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Everything posted by BB3000S

  1. Adrian is a great player and makes some wonderful basses. Here are two that I had the pleasure of owning:
  2. Just have to add this: For whatever reason, to me the BBOT looks great on a Precision whereas a Badass II just looks bulky. On a jazz however, the nicely engineered offset body just needs a bit flash, especially if the neck is blocked and bound, and a BBOT just looks wrong. On pre 70's jazzes however, I again prefer the BBOT. What, superficial, me? Tonewise, a nice light P or Jazz to me sounds more woody and warm with a BBOT, and a 70's Jazz sounds more growly and aggressive with a Badass. YMMV and all that.
  3. BB3000S

    No smileys?

    I type them in by hand, works a charm! Darn, what was that pirate now again...
  4. [quote name='Anders' timestamp='1324242852' post='1472245'] Hey hello!I know you from the Swedish forum. Very interresting! Thanks! I didn't expect that big changes from a preamptube,and maybe that tube gives similar result in the Orange amp.Definitly worth a try then. [/quote] Hey Anders, Yes, it's a small world innit? (But your nick on PB is something else right?) I was really surprised about the difference when I first changed to the GE ones, but at that time I only had one SVT-IIp so I didn't think too much about it. Just play and be happy you know. When I got the second one I hooked them both up to my power amp so I could do some proper A/B switching between them and that made it very obvious how different they sound. They both sound like an SVT-IIp though, so I would definitely expect your Orange to maintain the Orange character, but for sure it's worth a try and my bet is you will hear a difference depending on what tubes you feed it with. Good luck!
  5. I've got two Ampeg SVT-IIp preams, one with NOS GE 5751's and one with something else, haven't opened it up. The difference is incredible, with the GE both holding together the low end better and with a top end clear as summer morning dew. It's a difference that is totally obvious also in a band setting.
  6. [quote name='oli@bass' timestamp='1324209138' post='1471746'] money sent! [/quote] Wonderful Oli, congratulations in advance! That must be one of the nicest Sabres I've ever seen, and what incredible condition.
  7. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1323986056' post='1469640'] Very true. Strings with lower tension (but the same gauge) can make a bass feel so much more playable too. [/quote] +1 I strongly prefer roundcore strings like DR Fat Beams and Newtone over hex core strings. Better intonation, better feel, better sound - IMHO of course.
  8. It may be the case that the difference is less pronounced on a Precision than a Jazz Bass. On a 70's jazz with a heavier ash body the difference is very clear to me. Then again, in a mix and also depending on the mix even diffrences between totally different basses can sometimes be rather academic IMHO, so from that point of view it might not be a day and night difference even if it's there. Anyway, it looks way cooler than the bent piece of tin, and Marcus uses one. Case closed.
  9. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1323802694' post='1467326'] Here's another trio, my 56's... [attachment=95231:trio 55.JPG] [/quote] OOOOMMMMGGG!!!! Now I know one more thing to do once I get that Time Machine up and running. Amazing collection, dear Sir.
  10. After some 26 years of bass playing I am at around 15 basses, 8 or 9 of which I gig regularly, Jazz type basses and Stingrays being my favourites, complemented by a couple of five strings and my Fender P. I'm kinda too sentimental (or dumb) to part with an instrument once I've grown close to it - hence the collection has grown, in large part thanks to (or 'due to' perhaps?) BassChat and similar nice places...
  11. Yeah, amazing price that - I too got it and am now learning to find my way around it. Good fun!
  12. Got an amazing deal on an EBS Gorm combo that was impossible to resist (260£) so now am awaiting delivery of this beauty! Love the tone stack on these, plug in your Jazz Bass of choice and it's pretty close to heaven IMO.
  13. [quote name='jakesbass' timestamp='1323514440' post='1464044'] I'd go so far as to say his ideas are some of the nicest I've heard in bass soloing, I'm easily turned off by chops but this guy is so melodic that his improvisation takes nothing away from the beauty of the piece. [/quote] Exactly how I feel, very well put. Glad you guys like it!
  14. Hey guys, Wasn't sure about where to post this, but as the guy in the video obviously has a complete mastery of feel, technique and tone I guess this could do. Have a look and enjoy, hope you like it - I'm still in awe about the musicality on display. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNoABW1vRZ4&feature=related
  15. [quote name='Apothem' timestamp='1323273562' post='1461420'] I took it as "With the specs of a '75 Jazz", like a re-issue, not "made in '75" [/quote] However, the Japan 75 reissues have standard 60's pickup spacing IIRC, not 70's spacing. Very nice looking bass, bestof luck w the sale!
  16. Hey Ale, great to see you on here! BC is indeed a very nice place. Awesome playing as always - is the Lull treating you good (and vice versa)?
  17. Gorgeous bass! What is the weight please?
  18. I'll be boring and say Fender standard knobs. Really, on a jazz it's a must - oh and by the way I hope you have a Badass II on it already?
  19. Any hints on when the iPad version will be available?
  20. Good work! Also nice to know I'm not alone in thinking it makes a real difference.
  21. Oooh, how I wish I had the readies for this. The '58 is the all time nicest P IMO. Btw, that trio-pic has me gasping for air. Free bump!
  22. Cheets guys! [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1322891763' post='1457046'] Not as rare as a Cherryburst with matching headstock This bloke seems to think that Cherryburst was offered only for one year. [url="http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/cbprecision.htm"]http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/cbprecision.htm[/url] I saw a 50's P bass in cherryburst with an anodised scratch plate a few weeks back and it looked stunning. Nice bass Matt - congrats! [/quote] Thanks CK - very interesting link as well. Anyone know how long Fender used the S8.... serials and when E.... came? I seem to have it that S8..... was used 1978-1980 and that E1... came in -81. However, based on your link it is probably from 1981. Let's say early eighties! The previous owner bought this in California in 1994 while studying at MI, and it was his only bass until like many of us being sucked into forumbased GAS a couple of years back. It has some very nice signs of wear accumulated over the years.
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1322841721' post='1456568'] Not exactly a Baddass, but I had one of those 70s Jazzes, and fitted a Gotoh 201 bridge to it. It seemed to exaggerate all that is good about a Jazz - tight lows, crisp defined highs etc. Made it sound more "hi-fi" in a way. [/quote] I'd say the very same is true for the Badass II, to my taste a more solid bridge is perfect on a slightly heavier 70's Jazz, just as the bent piece of tin is a great match for a lighter Jazz with 60's PU spacing. The difference due to bridge isn't massive, but it's definitely audible. PU placement, overall weight and strings (like DR Fat or Hi Beams on a 70's) probably make more of a difference, but the bridge mass definitely is part of the equation. Plus, a Badass always looks great. (Not so sure about the RW vs maple deal though, even if aestetically I prefer maple).
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