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Everything posted by Supernaut

  1. How about worst song and worst video? This is extremely bad... 😂
  2. Never get rid. I know you want to but in a few years time, the itch will come back.
  3. A lot of the items you own are presumably from China - their human rights record isn't great.
  4. I found their nickels similar to Roto Bass nickels... nothing wrong with them, perfectly good strings for the money.
  5. Wasn't aimed at you, my friend... have a nice cup of tea. ☕
  6. Never understood those who get so upset about a topic that they feel the need to constantly post on it pointing out that it is in fact everyone else that is wrong.
  7. Any G&L Tribute. Sandberg Electra series secondhand is a steal.
  8. Why they didn't do a second album, I'll never know.
  9. Add this to don't oil your fretboard for the most ridiculous thing I have read on here.
  10. I've got some absolute belters... I remember starting a funk / rock band with a drummer I had met locally. We put up an ad explaining who we were and what we were looking for in a guitarist. I definitely remember putting "No metal guitarists", let's put it that way. I get a reply from a guy around our age and he seemed enthusiastic. Have you played any funk before I asked him - "Loads of times" was his reply... He rocked up to the audition, we tuned up and I announced we should jam for a bit to loosen up. Before we started, he interrupted and asked if he could play Master of Puppets for us... I looked at the drummer and said sure. What came next was two minutes of the worst MOP I have ever heard. I thought he was having us on but he was dead serious! He finished by saying he was now warmed up and ready to go. The drummer looked on the verge of tears trying not to burst out laughing. We sent him on his way and that was that. Fortunately, our next guitarist audition went really well and he was invited to join the group.
  11. My favourite is 'pay to play' venues... Sell tickets at £5 a pop and for every ticket you sell, you get to keep £1... I.e. Do all the work for us and then give us all the money. Jog on, mate!
  12. Any 50-110 gauge should get you there. Hexcore over roundcore for a little more stability.
  13. That reminds me - buy DR Black Beauties...
  14. The answer is... lazy promoters use the bands to do all the work but they keep all the money. F those promoters and venues. Musicians and bands aren't doing this for the exposure.
  15. Cannot beat these for the money - someone jump on this.
  16. I'm quite lucky and have access to a hospitality suite at London O2 so normally use that for big gigs. I usually go down smaller, local venues to see bands nowadays.
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