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Everything posted by Supernaut

  1. Whenever we used to audition drummers, I did a good impression of my neighbour who's always standing outside his front door, monitoring the traffic... "SLOW DOWN!"
  2. This is my old bass! I purchased it off eBay, I believe, in 2009. I may be responsible for this entering the world of BC. I can't remember if I did sell it on here but I know I was offered £350 for it! Cheeky git.
  3. Supernaut


    Sandberg TM4 SL - 6 lb 7 oz. The 'SL' stands for Super Light. 😄
  4. I enjoyed Chinese Democracy and think there are some great songs on the album. This? Hmm... not a fan. I don't think GN'R were done after AFD but it's definitely become a brand now instead of a band.
  5. Ironic that these are the same muppets who scream "All lives matter" yet won't get the vaccine to protect all lives...
  6. I wouldn't say inappropriate but instead, playful. 😎
  7. Announce at the very start of the first rehearsal that you have learned all of the songs and have improved them tenfold. Proceed to slap as much as possible, incorporate as many bass faces as you can and finish each time with "We need to get louder!".
  8. Is it now a case of negotiating for our previous EU ruleset only this time being less favourable for the UK? 🙄
  9. Very, very lucky with my hearing. I never wore defenders in my teens or 20s but my hearing is still pretty good. I can hear frequencies I should have lost 5 years ago!
  10. Try La Bella 760FX - little more tension than the TIs.
  11. Rosewood is darker than that unless that fingerboard is very dry.
  12. Delanos, I feel, would be more suited for slap style over the BLs. I have a TM4 SL with BL pups but I predominately play fingerstyle rock/metal.
  13. Joey Jordison is a drummer who got thousands of kids into playing instruments and listening to heavy metal. RIP that man. 🤘
  14. Sounds great! I'll get my corpse paint out the car. 😄
  15. I said anti masker not anti vaxxer but out of curiosity, have you had a vaccine?
  16. It's a test that takes two minutes to do... what's wrong with trying to be safer?
  17. I do have a supportive wife but I would rather that she didn't come to gigs has I know the music isn't her cup of tea and usually, that makes it not enjoyable... I have slowed down my gigging in recent years and started focusing on travelling has I get more enjoyment out of that nowadays.
  18. Probably my current bass - a Sandberg TM4 SL. Lightweight, comfortable to play, great neck, onboard pre with loads of options for the J and MM pups and the tobacco burst looks amazing!
  19. Nothing wrong with a precautionary lateral flow test - takes two minutes and helps everyone to relax more whilst rehearsing.
  20. How about worst song and worst video? This is extremely bad... 😂
  21. Never get rid. I know you want to but in a few years time, the itch will come back.
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