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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. what, you mean with a pointy headstock?
  2. 'The Future' by the incredible Leonard Cohen. Brilliant stuff.
  3. Could you imagine? It'd be like Morrissey's stag do.
  4. paul_5

    Behringer clones

    Their Vintage Phaser is essentially an EHX Small Stone. And very good it is too.
  5. paul_5

    Behringer clones

    That's not really a proper defence under copyright law...
  6. Neck tilt on the neck plate is a plus too - I had one on my 90's Hohner fretless Jazz, which I regret selling.
  7. Marshall practice amp TE AH150 with 4x10, then added a 1x15 very briefly an Ashdown thing a couple of SWR SM400 and 220 heads for a while Ampeg svp Pro and Laney Power amp in to various cabs, currently a 1x12 and 2x 10
  8. Aren't there laws against stacking SVT heads - something to do with changes in the earth's orbit I think.
  9. here's a useful primer on the mechanics of the bass guitar bridge.
  10. The little screws serve two purposes - the vertical ones adjust how high the string sits above the fingerboard at rest - known as the 'action', and the horizontal ones (in the same axis as the string) adjust the intonation - allowing the player to stay in tune all the way up the neck. If a string is rattling too much when it's tuned properly then chances are it's bouncing on the metal frets and needs to be raised - the vertical screws will do this.
  11. A spring washer or locking washer should fix it - can be had for pence from any hardware store.
  12. Pffft, it'll never catch on.
  13. Puts me in mind of Keef getting schooled by Chuck Berry... ...the clip seems to have disappeared from YouTube, but suffice to say that Chuck was NOT as gracious an instructor as Ms Kaye was.
  14. Water melon is Easter Hay - Zappa. I think I should probably stop now. Nurse!
  15. Not my video, but a comprehensive demo of this one with bass.
  16. Nope. If anything I'm worser going backwards!
  17. I've had great fun watching the 12" driver (admittedly, it's designed as a sub-woofer) in my 'Bass' cab jump backwards and forwards like billy-o until I start to raise the frequency of the HPF and then it doesn't move anywhere near as much. Still sounds great though. Seriously, every home should have one!
  18. Hair Pie: Bake 1 - Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band
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