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Everything posted by Lozz196

  1. Wow, nearly a grand for a 112.
  2. In my late 40s I had some late 70s Precisions that were around 10.5lbs and I was fine with them then, even though my back was iffy even then. I wouldn’t be ok with them now though.
  3. Thinking about this I wonder if something like the Elf or Gnome could be adapted for this purpose.
  4. One of our guitarists does this, pedalboard amp - which sounds excellent btw - and his various effects on one board. Makes his life a lot easier for setting up at gigs.
  5. Loving the look of the Rootmaster EVO III range.
  6. Totally get that Mick, it`s what I do for fun & to have laughs, making it the day job would have killed my enthusiasm for it.
  7. Bristol is great, I’ve gigged in a good few venues there, The Fleece, Louisiana, The Exchange, O2 Academy, and what used to be a prison (can’t remember the name tho). All were via 2 promoters, John & Ziggy. I’ve not got any more details sadly but they do punk/Oi/indie so worth doing some research.
  8. When I was in a band called The Gorgeous Heroes we used Bowies Heroes as our walk on theme. Btw, none of us were either gorgeous or heroic.
  9. I was thinking earlier that I could get a Squier CV60s Mustang, a Behringer BDI21, a set of Elixir steel rounds, a KiOgon wiring loom, a Fender gig-bag and a TC Unitune clip-on tuner for around £500 and have a decent enough set up for what’s needed to gig at venues with FOH PA and rehearse at studios with provided backline.
  10. I really want a Charvel Pro-Mod San Dimas PJ IV. Not practical for me as can only do short scale basses nowadays but love the look of these. https://www.charvel.com/gear/shape/san-dimas-bass/pro-mod-san-dimas-bass-pj-iv/2963068595
  11. Given the price of the Ampeg SGT-DI they may have to price competitively.
  12. Yep, in 1987 I paid £450 for a Yamaha BB1100s at a time when a pint of beer was around 60/65p, so my bass was equivalent to some 700 pints of beer. With a pint now being around a fiver, well that’s around £3,500 today.
  13. Just got in from a Spacewasters gig at Signature Brew in Haggerston, London, first gig with our new guitarist and the singer just doing stand up vox having now dropped guitar. Went really well, one of those gigs without sound check, just plug in and off you go. No errors, very receptive audience and home in time for an Uber kebab and Match of The Day (with Lineker muted of course).
  14. Jazz bass, nickel rounds, neck pickup on full, bridge pickup on about 30%, gives similar punch to a Precision but just lower down.
  15. No, I go through periods of playing at least once if not more a day to sometimes not playing for a week or more, doesn’t make any difference to me.
  16. For a less mid-forward bass I’d look at a Jazz bass.
  17. Good point, I know a good few guitarists who bought Tokai Love Rocks as backup to their Gibson Les Pauls only to decide the Tokai was better.
  18. Great rehearsal with The Spacewasters last night, the first one with our new line up. The singer/rhythm guitarist has dropped guitar so we’ve brought in another guitarist and it’s made a really good change as he’s able to trade on lead solos with the regular guitarist, plus the singer is now able to concentrate on his vocals much better. We’ve a gig tomorrow evening and really looking forward to it with this new line up.
  19. I’ve had a Tokai Hardpuncher and a Vintage Tony Butler Precision, both were very good, if pushed I’d say I preferred the Vintage. Really nice bass, played & sounded great.
  20. Yep the pre-shape def scoops out, but I always found that Trace cabs seemed to have a hi-mid spike that couldn`t be removed. I like Trace amps but cos of that spikiness never really liked their cabs that much.
  21. It all seems a bit Spinal Tap to me: But my Orange bass is Purple!
  22. Ah this is a great shame, seen him a good few times and always great.
  23. Ye cannae change the laws of phusics
  24. Yes I`ve found that, volume on Channels at midday = volume on compressor at about 8 o`clock.
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