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el borracho

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Everything posted by el borracho

  1. This week I tried to use a £20 note that went out of circulation in 2010 (similar to the current £10 notes). No idea where I got it from but the local bank changed it without question 7 years on.
  2. [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1493743192' post='3290378'] It's just the bands that came out of the desert scene that happened in the early 90's in So-Cal, Doom is another style entirely imo. A few favourites of mine; [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb05wrBVFUU[/media] [/quote] There's something familiar about that!!
  3. [quote name='fftc' timestamp='1493064057' post='3285364'] Seahorses. [/quote] Good shout, I was listening to that yesterday. I saw Chris Helme at a festival a couple of years ago. Much of the set was his own stuff before he finished with a few Seahorses songs. You could see people's reaction change as they realised who he was!
  4. The Big Muff I've been religiously carrying around for the last 18 months but never seem to use at a gig.
  5. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1493296930' post='3287236'] Avoid choosing anything you'll have to spell to anyone as odds-on you'll end up trying to explain the spelling during a loud gig. [/quote] You mean something like The Beatles!! Wonder how many times they had to spell it in the early years.
  6. Some I enjoy but wish there was more of - all only did 2 or 3 albums Baker Gurvitz Army Hard Stuff Boxer Detective The Playn Jayn Boy Kill Boy
  7. Prompt response, well packed and was sent quickly. The Hipshot is as described - no problems at all. Nice easy transaction. Many Thanks
  8. I can remember him playing with Bernie Tormé. Done quite a variety hasn't he?
  9. I was diagnosed with arthritis at 29. I've had a wide variety of pains over the years but I'm still playing and ignoring them at 52!
  10. I got mine at: [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/nitrocellulose-lacquer/"]http://www.mancheste...lulose-lacquer/[/url] Edit - Just realised you want it done for you!
  11. That looks like a Klotz to me. I had a green one for many years!
  12. What I used to do (I don't sing anymore) was slow it right down and study how the vocal melody worked with the bass line and where the changes happened with relation to timing. Once I understood how the two lines intereacted that often made it easier when back up to normal speed. Worked for me although it did nowt for my voice or inability to remember the words!
  13. 1984 Ibanez Blazer Rotosound Trubass strings Carlsbro Cobra 90 combo Green curly lead
  14. My favourite is Tim Bogert who has played with loads of bands. Here's a couple - if I've done the links right. I obviously haven't and don't know how to do it- go it, sort of. http://youtu.be/TDlrmz5GC6A http://youtu.be/UeTrGTtKyp8
  15. [quote name='disssa' timestamp='1487100939' post='3237151'] I play a rig with a poweramp: [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][url="https://www.disssa.de/reviews/preamps/trace-elliot-v-type-preamp/"]Trace Elliot V-Type Pre[/url][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]TC Electronics Triple C[/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Synq 2k2 Power Amp[/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][url="https://www.disssa.de/reviews/preamps/ampeg-svt-iip/"]Ampeg SVT-IIP[/url][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][url="https://www.disssa.de/reviews/amps/swr-amplite/"]SWR Amplite[/url][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][url="https://www.disssa.de/reviews/preamps/swr-interstellar-overdrive/"]SWR Interstellar Overdrive[/url][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][url="https://www.disssa.de/reviews/preamps/fender-tbp-1/"]Fender TBP-1[/url][/font][/color] [color=#191919][font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I own a lot of [url="https://www.disssa.de/reviews/preamps/"]preamps[/url] and I like to combine the preamps with a synq audio 2k2 as a poweramp.[/font][/color] [/quote]Do you find the SWR works best with the SVTIIP? I am looking for a lightweight poweramp to use with mine - the Ampeg AP3550 it currently uses is too heavy.
  16. I can play bass, drums and ok on guitar. Keyboards I keep trying and can play some things fine but can't play properly. Violin, tried but fingers are too close together. Saxophone could play a bit but wasn't really interested. Vocals - I know the technique of how to sing but my voice just doesn't sound nice - was told once it was the shape of my head!
  17. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1486499760' post='3232355'] Was that wine and eBay you mean? [/quote] That combination netted me a Musicman Stingray, a G&L 2500 & more recently a Barefaced cab. Fortunately they all worked out OK The less said about my Tokai Hard Puncher the better - I put that one down to experience! You've got me looking at DOD Chorus pedals now...
  18. Eric Clapton - Behind the Mask. I prefer it to Yellow Magic Orchestra or Michael Jackson's versions. Greg Phillinganes did an ok version as well.
  19. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1486659377' post='3233646'] Ditto. Never actually spoken to them but ordered bits from them in the past and always been a good, prompt service. [/quote] Me too and the guy was very helpful with an enquiry. His electrics are still going strong in my main gigging bass, Local to me but I've never been there although I have probably been in a band with him at some point in the last 35 years
  20. There's nobody to me more cheesy than Barry Manilow, but I think the arrangement of Could It Be Magic is perfection.
  21. I saw that last night and was wondering what it was. Thanks!
  22. Amazing story - makes you appreciate the ease with which we can buy gear. I have a Musician MC800 - the single pickup passive version. Great to play but sooooo heavy!
  23. I was privileged to see Man twice complete with Deke and Micky Jones. The 2nd time Terry Williams was on drums - great memories. I was listening to Call Down The Moon only a couple of days ago.
  24. 45-105 again. Currently D'Addario Pro Steels. I put my choice down to Rotosound being the most widely available strings in the 1980s (at least in my memory!). That was their standard gauges. I tried different ones over the years but eventually just stuck to what I was comfortable with. In the early 90s I used Dean Markley Blue Steel which I seem to remember had a .47 gauge G and once tried some Superwound 40-90 but I broke them - only string breaks ever.
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