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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. I can't say I disagree with him in this particular instance. Unfortunately his comments don't come in isolation. I've always found him to be a bit of an abrasive prick. Very fond of his own voice and opinions.
  2. Interesting to read people saying how great (musically) The Smith's were. They were just another band that passed me by because I couldn't stand the droaning throat singing vocals. Shame really. I'd like to give them another listen, but I know I'd be lucky to get through a whole song.
  3. I saw Joe Brown a few years ago at the Embassy Theatre in Skegness. I actually had no interest at all in going, but his daughter Sam was singing and my wife is a big fan of hers, so I was dragged along. I thought I was going to be bored stiff for two hours watching and listening to a load of stuff I didn't know, but as soon as Joe started playing I was utterly mesmerised by what an absolutely superb musician he was.
  4. I don't know what you'd consider a non pro bass, but in the budget end of things, Mike Kerr from Royal Blood regularly played a Gretsch Junior Jet. Superb little basses but cost less than £300 new.
  5. Welcome Rob. I did pretty much the same as you, played at school and just after when I was about 16, now 45 and started playing again about 18 months ago. Also trying to work out the voodoo behind it all.
  6. Well done for pulling yourself up by the boot straps and starting this thread to keep you going. I know all too well how difficult it is to motivate yourself to do anything when the black dog is biting.
  7. Eh? Am I missing something here? The strings wouldn't have to clear the frets when playing on the fretless part. That's behind where the string is making contact with the neck so makes no difference whatsoever. Or am I totally misunderstanding what people are talking about?
  8. Would be fine for me. I rarely venture above the 7th fret anyway. 😂
  9. Give it to me. You'll never have to worry about the neck dive again. 😁 You have too many basses anyway. 😉
  10. So on Gumtree he says, just started playing and was given this. On his Facebook add he says he's had it for years. This bloke couldn't lie straight in bed. Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.
  11. Thanks. Not my thing but my missus will love this! One of her favourite albums.
  12. New Bass Day. A series of posts where people show off their new goodies. All entitled NBD
  13. Bass for a child Seems like a fair swap Can he cook?
  14. Does that include the Behringer A/B pedal? If so I'll happily take that off your hands. Thanks.
  15. That's pretty much where I'm at too mate. My most expensive bass is about £300. The most I ever paid was about £1300, but those days are long gone for me.
  16. Only if it's a valve amp. They should never be used without speakers. As far as I'm aware, there's no problem with solid state. I've used mine DI'd to the PA loads of times and never had any issues.
  17. To believing that he can actually hold a tune. I mean, I always knew he was a singer, I just didn't think he could actually sing. I've heard far worse fronting very famous bands.
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