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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. The pandemic isn't coming over here taking our jobs! Oh...........wait..........
  2. Ah bugger! Something else I would have had if not for Brexit. 😡
  3. Yup. Brexit was a brilliant idea and Covid will all be over and done with by May. There's optimistic, and there's just plain delusional.
  4. Nope. "Normal" is gone. I said that almost from the start of this thing. We will adapt, things will eventually move on one way or another. But life before and life learning to live with Covid, will be two very different worlds.
  5. That sounds like it could be a really good idea. 🤔
  6. Here's a short clip of a video my cousin posted on Facebook in August last year, taken in Liverpool during one of the easings from lockdown. I'll say no more. Screenrecorder-2021-01-22-14-36-19-123(0).mp4
  7. I get that all the time coming the other way. It shows as being stuck in another country somewhere, then shows up at the door. Just a gap somewhere in the tracking procedure I presume. I've never had anything not turn up when it said.
  8. Not the footage I saw. Most I'd say we're in their 30's and 40's.
  9. Yup. I totally agree. Creating a bottle neck by forcing all the pubs to close at the same time was total lunacy.
  10. I think there are pubs, and there are pubs. I've seen pictures and videos (from people I actually know, not click bait) of city centre pubs and whole streets absolutely heaving in-between lockdown with people drinking and partying, and not giving two s##ts about any kind of distancing.
  11. Yup, and yet these people were encouraged to vote for something about which they had absolutely no clue of the ramifications. I find it difficult to find sympathy for those now being stung with charges simply because they were too stupid or too lazy to consider the consequences of their actions. Whilst those who voted for it with their eyes open knowing full well what was likely to happen have absolutely no right to complain. They got exactly what they voted for. Those who didn't vote for it on the other hand, have my full sympathy.
  12. I think we'll be lucky to see any meaningful gigs before May next year, let alone this year. I can't see how this year is going to be anything other than another write off. By the time enough people have been vaccinated to make any difference, (if even enough people take up the vaccine to begin with) it's going to be towards the end of the year. Then I can see a slow and tentative rollout early into next year. With a couple of false starts as figures peak a couple of times as things initially start to open up again. I hate to be a naysayer, but I honestly don't see any outcome other than this. I guess time will tell.
  13. Indeed. I've now sadly stopped buying anything from the UK.
  14. That's a whole extra digit more than I'd pay for any bass. I could probably stretch to a set of strings.
  15. Thanks. That's exactly my way of thinking. A lot of people on here come at things from a professional musicians angle ( rightly so, and with the best of intentions) but most of them have forgotten, or maybe even never knew how to make do as a struggling musician with pretty much zero funds. I grew up listening to rock and punk bands that cobbled together any old sh#t just to get out and play, and they were all the better for it, and to be fair, sounded bloody good (at least to my ear). I have absolutely no doubt that the information I've been given on here is absolutely spot on, and I genuinely thank everyone for their advice. But nevertheless, I will make do with what I have, because that's the only choice I've got. Replacing it is simply not an option.
  16. Thanks. But I'll stick with what I have now. I know everything you say is true on paper, but it all sounds just fine to me, and I'm not a professional muso playing to a paying audience, so at the end of the day that's all that really matters. I don't have the money to be buying more gear. I saw some cheap bass bins local. Cobbled them together with what I have, and they sound ok. That's good enough for me.
  17. Can anyone print me an Irish passport? 😉😉
  18. This forum is brilliant! It reminds me of the goods old days when whatever you wanted there was a bloke down the pub that could get it. 😆
  19. Yeah I know the logic behind it. I just don't think I'll ever be playing anywhere big enough for it to make a difference. 😆
  20. Thanks all. I've run the speakers flat out for a couple of hours today without issue, so I'm fairly confident that the seller was telling me the truth and they are indeed rated at 8ohms. I did check the drivers first but there was no markings on them, and I don't have an ohms tester, so it was a case of suck it and see.
  21. Yeah I'm using the subs as stands for the tops. I will never be running more than 2 subs or two tops so running any more won't be a problem. I know this is the absolute limit of what this little PA can do, but it should do the job for anything we need it for (small pubs etc, if and when we can ever get out gigging again) it was more about filling out the sound and adding a bit more bottom end, which it seems to do perfectly well with the current set-up. I know it's not ideal, but it will suffice on a very tight (none existent) budget for a bunch of weekend warriors. Thanks for taking the time to advise. 👍
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