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Everything posted by Acebassmusic

  1. It's an....er Ibanez neck plate complete with plastic gaskit that goes between the plate and the wood. Hard to photograph a shiny, mirror type thing but here goes....
  2. 4 chrome knobs in good condition. Lock on with the grub screws. Postage at cost.
  3. One preamp from an Ibanez SRX305 for sale. 9v system. Volume, blend, treble and bass controls. Postage at cost.
  4. One very clean set of Ibanez 5 string neck and bridge pickups from a SRX305 for sale with mounting screws. String spacing is designed around 16 to 18mm. They're both the same size at: Width = 39mm Length = 108mm Height = 23mm Foam thickness = 5mm Postage at cost.
  5. One very clean Ibanez 5 string bridge for sale with mounting screws. String spacing is 17mm. Postage at cost.
  6. I usually like Berg stuff but these don't do it for me. However they look like hours of fun at gigs with the new competitive punter sport of "Flick the beer mat into the bass port" ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿคฃ
  7. I tried this track for years and struggled with my right hand speed. The thing that made it much easier for me was changing the way I play. I use to really dig in for tracks like this but found by digging in my muscles were tensing up and slowing me down! Once I lightened up my plucking and relaxed my hand / arm / finger muscles I managed to work up to full speed. Just my 5p worth (2p plus inflation ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Hope it helps.
  8. Just bought a Babicz bridge from Matt. Great deal and delivered quickly. Highly recommend him. Thanks.
  9. You only think its not working properly because the decimal point looks like it's in the wrong place! ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ Now where's my Lotto ticket gone to? ๐Ÿ˜‚
  10. Just a little more history on the bass...... When I owned the bass (2016 to 2019) I re-shielded the cavity, replaced the vol / pan / tone pots (the tone pots were rough to operate and felt scratchy), included the stacked mid-frequency control & circuit, replaced the knobs to all matching, new jack socket.....all with the guidance of Jon Shuker. At the time I checked the pickup type with Jon as there were no markings on them. He advised that if I removed the plastc casing and looked at the the coils inside, a single coil is the big single, a split 3 / 2 inline coil is the big splits and two coils stacked is the Fatstack. These were the 3/2 so are Big Splits. I doubt they will have been changed out since but if you want to double check its pretty easy with just a screwdriver. It's no 20 of his photos: https://shukerguitars.co.uk/basses/shuker-singlecut-bass/#images-20 If anyones looking for sound files I made some here just before I sold it : Dropbox - Shuker Signal chain - if I remember correctly Shuker (probably bass & treble slightly boosted and new-ish strings (< 1 month) as I tend to restring a bass before I sell it. Then through a Smoothound wireless into my Demeter HBP-1 800D into a Berg CN212. There a little compression from A TC GMajor-II and then recorded live on my Samsung phone. Not done many recordings with my phone so some of the brightness heard may have been "enhanced" by a drop in bass due to the phones capability (just a guess). Overall I did find the bass produced a great articulate sound anyway due to the positioning of the pickups even when rolling of the treble you still got note definition. Hope this helps.
  11. At the end of Nov I bought 3 sets (1 Sadowsky and 2 D'Addario) Delivered very quickly for a good price.....might buy some more for Xmas and before the unmentionable "B" kicks in ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Yes, me! I bought a set of the GR i6 from Bass Direct and also have a pair of the ZS10' Pro's. The only comparison I can make between them is for listening to music at the moment and not as IEM so this may / may not help. Both pairs are a comfy fit for me and dont fall out even when moving around. Isolation from external sound seems the same. Cables - ZS10 comes with a good quality braided cable with 2 pin connections. The GR's are also good quality cables, but a bit lighter/thinner and include both a braided and a smooth cable, both with round (rotatable) connections. The GR comes with a protective case the ZS10 doesn't. Sound - ZS10's I can turn up really (too) loud without them distorting. Full bass sound without overpowering like some "fashion" headphones do even at lower volume where it usually fades. GR's are slightly quieter at the same volume setting and don't quite have the depth of bass the ZR10's do but are overall clearer for listening to detail. Again no distortion at volume. This is a direct A/B comparison playing the same tracks and hot swapping the phones. Build - I like the cable connections on the GR's more that the pins of the ZR10's, they just seem a bit more substantial especially if used as IEM. The fit and finish on both are really nice and well done. The GR's feel slightly lighter but that might be due to the lighter cable I mentioned. Price - GR's retail at ยฃ190 but I paid ยฃ150 at BD. The ZR10's cost me ยฃ40. Which would I go for?.......drum roll......although they are more expensive I would go for the GR's as the overall sound, fit, finish, cables & case is the better. Glad I only paid ยฃ150 though as ยฃ190 would be pushing it for me (Yorkshireman living in Scotland, you know the stereotype...."frugally sentitive" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ). Are they 4 times better than the ZR10's? No and I would have quite happily continued using them. They are very good value for the money. Hope this helps. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. Well spotted you two ๐Ÿ‘€ Time to book myself into Specsavers ๐Ÿคฃ
  14. The body looks exactly the same but just to confuse things even more the neck is different...black / gold logos. ๐Ÿค”
  15. Mmmm....I can see why you are frustrated and confused ๐Ÿค” You seem to have gone through everything trying to isolate the guilty party. At this point the only thing I would do myself is start back with the minimal audio chain (bass > cable > headphone amp > cable > headphones) and use it for a few days to see if anything happens. If not add one item into the system (pedal or zoom etc) and again use it for a few days. Then swap one pedal out at a time for another and again use for a few days. It might be a pain doing this but its the only way I can see to really isolate which bit of the system is not playing nicely ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck with finding the problem.
