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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Done it. I know you said no need to comment, but I have to say, I really liked it. Not sure about the long into, and I'd definitely lose the scatting outro, but I'd love to hear that centre section with a good hard rock vocal over it. Very much my cup o tea, as it were.
  2. Yup. Same from the other direction. My wife runs a small business here in the EU and supplies to the UK. There's nothing good about any of this from a small business perspective. Thankfully the UK market is only a very small part of her business and her ability to trade with the rest of Europe and the world goes on unhindered. I feel sorry for small UK traders who won't have it anywhere near as easy.
  3. Nope. All I hear is a load of disjointed noise
  4. Yup. The gift that keeps on giving. Cheers. 👌
  5. I'm constantly trying out different effects to try and do something a little different in the mix, but other than the occasional bit of reverb and a compression, I've never found anything that improves the sound of the bass on its own. My guitarist users a fair few effects, so anything i do on top ( or rather underneath ) just ends up sounding mushy. I've never really been a fan of a distorted bass sound, even though I've always been a big rock and metal fan. For me the guitars should handle the distortion, the bass should keep that bottom end clear and pumping. Just my view for what it's worth.
  6. Ooh you lucky dog. That's an absolute no brainer. What a bargain!
  7. How many different times and different threads are we going to go over this?
  8. You'd have to ask Fender that. It's their decision.
  9. It seems to be just Fender at the minute, and it looks like it's come directly from Fender and it's not something Thomann are happy about. I checked Gibson last night and there seems to be no problems supplying them.
  10. Looks like somebody bought a cheap bad and stuck a tacky Fender logo on it. So pretty much the same as all other Fenders.
  11. I totally get it. I grow ever weary of exactly this. The vast majority of bass guitar teachers I've come across (online at least) are obsessed with incessant jazz noodling, which to me is little more than noise pollution, and / or require you to read music, which i have absolutely no interest in or use for. Good luck with the guitar. It's all about enjoying what you're doing.
  12. Did it fail to indicate? Perfectly justifiable I'm my opinion.
  13. I would image most of those things would be covered by Thomann under their own customer services. They've built their brand largely around being a reliable supplier. I doubt they will change the way they do business (with regards to returns etc) because of Brexit.
  14. I actually had one and didn't realise until years after I sold it. 😆
  15. I was of course joking. Very good of you to give this away.
  16. Can you ship to Bulgaria? I'll stand the VAT. 😆
  17. I think, sadly, this will be the reality for a lot of people and businesses, at least for a while. It's not just the situation regards Brexit, which was democratically voted for, whether we like it or not. But the bloody mindedness of Johnson and his cronies to ram it through at any cost. Leaving it all to the last minute so nobody has a bloody clue what's happening. Hopefully the situation will improve in time, but I can't see any possibly reality in which the UK will be better off for it.
  18. Totally agree with this. It's the, why sing one note well, when you can cram 14 notes in the same space, mentality. It really does nothing for me at all.
  19. I would have loved this back in the day! Ah who am I kidding? I'd love this now!
  20. I believe that's known as adding insult to injury.
  21. Possibly, eventually. In the meantime how many businesses are going to be causalities?
  22. Probably worth quoting directly. I'll just leave this here without further comment. Brexit Unfortunately, we will not be able to send parcels to the UK from mid December 2020 onward. Quite apart from uncertainty surrounding the shipping cost, taxation etc. after that time, there is also a problem caused by the British government deciding to impose a unique taxation regime which will require every company in the world in every country in the world outside the UK which exports to the UK to apply and collect British taxes on behalf of the British government. For providing this service they intend to charge a fee to every company in the world in every country in the world which exports to the UK. Clearly this is ludicrous for one country, but imagine if every country in the world had the same idea. If every country decided to behave in the same way then we would have to pay 195 fees every year, keep up with the changes in taxation law for 195 different countries, keep accounts on behalf of 195 different countries and submit payments to 195 tax offices in 195 different countries, and jump through whatever hoops were required to prove that we were doing all of this honestly and without any error. Therefore from mid December 2020 onward we ship to every country in the world... except the UK.
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