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Everything posted by Lynottfan

  1. Far to many Signature models, it has got really silly now, next it will be Penry the mild mannered janitors sig bass. Roadworns are a good bang for the buck especially secondhand, but some of the pricingfor the USA non custom shop stuff is crazy. I wish them well and hope they sort it out but certainly the brand has been devalued, I know how Leo started it all and the ethos behind it regarding the manufacturing process etc... but there are some shocking Fender USA out there and for the money there shouldn't be imho.
  2. Due to issues with a hip injury I have been looking at lighter gear, even the EBS stuff is a bit heavy now, whilst I can't bring myself to move away from my Ray, a lighter amp is figuring and I have been looking at and trying out the GK MB500 and I was very impressed and likely to pull the trigger very shortly.
  3. The Legendary Mr Louis Johnson used to wear a glove on his hand, I think he did it to slow himself down iirc, that boy can slap!
  4. Like most of us I tend to judge the person, when I have lent my gear out it has been to players I know and respect and they have done the same for me, so no problem there. I do believe in carrying a backup bass as it makes live easier and some times I just fancy a change, so a spare is usually there,if I can help out I will and over the years I have helped out a lot of players, however sometimes I have said no. This leads me to one of my pet hates of when you do say no, that the recipient of the negative then tries to make out that it is your fault that he/his band can't do whatever etc.... NO mate problem is with you!
  5. I am glad thy are still doing the rounds, and that Nile is still doing what he does and playing some great funky guitar, Jerry is great, but, MAN it really makes me miss Bernard, he made the simplest lines so funky and catchy and played so economically and he looked so damn cool doing it, I do miss that Brother.
  6. Big fan of the Status Graphite necks here, the biggest plus and the reason I got mine is the tuning stability is superb. Nice one mate.
  7. £3000! You can buy a hell of a lot bass for that kind off money, and I don't care what anyone says, that is not a hell of a lot of bass, sorry but not worth it.
  8. Always wanted to have a go at Just what I needed by the cars, done it in rehearsals, big fan of Ben Orr and I can sing it (just) would love to do it live.
  9. In answer to the question YES and big time. I think that a name player is just that, a name. If you were signed and touring you to would be a name player, it doesn't mean they are actually any good, as we all know some are great, but if you look back through history even at some of the all time greats and the "states" that some of them may have been in and their playing is appalling. I look at it as a great leveller, that at the end of the day we are all just playing our instruments and I agree that skills levels will vary but we all mess in the end at some point.
  10. Rory was a monster, I don't think any player ever hit their guitar with as much passion night after night as him, pretty much always on when live, and Gerry is one great bass guitarist to boot, always entertaining, nice article cheers for sharing and the box set is in my amazon basket already.
  11. Sadly, the answer is yes, the NWOBHM and the subsequent fist waving metal as rebellion music seems a long time ago. Ozzy for example the once prince of darkness, and he was, now a sad act reality tv star we laugh at, metal has become "pop"
  12. Mac for Music every time, yes they are more expensive, but worth it, I find them much nicer to use, imho.
  13. I would go for a new classic and effectively have the best of both worlds, pre ebmm styling and bridge, a tad thinner neck, 2band eq but improved build quality, thats my humble.....
  14. I loved Steve Vai with David Lee Roth, and the passion and warfare thing, just couldn't get into his stuff much further, great player though, not that keen on the whole Ibanez sound though, but thanks for sharing.
  15. NOW that is the EVH I love! What a band that was to.
  16. Seen this list, took it for what they all tend to be, but it did make me smile that Another one bites the dust is above Good times....... humm bet ol' Nile have a comment on that.
  17. Great looking P bass, good luck with the sale, sadly new car, me skint. Out of curiosity what strings are on that bass? best regards.
  18. Thin Lizzy Black rose, Phil is on fire on this album. Ian Dury New boots and Panties, DIY and laughter, Norman Watt-roy Esquire, nuff said. Rage against the machine. Tim and a StingRay lethal combo and still his best sound imho. Chic Live in Japan Superproducers a Masterclass lesson in groove from Bernard Edwards.
  19. My mate told me about it, said it was much better than the US bass forum, and to be fair in the main he was right.
  20. me three there in 88' happy days. here to 2013!
  21. If you feel you can do justice to the songs, and will enjoy it, got for it mate! Good luck to you.
  22. Here mine, Phil Lynott Bernard Edwards Tim Commerford Marcel Jacob Norman Watt-roy Bruce Thomas Bruce Foxton Steve Harris John Entwistle JJ Burnel
  23. I'm pleased it works for him, but it looks like a bag of clag to me, big time contender for most ugly sig model. I guess Mr P not doing the status sig thing anymore then.
  24. The fiesta red 4 string P is a stunner, a black one with maple neck and a mirror scratch plate and hipshot d-tuner would just about do me in! These super P's are very tempting machines indeed.
  25. Timmy C, first RATM album and Bernard Edwards Chic live, Phil Lynott Black rose are sounds 101 for me.
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