  16. Yeah I read you'd done the rewiring of the pickups and barrel jack which is one of the first things I would check as well. Usually there's more wiring to go wrong between the pick-ups and jack and I just assumed it would include the standard vol, balance, tone pots or preamp in the system. As you have an uncommon set up of direct to jack there's not a lot thats left either to go wrong or to check. ๐Ÿค” I see you have also tried the wiggle test to the jack. have you done the same to the wiring between the jack & pickup, ground wires etc. If there was any dodgy connections I would have assumed you would have experienced signal / no signal and not the changes in tone you talk about. Reading back through your mail you mention changing cables, pedals etc but nothing about your amp apart from eluding to it in your comment "usually the change happens after turning my setup off and coming back to it later ". Have you tried another amp? Have you tried a different bass with this amp? Is your cab a single speaker or mutiples / tweeter etc. If the cab wiring is a bit dodgy then that might cause the differences in tone with speakers cutting in and out? Just throwing a few other ideas out there to try help.
  17. What's the bass and onboard electronics? Checked for any dry joints on pre-amp boards etc? Any photos of the electrics for us to peruse?
  18. Excellent news. I've not used that particular adhesive, was it easy enough to use and handle?
  19. Have you thought about trying an adhesive like Loctite Epoxy Weld? Loctite Link
  20. I quite like the general sound of the bass but as others have said the hiss and gain control needs sorting. Other than that it's probably a good bass for the price. I'd need to play one to confirm that though. ๐Ÿ˜ The logo isn't the worst I've seen but could be better. I wonder what the actual legal standpoint is of building the bass in China and then finishing it off (eg: add the original logo) in another country where you can use the trademark? After all the bass came in a Sadowsky branded gig bag and branded box? ๐Ÿค”
  21. Have you checked the DI output from the Shuttlemax is set to line level?
  22. If you post some pictures of the top / wiring / underside we might be able to help and identify what you have . ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚
  23. Hi and welcome to BC! Your wiring diagram above is for guitar and not specifically your SB-4B pickups. Your wiring options will depend on number of pickups you're installing (1,2,3....etc), what pre-amp you have and the controls layout (vol, vol/vol, treble, mid, mid sweep etc etc). On the Syemour Duncan resources page there is a drop down selection for types of pickups and wiring configurations etc. Link Here: SD Wiring Options Are you sure the pickups are SB-4B as I read it on the website as they are 3 wire (2 core plus ground) not 5 wire (4 core and ground)? ๐Ÿค” The only other 4 string pickups with 5 wire I could see were the NYC version.
  24. Starter for 10.....Common Intervals
  25. I think that's a very good point that many people forget: It's an instrument and you need to practice regularly. The first time you picked up the bass were you a virtuoso? No, me neither....so why do we expect to be able to open our mouths and sing well with no prior work? @Phil Starr said " My own kids fall around laughing at my attempts to sing and I had nothing but negative comments for 50 years at least. " Yip, been there. 8 years of someone making little negative comments every practice about my harmonies etc tends to undermine your confidence bit by bit. (They wanted to take on more lead vocal duties and we already had an excellent singer. As BL I said no, so I guess there was a bit of sour grapes on their part). Fast forward and I'm in a new band doing harmonies....no complaints, positively encouraged....and all with the same voice! ๐Ÿ˜ Singing is a very personal activity and we are usually our own worst critics (hate the sound of my voice recorded etc). I think many of us would benefit early on from singing lessons to give us the tools and techniques to help. Also having someone independent who is going to be positive and encourage us to try even when we mess up and help start giving us the confidence to do more would give us a good start. There's a thread somewhere on here something like "singers who we like, who can't really sing". There's a lot of people earning a living "singing" who if they tried for a local band would probably be passed over, but when they sing the right song, in the right key and in a way that works for their voice its great. We need to do the same and choose the right song / key for our voice. There's lots of tracks out there that I would love to sing but I'd make them sound more like a "Yoko remix" due to my limitations. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜
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