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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. We're not talking about businesses. We're talking about private sellers. In my view charging VAT on second hand, none commercial goods is just plain wrong.
  2. Considering we're only 2 days away from this kicking in. There seems to be little to no real information around as to what the new rules will entail. I've still no idea what I would be expected to pay shipping goods out of the UK into the EU. Or the other way around. My wife who runs a small Etsy business has now taken the UK off her shipping list altogether. I will never understand how anybody ever thought this was a good idea. How are business supposed to deal with all this cr@p with less than a weeks notice. Another appalling mess from Boris and his chums.
  3. That's not how they work. Although they will probably have to change given the circumstances. They have no information on what you are shipping. Goods are just shipped to them at their address, with an account number which tells them where to send the parcel. They are, for all intents and purposes purely a mail forwarding company. There are no systems in place to tell them what is being sent or even when. Basically their whole business model is now null and void thanks to Brexshit, and having to deal with customs declarations etc, even if they can figure out how, will only increase the cost, which will have to be passed on to the customer. Making the savings I can currently make buying things from the UK null and void. Sadly I think they will end up being just another casualty of the Brexit vote.
  4. But none of that will even exist in the case of a second hand eBay purchase, where the seller is essentially selling within the UK. My shipper would then get a parcel in my name, with no information to as to what it contains or what the value is. Making it impossible to do any kind of customs declaration. The whole thing is an absolute mess and will essentially put companies like this out of business, and make goods far more expensive for everyone else. Bloody genius!
  5. But how do you then prove that the duty has been paid at the point of shipping? I buy a lot of good from the UK which I have delivered to my UK based forward shipper, who then puts them in their lorry and delivers them to me in Bulgaria. How the hell is that gonna work now, when the forward shipper had no idea of what's in my parcels or what the value of the goods is?
  6. Could be worse. I hope that agreement works the same the other way around. If so, I can buy items from the UK under £390 with no charges.
  7. Aarrgghhh! I've been after one of these for ages, but with the current Brexshit situation forward shipping would be a nightmare! I'm still waiting to find out if I have to pay VAT or import tax on goods from the UK. I've no idea how the shipping company I use are going to handle all the changes. So sadly no purchases from the UK for me until the dust settles and I know what's going on.
  8. Yeah it's ugly. But almost worth the price in parts.
  9. Probably the exception that proves the rule. But I would never sit in a room and play music with people I don't like. For me the magic comes (and always has) from playing with a group of people who are first and foremost friends, and musicians second. Admittedly it's severely limited my options over the years, but I couldn't imagine putting the time and effort into rehearsing with someone I don't like. I appreciate it's different for professional musicians, we all have to work with people we might not like. But why would anyone spend their hobby time with someone they don't like?
  10. It will most likely be volume, bass, mids, treble and pickup balance. Not necessarily in that order. Possibly two individual pickup volumes, bass treble and mids. Only way to tell for sure is to play around with them. Edit. Sorry, jumped in before seeing Big Reds reply. Mine is a different lay out.
  11. Really looking forward to this. If he does half as good a job as he did with the WW1 footage in They Shall Not Grow Old, it's gonna be epic.
  12. There's an online calculator somewhere that tells you when you can expect to get the vaccine in the UK. Based on them issuing 1 million doses a week (highly unlikely) I could expect the vaccine in September, with 39 million people ahead of me on the list. Thankfully I'm not in the UK, and I'm in no rush to get the vaccine.
  13. Totally agree with Si. Don't buy online. I have a back problem and looked at a local retailer online, before going to their shop to try them out in person. The two or three I had shortlisted would have crippled me if I'd sat in them for any length of time. I tried about 30 chairs and only two of them were comfortable. The one I ended up buying wasn't even on my radar until I tried it in person.
  14. I personally think May is rather optimistic. At least as far as full on gigs go. I can't see there being enough of the population vaccinated by then for things to get back to "normal". There might be gigs, but I suspect there will still be some form of social distancing and crowd control in place. That's if there's anywhere left open to play.
  15. No. Mine has Seymour Duncan Preamp and pickups.
  16. If it hadn't listed the band and just given the bass players name, I'd only know two.
  17. Local collection only yet again. Total waste of time for most people.
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