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Everything posted by BassBus

  1. I have a 760FS set on my Overwater fretless. The best tone and feel I could ever have asked for. Highly recommended in this house. Oh yes, and they have been on for about two years now and still sound fantastic.
  2. BassBus

    Gizmotron 2.0

  3. BassBus

    Gizmotron 2.0

    It didn't sound very good when it was first produced in the 70s and it still doesn't sound good. If I remember correctly the wheels were spinning all the time and it was just a matter of pushing them onto the strings with the keys. The wheels will wear out as they are making contact with a roundwound string. I'm sure it will be used by a few as the Ebow is. Remember though that this was originally conceived before synths became widespread. Now we have guitar synths you can just plug your guitar into and get many different sounds without adding anything to your guitar.
  4. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1486828087' post='3234843'] [color=#0000ff][size=8]COR![/size][/color] [/quote] [size=8][color=#0000cd]BLIMEY![/color][/size]
  5. This was one of the other Warwick prototypes
  6. Ditto. Never actually spoken to them but ordered bits from them in the past and always been a good, prompt service.
  7. Isn't there a national bass event happening at Olympia shortly?
  8. I had used TI jazz flats on fretless before and was happy with them. Tried them on my Overwater fretless and didn't like the tone. Put a set of Labella flats on that bass and the tone just exploded it was so good. Some strings will suit some basses more than others but there is only one way to find out. I'd give them a go.
  9. Here's a list of some other sites that Google produced [font=arial, sans-serif][size=4] [b]Here are 10 of the best sites that offer free image hosting and make the process of uploading and sharing your images easier than ever.[/b][/size][/font][list] [*]Imgur. Screenshot of Imgur.com. ... [*]Google Photos. Screenshot of Photos.Google.com. ... [*]Flickr. Screenshot of Flickr.com. ... [*]500px. Screenshot of 500px.com. ... [*]Photobucket. ... [*]Dropbox. ... [*]Free Image Hosting. ... [*]TinyPic. [/list]
  10. ...and he/she still hasn't put any pots on it so I'll wait until that is done and then I might think about buying it.
  11. You want small? You want 200 watts? Can you wait a short while? Why not try this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m87JXqrLIc
  12. I know not many of you understand ambient soundscapes so you have been warned. Probably best to go and do something else while it's on in the background, then you'll appreciate it more. This one was played on my ESP LTD B205 through the usual bunch of effects that mean it doesn't really sound like a bass. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlbRFxZ428s[/media]
  13. Let's say your talking about mid frequency. You'll have a knob that allows you to select the frequency you want to control. Another knob will work alongside that to boost or cut that selected frequency. The boost and cut knob works in the same way as your regular bass/mid/treble knobs but you have the addition of being able to select which frequency you boost and cut.
  14. OK chaps and chapesses, here is my contribution to the noise boards. No dirt involved with this. All about ambientness. Hopefully later this year I'll add an EHX Superego or the new Plus Pedal sustainer due out in June. It is powered by a Pedal Plus 2 and Pedal Plus 4x4. Volume pedal is Ernie Ball VPJR
  15. That's not something I would normally listen to but I really like it. Watch out; old git listening to metal.
  16. I'd agree with Rob above on knowing what you want. You can never know exactly 100% what it will turn out like until it is finished and in your hands. I notice from you signature that you're a bit of a Fender fan. You can order something similar from a custom builder but as I've said it's an unknown quantity. I have had basses built by Status and Overwater and have personally met the guys who design and build the instruments. Brilliant experiences each time and basses you can't beat. But even though I trusted them and had a good idea of what would come along, there is that question. Having said all that I have never had any regrets. Then again off the shelf basses don't give me what I'm looking for. Custom builds do.
  17. [b][size=5]H[/size][/b][size=2]ardly[/size]
  18. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1484509726' post='3215994'] I think that was Guns and Roses.... I guess Child in Time? [/quote] Ah, think you might be right
  19. Black Night or maybe Sweet Child of mine or maybe Highway Star. I don't know. There's only one way to find out...
  20. It's too subjective to be of a lot of use. I do not like Fender P basses at all. Sound, looks, feel just doesn't do it for me. However I accept I am very much in a minority. Equally there are people who hate headless basses. I think they are the best thing since the electric bass was invented. Get my point?
  21. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1484120021' post='3212762'] I have first hand experience of Mr Gwizdala. Do you? Thanks for the apology. [/quote] [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1484054712' post='3212237'] I've met him a few times, he was a visiting tutor at my uni. He was a really nice guy, always had time to talk and take questions. An immense talent too. Maybe people in real life are different to their online personae ? [/quote]
  22. If you use one of the many photo host online then copy the direct link into the box that appears when you click on the icon that looks like a wee tv (labeled 'Image') in the reply box, your pics will show beautifully
  23. Maybe a link might help interested parties find it?
  24. I have my fivers tuned E-C. I don't like the tone of a low B so that's out for me. I don't need a low B either. I like to play chords and tunes and the C adds that extra range. You can of course do that with B-G tuning but chords sound a bit muddy for my liking and tunes don't ring out the way they do with a C. Remember though, it is only an extra 5 semi-tones in each direction. What music do you like playing? Not everyone has a use for a high C as I don't have a use for low B. If you just play 'ordinary' bass parts then maybe stick with a B.
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