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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Yes. The two channels are totally separate and EQ'd accordingly for highs or lows, and only speakers of the same type (subs or tops) are on each channel. 😉
  2. Thanks. I can do this much easier just by running the tops daisy chained through one channel and EQ'd high, then running the subs daisy chained through another channel EQ'd low, which is how I'm currently running it, but I was advised on another thread that this wasn't the best way to do it and I should be using a crossover. But it sounds great to my ear, and given the cost I would have to shell out on new gear, just to run the subs I think the best option is probably just to stick with it for now.
  3. Why would it only be able to power two speakers at a time? It should power as many speakers as I can throw at it as long as I don't go under the rated 4ohms per channel. I'm currently running 2x15 inch 8ohm tops with built in crossovers and tweeters on one channel, and two 2x12 subs at 8 ohms each on the other channel, giving me the rated 4ohms per channel, with no problems whatsoever.
  4. Yup. It's looking that way. Back to plan A of just running each channel via the mixers EQ. It sounds ok and will probably do the job for what I need.
  5. Sorry you've lost me. There is no pre out or power in. There's only an aux in jack socket. The only other connection is the 2 channel line in and line out, but they only relate to channel 13/14 on the mixer. Probably not very clear on the picture above, bit full info here. https://www.thomann.de/gb/behringer_pmp2000d.htm?o=10&search=1610565227
  6. Yeah that was pretty much my conclusion. Plus by the time I've paid shipping and VAT on top with the whole Brexit palava they would work out expensive. Unless I was lucky enough to find some already in the EU, then I might have had a punt if they were rated at 4ohms. But at 8ohms I don't think they'd last long running 2 8ohm speakers. Edit - just found some in Germany but it still doesn't solve the 8ohm problem. 😞
  7. Thanks. I've already downloaded the manual, which is where I got the maximum input figure from. As I said above. It's no good in my case as I need a crossover which will operate after the amp, as I have no way of putting a passive signal into the crossover.
  8. Thanks. That's what I was afraid of. There's no way of running a passive out from my mixer. It only has 2 speaker outs, no monitor or aux sends at all. It's just a basic small band mixer like the one below. I did find these on fleabay, but they're none adjustable and they only seem to do them in 8ohm, and I need to run two 8ohm speakers per channel (4ohm). https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x-Skytec-2-Way-Crossover-Tops-Bins-Box-Sub-Speakers-2000-Watt-UK-Stock-/382355323416?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292 Looks like I'm out of luck without having to buy a new mixer and power amp, which I currently neither have the funds or the justification for, as were a none earning hobby band, and like almost everybody else at the minute not even gigging. 😞
  9. I've just bought some bottom PA subs to go with my 15 inch tops. I was advised on another thread that I would need (or at least be best served) to use a crossover. I was looking at something like the Behringer cx3400, which I can get locally at a decent price I have little to no knowledge at this point of subs and crossovers, but doing a bit of research, the ones I've seen seem to be wired, mixer - crossover - power amp - speakers. There's no way for me to do this because I only have an all in one powered mixer, so the signal out is already amplified. The only way I could do it would be to go mixer/amp - crossover - speakers. The crossover I'm looking at has a max input level of +22dBu. I have no idea what +22dBu is, but would I be right in assuming it's the level of a passive, i.e unamplified signal? So, can I use the crossover after the amplifier and then go to the speakers? If not, how do I crossover an already amplified signal?
  10. Ok I know I'm only answering myself now, but I've just been studying up based on the advice here, and I've just found a Behringer super X pro crossover locally (well, in the country at least) for about 55 quid. So I'm going to take a punt on that and see (or rather hear) the difference. Thanks for the advice. 👌
  11. Are we talking something like this? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Behringer-CX-2300-Super-X-Crossover-/264842850848?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  12. I must profess my total ignorance here. I've never used subs in my life before so it's all brand new to me. I wasn't disagreeing with Bill. I just don't really understand what you mean by balancing. The subs are on a totally separate channel so don't need to be balanced with the tops. Two subs are on one channel daisy chained with their own EQ, the tops are on a separate channel daisy chained with their own EQ. If you mean balancing the sound then I've done this by adjusting the volume on each channel until the blend of the two sounds right. It all sounds fine to me. Is there are chance you could post what you mean by a crossover. Is it something that goes inline, or would it be permanently wired into the actual speakers? Also I don't understand why you say I need a separate power amp for the subs, when the PA is a mixer and power amp combined, and the subs have their own dedicated, powered channel.
  13. Perhaps I'm miss using the term subs. They're bottom PA speakers, which are still full range, but EQ"d to favour the bass end of the spectrum. They're not actually subs in the sense that you're talking about.
  14. Yes. Perhaps I explained badly. I will be running mains through one channel, and subs through another channel. No crossovers required as both will have separate EQ.
  15. What an utter load of management speak b####cks. I mean, yeah, great news. But whoever puts out press releases like this should be shot. It reminds me of every up their own derrière middle manager I've ever met. Cringe worthy!
  16. I know ohms ratings have been discussed at great length in other threads, but what I'm wondering is, what would likely happen if you did get it wrong? Specifically, I've just bought 2 PA subs, and I was informed by the seller that they're 8ohm, but there's no actual labelling on the subs to confirm this. I know I could (and will) open up the cabs and look at the actual speakers to make sure, but it kind of got me thinking, what actually happens if you get it wrong. My PA (solid state) has 2 channels at 4 ohms minimum rating per channel. I'm currently running 2x8 ohm speakers, which can either be run in separate channels, or linked together to give 4 ohms into a single channel. No problems so far. Now if I add the 2 bass bins and let's say for the sake of argument, they're both 4 ohm (giving i believe a 2 ohm resistance into a single 4 ohm channel) what would it actually do to the amp. Are we talking sudden and immediate damage? Would it depend on the volume put through? Would I get any warning first? Are we talking catastrophic failure, or just a blown fuse? Do modern solid state amps have any kind of built in tolerance? I know you shouldn't do it. I just have no idea what would happen in the real world if you did.
  17. I'm not really understanding all the hatred. Yeah the lime green is horrid. I could live without the point headstock. But the actual body is far more attractive than most standard dull as dishwater Fenders.
  18. Just goes to show that Gibson owners are far more discerning than those Fender commoners. 😉
  19. They certainly won't be taking any in the near future. https://www.dpd.com/group/en/2020/12/21/suspension-of-services-between-the-uk-and-europe/
  20. Well, I've just had official confirmation that the forward shipping company I use to get goods from the UK to me in Bulgaria have now ceased trading in the UK because of Brexit. I've been using them for over 5 years and I've shipped hundreds of items, from cheap eBay rubbish to musical instruments and even expensive computer parts, bank cards, and official documents, without a single problem. By far the best and most reliable courier service I have ever used, and they're now out of business, and all their UK warehouse staff and drivers out of a job. But I bet they're buzzing about their blue passports.
  21. Understandable. There's maybe a dozen footballists on the planet I'd recognise, and most of those are probably now retired or dead. Having said that, there's probably even fewer bass players than that I'd recognise. Take away the ones that are also lead singers and I could probably count them on one hand.
  22. You and Dolly are both entitled to your opinion. Sounds like a cat with its tail stuck in a door to me.
  23. My old band used to do a version I really liked. I absolutely hate the Jack White version (or anything else by Jack White or the White Stripes for that matter)
  24. I bought a Freshman years ago and it's still going strong. It needed a bit of a set up but it plays and sounds lovely. Lindo are ridiculously cheap, extremely playable and great value.
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