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Everything posted by BassBus

  1. They have tried this already with the Ashula bass. Only difference was the fretless bit was on the other side of the neck.
  2. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1483262247' post='3205657'] My wife doesn't care if I buy a new bass, to the point that if I say I am selling one shes always asks 'Are you sure? You know you will regret it'. [/quote] Paul S doesn't make wives, but if he did they would be the best wives in the world.
  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1483217468' post='3205544'] Have you got a Death Wish??? Not too attached to your balls?? Just like living dangerously? So Bassbus is the first fatality for 2017 [/quote] Nope. I'm one of the lucky ones that has escaped marriage. Living happily with 13 basses.
  4. Maybe time to start taking a regular inventory of her shoe collection
  5. It's an amazing looking bass. Roundwound strings spoil it for me but then I do like a dark tone on a bass. Love to hear it with flats. Certainly has loads of growl. Wouldn't say no if I was offered it.
  6. [quote name='Downdown' timestamp='1481212182' post='3190626'] I don't get it... So, less of the sadness for these privileged celebs and more of the celebration of their achievements. [/quote] Celebrate their achievements yes but I'm not sure you understand the grieving process. Pre-industrial times we all lived in small, insular farming communities and we knew everyone very well. When someone died that affected each one of us strongly. those outside our small community we never knew and their lives never affected ours. Come the industrial revolution we worked in factories and offices mixing with lots of other people. When someone died we didn't know we couldn't feel that deep sense of loss our colleague felt. We learnt to hide and internalise our grief. We became disenfranchised. Come the internet those who were close to, followed or were heavily influenced by a person who died were deeply affected. They now have the benefit of forums such as this to pour out those feelings of loss and pain. The internet has re-enfranchised us in a way we can let out those feelings. You might not feel affected by all the deaths that have occurred this year but plenty of others have been. Please do not try to disenfranchise other people's grief.
  7. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1480716100' post='3186758'] Jazz chord maybe?! [/quote] No, that's a Stevie Wonder song. [size=4](Coat[/size] [size=3]in[/size][size=2][size=3] hand[/size] [/size][size=2]and halfway[/size][size=2] [size=1]out the door already)[/size][/size]
  8. Greetings Rexel Matador. I'm a fellow from them there parts too, near Berwick. Enjoy the fun here.
  9. Ah, shame I'm at the other end of the country. This will be interesting. Good luck with it.
  10. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1478633937' post='3170517'] I am a fan but I much prefer this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJEZWsnIECo[/media] [/quote] Me love dat. Translates well to reggae.
  11. I've always been a big fan of the album that so many seem to love to hate, Animals. It's what turned me onto the bass guitar and still a favourite. Sheep being particularly good.
  12. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1478559437' post='3169977'] People are not panicking blindly.. [/quote] People always do panic blindly in these situations. Scotland has faced this twice in recent decades. Firstly with devolution and then the Independence Referendum. I saw with my own eyes the mini property boom that occurred in Berwick upon Tweed. A significant number of houses were bought by people from Scotland in Berwick in the lead up to both these issues as a bolt hole should things not work out. What changed after them? Nothing.
  13. I wish everyone would stop the panic about Brexit. It is in Europe's interest as well as ours to do a good deal. Take the motor car industry for example. Mercedes Benz, BMW and VW have a vested interest in there being a good deal. VW in particular has more to loose than most. Not only are jobs in Germany under threat but also those at Seat in Spain and Skoda in the Czech Republic. As I understand it Volvo's biggest single market is the UK. That's Sweden as well. Apply the Dad's Army Principle. There are so many Private Frasers around saying "Wur doomed, doomed". But look, here's Corpral Jones; "Don't panic, don't panic. When you stuck you've got to show them the cold steel". In threatening a hard Brexit Theresa May might be seen as showing them the cold steel. When it comes down to it you know what Corpral Jones said about showing the cold steel. Indeed the pound dropping has actually benefited the UK economy. Our goods are now more competitive. Stop pinicing, that's what causes the problems.
  14. People like to blame the B****t nonsense for everything but I don't think that has a lot to do with American instruments. The pound has been widely reported as being artificially high in value for too long. Just resetting everything and it means lots of things will cost more.
  15. Thanks for posting this. I don't know if it was my system but the live webcast didn't work for me. Jeff Berlin has a lot to say and some people find him quite controversial. If you listen to him though he talks a lot of sense. Took me a long time to get him too.
  16. I have no idea about this bass but the electronics controls layout looks very similar to the layout on Jaydee basses. Nothing else suggests Jaydee though. Unless anyone else has any ideas an email to to John Diggins might be a start.
  17. Tighter. That's why a lot of manufacturers use a 35" or more scale on fivers or sixers to tighten up the B.
  18. Just received a loop switcher from Chris. I couldn't have asked for a quicker and more hassle free transaction. Pedal works fine and just what I needed. Deal with confidence. Thanks Chris.
  19. Really useful for those who are not sure. Perhaps this could be made a sticky.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1476902417' post='3158354'] Synth bass in "pop hits" goes back much further than the DX7. How about Giorgio Moroder or Kraftwerk both from the early 70s almost a decade before the DX7 made it's debut... [/quote] Granted, but it was the 80s that saw synthesized bass explode. I remember reading about a lot of session bass players branching out into other areas in music during the 80s. How many session bass players did Stock Aitken and Waterman use on their hits?
  21. I suppose it's similar to elctronic pianos and the real thing. The real thing has all the nuances that an electronic one will never have, no matter how good they are. Electronic bass has been used on pop recordings ever since the advent of the Yamaha DX7. Bass players still exist. Wouldn't worry too much. It is impressive though. Here's a comparison between electronic and real bass. Give me the real one any day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yczr25WmgzE
  22. Jumpin' Jehosifa, that is just the dogs dangly bits. Tight beyond belief. The Gibson guitar sounds fantastic and the horns are outstanding. I say that goes to 11.
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