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Everything posted by BB3000S

  1. [quote name='Taa' post='1273784' date='Jun 18 2011, 03:24 PM']woods? pics?[/quote] +1 And location please?
  2. Waiting for delivery of an iPad in two weeks time - tbh I ordered it on pretty shallow market research wrt recording so here's to hoping the wiser folks of Basschat give a collective thumbs up to that option.
  3. These are seriously nice Stingrays!! I have four SR's, all of them very sweet basses but the 30th anni is in a league all its own. Played a couple of other 30th's also and they all shared a vibe of "more Stingray" than a Stingray - if that makes sense. Good luck with the trade (though I really should say "Don't do it!!!").
  4. Oooo, this was mine for 15 months - has the Alembic vibe in spades. Good luck with the sale and have a bump on me!
  5. Now that's a 6-string I like - wonderful!!
  6. Down is on, up is off, at least if everything is as it should, and it's about time to get my coat for this evening...
  7. No offence Prime_BASS and please don't get upset at me, but until further notice and for the suspense of this thread I will be of the opinion that the bass is perfectly fine like any other Big Al 4SSS and just as EBMM meant it to be. [color="#808080"](Yes I'm registered at the EBMM fanboi forum also.)[/color] Most importantly, I hope you get it all sorted in a good way and get to enjoy your Big Al to its fullest potential - they are really great basses!
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1269318' date='Jun 14 2011, 11:09 PM']This is why I have single pup basses, even my Jazz only has a blend pot rather than separate options. Confuddles me like the G&L basses. Long live the P Bass![/quote] I really shouldn't tell you guys this, but when I had sold my Big Al 4SSS on and returned to my trusty old P-bass for my blues gigs, I actually managed to mix up the tone and volume knobs!! A few times! So much for simplicity - on a bad day its just hopeless anyway...
  9. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1269313' date='Jun 14 2011, 11:07 PM']I feel you post is wasted. Lol. I mean up as in the up position. When the buttons are in the down position this turns them Off, so up is on. Well I must say the turn out on this thread is great. I can die happy in the knowledge that I made an interesting thread that went on longer than 3 pages with my posts being outweighed by other members lol. Ive just finishe the gig tonight, and I played with the big al, using my new found setting of third button turning the bridge pickup on. I always wondered why I could never get a jaco burping sound out of it, until now that is. I think this brings up another problem, the bridge single coil sounds kinda like my stingray so I think whoever put that SD pickup in my ray wired it in parallel. Any way to find out, if had a look at the wiring before and I'm a bit lost all the wires are just soldered on.[/quote] Hey, it kept me distracted at least so not totally wasted anyway. But ok, if your buttons are wired like that, then it's definitely quite opposite to the Big Al I owned previously, and about 5 or 6 other ones I've played. Up on all of of them meant off, down meant on. You really must have gotten a strange one mate.
  10. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1269164' date='Jun 14 2011, 09:23 PM']I will keep this updated with what ever news I get off anyone. Ok switches down, sounds to me as if 1+2 in series. 1 up is pickup 3 2 up is pickup 2 3 up is pickup 1 1,2+3 up are all 3, I assume. I only really used all 3 or series mode until today when I was setting it up for the gig I'm at tonight. I have found that the bridge pickup is a better alternative ray sound to my ears. As the series mode sucks some highs, due the pickup spacing (I think) Since you've brought it up these settings could mean nothing now lol. This is just what they are supposed to do.[/quote] By "up" do you mean "down" as in "pressed into the bass body"?? Button 1 up, ie buttons 2 and 3 down would be (if counting from the bridge) Middle (2) + Neck (3) in parallell. Sure this is not what your in fact getting? The all buttons up setting should be Bridge + Middle in series, this is the setting that has a clear volume and low mid boost. All three buttons down are should be all three PU's wired in parallell, a really nicely full and complex sound. 2 down (not up!) should be the Middle PU, a great and easily spotted P-bass sound. Perhaps you've just developed a backwards logic of how the switching works? No pun intended, it could easily be done. Or I'm just slow...
  11. So, what pickups do you get in the all-buttons-up position? It should be bridge+middle wired in series, but from the sound of things you might be getting middle+neck wired in series? Regardless, you should definitely get this fixed - personally I'd get it to the dealer and expect him to sort it out asap. Not to be smart, but I can't help to find it slightly interesting it took you two months to figure this out. On the other hand, it took me 15 months (the evening before shipping it off to it's next owner) to realize my old Ken Smith had an active-passive push-pull so...
  12. I've got pickups from Aaron Armstrong in two of my basses - they are amazing!
  13. My first bass was a 1982 Aria Pro II SB-R80. Got it in 1984, sold it on around 1988 - and got the very same bass back(!) in 2008. Still a cracking bass!
  14. I've seen much much worse jobs at much much higher price points tbh. And he's proud of his work!!
  15. Only have 209.75 Kb in attachements as I'm an avid photobucket user. However, I'd be more than happy to chip in if you were to start a collection to increase storage space for the forum. (Also interested in your avatar Conan.)
  16. Last I checked there was a black 1024X for sale at the Swedish bass forum - mint condition and still available at 4000 SEK (what's that, around 380 GBP?). I'll be happy to man-in-the-middle it if anyone's interested.
  17. [quote name='Arabesque-bass' post='1262419' date='Jun 9 2011, 11:53 AM']Hi, can you give me your Postal Code? Shipper needs it.....[/quote] PM replied.
  18. [quote name='tournesol74' post='1262291' date='Jun 9 2011, 09:56 AM']that would be really nice, I can pay with paypal, thanks per advance[/quote] Perhaps you should start a new thread or change the title of this one to more clearly probe for possible help from a US based forumite?
  19. Lovely! I'll have the Fodera please. [color="#808080"](Wouldn't mind the Sadowsky and the F-basses too...)[/color]
  20. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1261367' date='Jun 8 2011, 04:57 PM']One of those Sandbergs would seen an ideal compromise, Precision shape neck and body with a humbucker at the bridge for big Stingray sounds.[/quote] They would seem that way, but the humbucker on both their P- and J-model is much to close to the bridge for even getting near a Stingray sound (just like on Laklands btw). In addition the magnets are ceramics and the humbucker is wired in series. I had a JM4 wehere I added a 3-way switch to give me series - single coil - parallell, and in parallell it got a little bit closer but still way off the real deal. More like a fat bridge J-pickup. Awesome bass in it's own right though: Not to beat a dead horse (or hey why not), but only a Stingray will do the Stingray thing.
  21. Perhaps a US based Basschatter would be willing to order it for you and send it on to you? UPS shipping costs shouldn't be silly within US. Bit of a workaround, but perhaps a workable solution if you can't find a replacement incl that little circuit board. Clearly a case of wonderfully bad customer service though. Used to have a wonderful Ken Smith BSR5EG, but the company's overall attitude left me with a feeling of bad karma for the poor bass so it had to move on eventually.
  22. Wow, congratulations - that top is awesome!! And the knobs, pure class. Just lovely!
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