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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. They probably weren't even trying to launder money. The scam is that they appear to have paid money onto your account, but the payment is not confirmed. It shows on your account, but funds have not actually been received. You then send the £9,400 off and a week later, the "payment" disappears from your account, leaving you out of pocket.
  2. He's the John Shuttleworth of bass guitar.
  3. Still for sale, oddly enough...
  4. Generic Chinese PA speakers. Similar to those sold by Studiospares and others. They order them from the factory in China with their choice of name on them. Nothing wrong with them per se, but, as usual, you get what you pay for. If they cost £50, they are going to sound like £50 speakers, if they cost £100, they will sound like £100 speakers. And so on..
  5. Who else's responsibility can it be? The buyer's? The Government's? The Man in the Moon's? I suspect most people go the Flog It et al because they think they won't have to pay for a valuation. Do you really not "do the research" when you're buying or selling something? You must be either made of money or stoney broke.
  6. Moral of the above seems to be to steer clear of the budget/ripoff airlines. By the time you've paid for all the "optional extras" - seats, lavatory, oxygen, etc - you're no better off.
  7. If you want an 8 input, cheap, reasonable mixer that will give 3 monitor mixes (and don't mind it not being digital), look for a used Allen & Heath PA12. I use one for smaller jobs. Has 8 XLR ins (phantom power individually switchable for each channel) plus a couple of stereo ins, 3 monitor/aux outs, decent - 4 band - eq, onboard FX. Outputs are on XLR or TRS/mono jack. I got mine used (and mint/boxed) for around £150 and I've been very happy with it.
  8. eBay is your friend. Any reasonable used PA power amp will deliver bridged into a 4 ohm load. Peavey, Crown and QSC are all reliable choices. Avoid El Cheapos. They generally have crummy power supplies and inadequate protection circuitry and don't like low impedance loads.
  9. Yes, better mixers have XLR or TRS outs. You can use mono jacks with TRS outs. You just get an unbalanced signal (which isn't usually an issue if cable runs are short, as pete says above. See his comment about post fade not being ideal for monitors - you cannot control monitor levels independently of main levels if you run them post fade.
  10. Sticky residue removal? Oooooer. Am I the only childish one on here? 😜 On a more serious note, white spirit will shift most residues from stickers. It won't harm finishes other than oil-based ones (which the finishes on most electric guitars aren't). Even on those, if you wipe on and off very quickly, it will be fine.
  11. That's more to do with the psychology of buying/selling. eBay is an auction site, not a shop window with price tags on the items. Plenty of stuff selling in my experience. If you set a buy it now price on eBay, people are unable to think they could get a bargain and are unlikely to bid. If that's the way you prefer to sell, you're better off putting it in the Marketplace on here. If using an auction site, you need to start the price low and let the market determine the value. You often end up with more than you expected, especially if you have something desirable and several bidders get into a bidding war over it.
  12. It's the way of the world. If you want people to give you some money, you gotta smile sweetly and answer their questions.
  13. Stop being reasonable. We came here to air our prejudices 😁
  14. There is no "normal" in my experience. It's all down to what you negotiate. If someone can put you into places you wouldn't otherwise be able to get into and is laying out for venue hire, they are going to want to see a return. That's fair enough.
  15. The thing to bear in mind is that a lot of people play in more than one band (this applies especially to brass players), so they need an aide-memoire. It's OK if you play the same 20-30 numbers every night.
  16. Yes. Slapping a bass is like playing the banjo. A gentleman knows how to, but doesn't.
  17. Caveat vendor. Whilst the Beeb isn't out to do Joe and Janet Public any favours, people only have themselves to blame if they don't get a proper appraisal on any musical instrument, painting, etc before selling it. You don't have to be Einstein to work out that an auction room full of furniture and bric a brac collectors in Stow on the Wold isn't the best place in the world to sell an electric guitar...
  18. The difference is not great. Variation in individual fret spacing boils down to very little between 32" and 34" scale length . Unless you have very small hands, I'd stick with regular. There is also a much wider choice of instruments in regular.
  19. Nice amp. Those knob caps are pennies. Have a look on eBay.
  20. All good advice above. I'd certainly suggest sticking with name brands - Squier, et al - and not being tempted to modify them with things like replacement pickups. That way, you'll be able to sell them on easily and for a decent price if you look after them when the time comes to upgrade (as it surely will). Have fun.
  21. I use thick rubber kids play area mats. A fraction of the cost of Auralex and similar and they're solid enough not to allow your gear to move. The sponge ones tend to squash/wobble under the weight of any decent sized cab.
  22. The only way, in my experience, to make it regret-free (relatively, anyway) is to find something you like even more than the instrument you're selling. Which of course gets more difficult as you acquire nicer instruments...
  23. Good quality and nicely made, but much more conventional in design than BF. Essentially, a well built and finished (and quite heavy) conventional box, without the extensive bracing/sophisticated porting BF uses. I had a 2x12 built by them, to which I added my own drivers (I don't know whether it's still the case, but Zilla used to build cabs for you to fit your own drivers). You really need to try/compare them (which is obviously more difficult with custom-built cabs, which tend not to be sold through retailers, so you can't walk into any shop and do that). Hope this is of some help.
  24. Factor in all the grief above and you're better of paying the extra for K&M to start with. Buy nice or buy twice.
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