years), but that neck is hideous! All the wrong spec! 🤢 (other than the 30", shortscale is fine) Si
  5. Fortunately Rob was smart enough to do the Elrick one himself, and have Daric get involved too: Si
  6. If anyone likes original soul/r&b/pop type vibes, we're playing at Chealsea's Pizza Express Live venue, the Pheasantry. Thurs 21st Apr 2022. Tickets here: https://www.pizzaexpresslive.com/whats-on/jocee Have a listen here: Cheers Si
  7. Interesting on the Elrick front, I think I remember speaking to Rob about something happening with the 'Expat' range, wonder if this was it. That said, the Czech made NJS's are still handmade, but I wonder if these Cort ones will eventually supersede them. Spec wise, they look to be largely the same as the Czech built NJS's, but different bridge and no US Bart pickups, I'll wager that the Hipshots are licensed too, minor step down from the US Hipshots on the Czech NJS's. Nothing wrong with any of that at all, but as someone mentioned above, with the current NJS's fetching around $3k, I'd expect the Cort ones to sit around £1200-£1500 maybe? I bet they're fantastic basses in any case, got a lot of time for Cort built stuff! Si
  8. I might be alone in this, but would you also consider adding full size ‘fender’/elephant ear/paddle tuners? I’ve always felt that Y tuners make hollow body basses look a bit…..not quite right, they’re not of the right time/vibe imo. Si
  9. Winding isn't all of it, it's core size/shape too. Talk to Newtone Strings here in the UK, they'll be able to wind you a custom set of strings that have an appropriate tension for the tuning you need. Whether your P-bass neck can take that tension is another question, should be fine, but therein often lies the benefit of multi-scale basses or other more specialist/custom neck specs. Si
  10. SR5’s are 17.5mm aren’t they? Stunning bass though, Alan is one of the best! I’d like another someday. Si
  11. Yes, I remember a few people talking about these a while ago. The baby Sumo also looks similarly powered to many Class D amps in our sphere. Si
  12. That’s why I was quite interested in gigging the new Markbass power amp: http://www.markbass.it/product-detail/little-mark-vintage-amp-1000/ I had GR Amps equivalent, which sounded ok, but the fan was very loud imo. Si
  13. 100%, I bought it used as the sentiment was good around them, just ended up not being for me. Si
  14. I couldn’t sell mine quick enough, horrible thing haha. YMMV as always. Si
  15. I had a Genz Benz Streamliner 900 for a little while once, awful amp. Underpowered and couldn't get a decent tone out of it no matter what I tried. Not to mention it's Gain, Volume and Master control setup. I understand gain-staging, but come on! Si
  16. Nothing further to add I'm afraid. I didn't move on the Trickfish cabs and stuck with my Barefaced setup, which I know I love. I would have been changing for the sake of it. I wouldn't rule them out if I was forced to buy something new though. Si
  17. I don’t think anyone is saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to express their views, but freedom of speech is not freedoms from consequence. Say something that the majority believe to be abhorrent, as is one’s right, get excommunicated by the very nature of a majority not wanting anything to do with you. Si
  18. Just the skewed reaction was fascinating, nothing more. Si
  19. But you honestly see a difference between how you’ve communicated your ‘extreme boredom’ and when others standing up for what they believe? It reads like you put yourself above them in some hierarchy because they’re ‘offended’ (your words, not theirs) about sexism in this case, but when it comes to you literally shouting about it on a forum, that’s ok, you’re just extremely bored?! Colour me fascinated. Si
  20. All about these two for me: Although I would have put a dark fingerboard on the gold one! Si
  21. A reverse headstock? A left-handed neck essentially? If so that limits your options a fair bit, further than just buying some import from ebay. Probably your best bet is just a left-handed Fender placement like this: https://richtonemusic.co.uk/fender-player-series-precision-bass-lh-neck-22-medium-jumbo-frets-9-5-maple/?gclid=CjwKCAiA4KaRBhBdEiwAZi1zztKliyXQvL0KSy9aSCLsUDq9jowkqU7lU2K4e8Z7-b5ECeIC14SZFRoC9M0QAvD_BwE Cheers Si
  22. Letting us know the preferred specs would greatly aid in people giving advice Si
  23. See if you can find a Modulus Jazz bsss, or a graphite neck for your Jazz. Get the same brand of pickup in there too (Bartolini?). Optics of a Jazz those that care, a spec closer to your Modulus for you! Si
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