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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. SVT and a fridge? They did know that Bonzo wasn't actually playing, right?
  2. I first played bass at age 17. Last week I was 48, so anytime now...
  3. No gig for me, so spent some time reading through some Queen classics.
  4. Cool, glad you got sorted. Thanks for posting the diagram too, might be useful to another BCer!
  5. on/on/on DPDT switches are labelled like this: 1 4 2 5 3 6 and in the centre position will only connect 1 to 2 and 5 to 6, so I'd put the first single coil across pins 1 and 4 and the second coil to 3 and 6, then the output to the volume pot or preamp as 2 and 5, that way it'll run single/parallel/single.
  6. I’ve never had any issue with anything from Wilkinson - all of my basses have various models and configurations of their pickups, and I’m fairly sure their tuners are on all of my headstocks too - pleased to report no failures after probably the best part of a decade. Perhaps more importantly, recording and FOH engineers haven’t either!
  7. The Monte Allum does a few things - boosts low/mid frequencies, takes some of the 'fizziness' out of the stock pedal, and (i think) the switch just selects different pairs of clipping diodes, and in one position asymmetrical clippers (two diodes going one way, a single one the other way). They also 'upgrade' the opamps to a pair of more modern opamps so that the signal to noise ratio is improved. This diagram is from Brian Wampler's excellent publication on pedal modifications, and details if not the exact Monte Allum mods, then something very close to it.
  8. Great chops and a lovely squelchy synth patch. Add to that a stingray through an octave pedal and it's the whole package!
  9. Fair point, it’s just my experience with my cabs. The 4ohm cab IS more sensitive though.
  10. If it's stereo then yes - I run a stereo PA amp with separate 8Ω and 4Ω cabs.
  11. You could use the separate left and right speaker outs - one for each speaker, but as Chris has already said, running them in parallel (two speakers from the same output) isn't safe to do. You'll notice that your 4Ω cab is MUCH louder than the 8Ω, as it allows the full 250W to be delivered to the cab, but it's possible. Another way to do it would be to run it in Bridged mode (8Ω minimum) with the cabs wired in series (giving you a 12Ω load), but you'd need a specialist cable to do that as it would need to run: Amp hot ->8Ω speaker hot, 8Ω speaker ground -> 4Ω speaker hot, 4Ω speaker ground -> Amp ground.
  12. Blame it on the Boogie - Jacko. On a side-note, I'm not sure if this would have been his best defence... It must be love - Madness
  13. Aw schitt. Gibby was a massive influence on my early forays into the world of fretless.
  14. It’s easy to fall into the rabbit-hole of ‘improvements’ to a cheap bass, but unless it’s making your life difficult or isn’t doing something that you want it to then I’d say stick with it. Unimproved basses generally hold their value more than most that have been tinkered with, so there’s that to consider if and when you want to upgrade to another bass down the line. If you’re currently enjoying playing it then my advice would be to keep doing that.
  15. FWIW I ‘ve had the VT bass, BDDI (both versions) and a Paradriver. The Paradriver was head and shoulders above the other sansamp stuff in terms of flexibility and sound.
  16. Some folks on the other site have compared the Paradriver with the Behringer ADI-21; it's got the sweepable mids of the paradriver, but not the drive.
  17. I seem to recall Alanis Morissette having a fair set of pipes on her too.
  18. Ditto. First time I heard Devin was on Steve Vai's "Sex and Religion" - quite an eye-opener!
  19. There’s probably some psychology behind ‘self sabotage’, but it still beggars belief that people still do this.
  20. IME Jazz guitarists know more than just a pentatonic scale.
  21. You know it is, it really is.
  22. Flats on a Jazz - good enough for Led Zeppelin!
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