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  2. TBH i hadn't considered the bar side of it but yep that all makes a lot of sense. What i have found is that when doing long sets and 2 or 3 nights in a row my fingers struggle. Not so much mobility but more blisters and fingertips. When we do get told by the venue that they want 2 x 60min sets its a revelation and i have no issues at all. The more i gig tho the less my fingers notice any aches or pains but it only takes a month OFF for peoples hols and i'm back to square one again (maybe not quite LOL) Dave Dave
  3. Yes indeed! Several of us: Which wireless? - Accessories and Misc - Basschat
  4. MartinB, Yes, that's the stuff !! Much appreciate it. I enjoy peruzing / patronizing small places like this. Thank you for the link... these places are tough to find on web searching, for me anyways..
  5. Wow! There's a blast from the past! GLWTS!
  6. Yep! https://thelittleguitarshop.com/
  7. Thanks for your replies everyone, much appreciated. I contacted Dave at Ashdown and he replied pretty quickly as usual from Ashdown. I thought his reply was worth sharing as he explained how the drive control works on this amp: I would use a JJ ECC83S. Also try using a bit less input gain, this will alter not only the amount but the nature of the drive sound. The drive control on the amp alters the MIX of driven to undriven sound and the gain control alters the amount of drive, less gain = less drive. Matched BassAdder60's recommendation, but tbh I did originally believe the Drive Control altered the amount of drive rather than how much of the driven sound is mixed with the original signal. Darren.
  8. I have the new beta but the DLX is a legendary unit. It’s taking heaps of self control not to nab it. And I’m in Scotland 😭
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  10. Sometimes I find starting work on a cover version helps, I can't sing so they are usually done as an instrumental, ideas often start to flow and the piece eventually migrates so far from the original tune it becomes effectively a new song.
  11. Pedal arrived safe, in good time and working as it should. No hassles, recommended
  12. Ok in the past as a user of Shure GLXD16+ I was convinced it t was the best wireless and I’m certain it is however I’ve just got the very neat NUX 5.8ghz set for £130 and I’m pretty impressed so far. Any gigging folk on here using it and any issues ?
  13. Top geezer, bought a pedal. All is it should be with no hassles.
  14. Hello OB, Thank you for your reply, I dunno' really, I've seen random youtube videos where a guy goes to a small but well stocked shop in Netherlands, grabs a 62' Strat....another example..Mick/Dan from That Pedal Show went to a really cool vintage shop in one video... I'm just curious to see what else might be out there...consignment/used stores, maybe a smaller hidden gem independent shop somewhere. example: is there a cool shop in Birmingham or something like that.. in the states we refer to independent stores as Mom and Pop shops... they are starting to make a small showing around my area again.. Hopefully it is a trend that is gaining some momentum? I'm worn out on the bigger retailers stuff. But maybe the bigger stuff is the best of them? Have a good day, regards, Brad
  15. Try turning gain down to bellow 12 o'clock, 10 o'clock or so, and even lower if your bass happens to have high output (humbuckers/active), and turn up the master volume instead to compensate.
  16. Yeah but they are like hen's teeth 'used' and I'm not convinced a SL will have equal tone to buy one new! I have a pair of Lionel basses (1 of which is very light) but I'm needing to find if the 34" scale basses can be sub 8lb.
  17. Wow, that marley blue one is great! I much prefer this bodyshape over the T, so seeing one with two J pickups is a pleasant surprise. Great mod! My Lionel is on the heavy side, but it's a satin finish which come with an ash body. The glossy and aged ones are all alder bodies and much lighter. I didn't weigh mine, but it's definitely one of my heaviest basses.
  18. Had one, loved it, in my top 3
  19. Today
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  21. Yep, Master tapes were deleted too. It was a statement on throwaway culture of music on the internet and streaming. There's a clause in the contract that says they, or Bill Murray, may obtain the album back in a heist. Good for them. The only shame is that it's allegedly as good as any of the albums they releaed at peak. The whole endeavour is art in itself. Shame that Shrkeli bought it, they weren't pleased about that themselves.
  22. Hm. I always thougth Brown Sugar was a thinly veiled reference to heroin... See also Golden Brown by the Stranglers, Mr Brownstone by GnR, Mr Brown by Bob Marley ad infinitum....
  23. Hi Oliver, It's not ideal as I don't currently have any packing and the bass doesn't have a case. If you're in London jump on an off-peak train to Margate and I'll meet you at the station 👍
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